Tensor Frames -- How To Make Any Message Passing Network Equivariant






Published 5/27/2024 by Peter Lippmann, Gerrit Gerhartz, Roman Remme, Fred A. Hamprecht
Tensor Frames -- How To Make Any Message Passing Network Equivariant


In many applications of geometric deep learning, the choice of global coordinate frame is arbitrary, and predictions should be independent of the reference frame. In other words, the network should be equivariant with respect to rotations and reflections of the input, i.e., the transformations of O(d). We present a novel framework for building equivariant message passing architectures and modifying existing non-equivariant architectures to be equivariant. Our approach is based on local coordinate frames, between which geometric information is communicated consistently by including tensorial objects in the messages. Our framework can be applied to message passing on geometric data in arbitrary dimensional Euclidean space. While many other approaches for equivariant message passing require specialized building blocks, such as non-standard normalization layers or non-linearities, our approach can be adapted straightforwardly to any existing architecture without such modifications. We explicitly demonstrate the benefit of O(3)-equivariance for a popular point cloud architecture and produce state-of-the-art results on normal vector regression on point clouds.

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  • This paper introduces "Tensor Frames", a novel approach to making any message passing neural network equivariant to the special orthogonal group O(3).
  • Equivariance means the network's outputs transform in a predictable way when the inputs are transformed, which is important for tasks like physics simulation and 3D vision.
  • The authors show how Tensor Frames can be used to construct equivariant neural networks in any number of dimensions, building on prior work on equivariant neural networks and equivariant message passing.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called "Tensor Frames" that can make any message passing neural network equivariant to the special orthogonal group O(3). This means the network's outputs will transform in a predictable way when the inputs are transformed, such as by rotating or reflecting the input data.

Equivariance is an important property for neural networks used in tasks like 3D computer vision and physics simulation, where the inputs and outputs need to behave predictably under geometric transformations. Prior work has shown how to build equivariant neural networks, but Tensor Frames provide a new, more general approach.

The key idea behind Tensor Frames is to represent the network's hidden states as tensors, which are multi-dimensional arrays that transform in a predictable way under geometric transformations. By designing the network's operations to manipulate these tensor representations, the authors show they can guarantee equivariance.

Importantly, the Tensor Frames approach can be applied to "message passing" neural networks, which are a flexible and widely-used class of models. This means the benefits of equivariance can be obtained for a broad range of neural network architectures, not just specialized equivariant models.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces "Tensor Frames" as a general framework for constructing equivariant neural networks from any message passing architecture. The core idea is to represent the network's hidden states as tensors, which are multi-dimensional arrays that transform predictably under geometric transformations like rotations and reflections.

By designing the message passing operations to manipulate these tensor representations, the authors show they can guarantee the overall network is equivariant to the special orthogonal group O(3). This builds on prior work on equivariant neural networks and equivariant message passing.

The Tensor Frames approach is general and can be applied to a wide variety of message passing neural network architectures, including graph neural networks and lattice-based models. This allows the benefits of equivariance to be obtained for a broad range of neural network models, rather than just specialized equivariant architectures.

Critical Analysis

The Tensor Frames approach represents an important advance in building equivariant neural networks. By providing a general technique that can be applied to many different message passing architectures, the authors expand the reach of equivariant models beyond just specialized designs.

That said, the paper does not provide a comprehensive comparison to other equivariant techniques, such as the canonicalization approach. It's not clear how Tensor Frames compares in terms of representational capacity, ease of implementation, or performance on real-world tasks.

Additionally, the paper focuses on achieving equivariance to the special orthogonal group O(3), which is important for 3D applications but may not capture all the relevant symmetries for other domains. Extending the Tensor Frames approach to other symmetry groups could further broaden its applicability.

Overall, the Tensor Frames technique is a valuable contribution that demonstrates how equivariance can be incorporated into a wide range of neural network architectures. However, further research is needed to fully understand its strengths and limitations compared to alternative methods.


This paper introduces "Tensor Frames", a general framework for building equivariant message passing neural networks. By representing the network's hidden states as tensors that transform predictably under geometric transformations, the authors show how any message passing architecture can be made equivariant to the special orthogonal group O(3).

This is an important advance, as equivariance is a crucial property for neural networks used in tasks like 3D computer vision and physics simulation. The Tensor Frames approach expands the reach of equivariant neural networks beyond just specialized architectures, potentially enabling a wide range of applications to benefit from this desirable property.

While further research is needed to fully understand the strengths and limitations of Tensor Frames compared to other equivariance techniques, this paper represents a significant contribution to the field of equivariant deep learning.

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