Fast and Adaptive Multi-agent Planning under Collaborative Temporal Logic Tasks via Poset Products






Published 4/10/2024 by Zesen Liu, Meng Guo, Weimin Bao, Zhongkui Li


Efficient coordination and planning is essential for large-scale multi-agent systems that collaborate in a shared dynamic environment. Heuristic search methods or learning-based approaches often lack the guarantee on correctness and performance. Moreover, when the collaborative tasks contain both spatial and temporal requirements, e.g., as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas, formal methods provide a verifiable framework for task planning. However, since the planning complexity grows exponentially with the number of agents and the length of the task formula, existing studies are mostly limited to small artificial cases. To address this issue, a new planning paradigm is proposed in this work for system-wide temporal task formulas that are released online and continually. It avoids two common bottlenecks in the traditional methods, i.e., (i) the direct translation of the complete task formula to the associated Buchi automaton; and (ii) the synchronized product between the Buchi automaton and the transition models of all agents. Instead, an adaptive planning algorithm is proposed that computes the product of relaxed partially-ordered sets (R-posets) on-the-fly, and assigns these subtasks to the agents subject to the ordering constraints. It is shown that the first valid plan can be derived with a polynomial time and memory complexity w.r.t. the system size and the formula length. Our method can take into account task formulas with a length of more than 400 and a fleet with more than $400$ agents, while most existing methods fail at the formula length of 25 within a reasonable duration. The proposed method is validated on large fleets of service robots in both simulation and hardware experiments.

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  • Coordinating and planning is crucial for large-scale multi-agent systems that work together in dynamic environments.
  • Existing approaches like heuristic search or learning-based methods often lack guarantees on correctness and performance.
  • When tasks involve both spatial and temporal requirements (e.g., Linear Temporal Logic formulas), formal methods can provide a verifiable planning framework.
  • However, planning complexity grows exponentially with the number of agents and the length of the task formula, limiting existing studies to small cases.

Plain English Explanation

When you have a large group of robots or other autonomous agents working together in a constantly changing environment, it's essential that they can coordinate their actions and plan effectively. Traditional methods like heuristic search or learning-based approaches often can't guarantee that the final plan will be correct and perform well.

This is especially challenging when the tasks involve both spatial and temporal requirements, like needing to visit certain locations in a specific order. Formal methods can help with this, but as the number of agents and the complexity of the tasks grow, the planning process becomes exponentially more difficult. Most existing studies have only been able to handle small, simplified scenarios.

Technical Explanation

To address these limitations, the researchers propose a new planning approach for large-scale multi-agent systems with complex, time-dependent tasks. Instead of directly translating the full task formula into a Büchi automaton and then synchronizing it with all the agents' transition models (a common bottleneck), their adaptive planning algorithm computes the product of relaxed partially-ordered sets (R-posets) on-the-fly.

This allows them to assign the resulting subtasks to the agents while respecting the ordering constraints, without the need to build the complete Büchi automaton upfront. They show that this approach can derive the first valid plan with a polynomial time and memory complexity, rather than the exponential complexity of traditional methods.

The researchers' method can handle task formulas with over 400 elements and fleets of more than 400 agents, vastly outperforming existing techniques that struggle with formulas as short as 25 elements. They validate their approach through both simulation and real-world experiments with large teams of service robots.

Critical Analysis

The proposed planning algorithm seems to be a significant advancement, allowing for the efficient coordination of large-scale multi-agent systems with complex, temporally-structured tasks. By avoiding the bottlenecks of previous methods, the researchers have developed a scalable approach that can handle much larger problem sizes than what has been possible before.

However, the paper does not discuss the potential limitations or edge cases of their method. For example, it's unclear how well the approach would handle highly dynamic environments with frequent changes, or scenarios where the agents have heterogeneous capabilities and constraints. Risk-aware task allocation could be an important consideration in some applications.

Additionally, the researchers focus solely on the planning aspect and do not address the challenge of adapting the plans as needed based on real-time feedback and changes in the environment. Integrating their planning approach with robust execution monitoring and replanning capabilities could further enhance its practical utility.


The researchers have developed a novel planning paradigm that enables efficient coordination and task allocation for large-scale multi-agent systems with complex temporal requirements. By avoiding the computational bottlenecks of traditional methods, their approach can handle problem sizes that were previously intractable, opening up new possibilities for the deployment of collaborative robotic systems in a wide range of real-world applications.

While the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed technique, further research is needed to address the potential limitations and expand the method's capabilities to handle more dynamic and uncertain environments. As the field of multi-agent systems continues to evolve, this work represents an important step forward in the quest for scalable, reliable, and verifiable coordination strategies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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