Test-Time Adaptation for Depth Completion






Published 5/28/2024 by Hyoungseob Park, Anjali Gupta, Alex Wong



It is common to observe performance degradation when transferring models trained on some (source) datasets to target testing data due to a domain gap between them. Existing methods for bridging this gap, such as domain adaptation (DA), may require the source data on which the model was trained (often not available), while others, i.e., source-free DA, require many passes through the testing data. We propose an online test-time adaptation method for depth completion, the task of inferring a dense depth map from a single image and associated sparse depth map, that closes the performance gap in a single pass. We first present a study on how the domain shift in each data modality affects model performance. Based on our observations that the sparse depth modality exhibits a much smaller covariate shift than the image, we design an embedding module trained in the source domain that preserves a mapping from features encoding only sparse depth to those encoding image and sparse depth. During test time, sparse depth features are projected using this map as a proxy for source domain features and are used as guidance to train a set of auxiliary parameters (i.e., adaptation layer) to align image and sparse depth features from the target test domain to that of the source domain. We evaluate our method on indoor and outdoor scenarios and show that it improves over baselines by an average of 21.1%.

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  • This paper proposes an online test-time adaptation method for depth completion, which is the task of inferring a dense depth map from a single image and associated sparse depth map.
  • The method aims to close the performance gap between models trained on a source dataset and tested on a target dataset, which often suffer from domain shift.
  • The key insight is that the sparse depth modality exhibits a much smaller covariate shift than the image modality, so an embedding module is trained in the source domain to preserve a mapping from sparse depth features to those encoding both image and sparse depth.
  • During test time, the sparse depth features are projected using this map as a proxy for source domain features and are used to train an adaptation layer that aligns the image and sparse depth features from the target domain to the source domain.

Plain English Explanation

Towards Domain-Agnostic Depth Completion explores a common problem in machine learning: when you train a model on one dataset (the source domain), it often doesn't perform as well when applied to a different dataset (the target domain). This is because there can be a "domain gap" between the datasets, meaning they have different characteristics.

The researchers focused on the task of "depth completion" - taking a sparse depth map (where only some pixels have depth values) and using that along with an image to predict a dense depth map (where all pixels have depth values). They found that the sparse depth information tends to transfer better between domains than the image information.

So, they developed a method that uses the sparse depth features as a proxy for the source domain, and then trains an "adaptation layer" that aligns the target domain features to match the source domain. This allows them to adapt the model to the target domain in a single pass through the test data, without needing access to the original source dataset.

The researchers show that this approach can improve performance by an average of 21.1% compared to other methods, across both indoor and outdoor scenarios. This is a significant improvement and demonstrates the value of their test-time adaptation technique for bridging the domain gap.

Technical Explanation

Towards Domain-Agnostic Depth Completion investigates the problem of performance degradation when transferring models trained on one dataset (the source domain) to a different testing dataset (the target domain). This is a common issue due to the domain gap between the datasets.

The authors propose an online test-time adaptation method for the task of depth completion, which aims to infer a dense depth map from a single image and associated sparse depth map. Their key insight is that the sparse depth modality exhibits a much smaller covariate shift (difference in data distributions) than the image modality when transferring between domains.

To leverage this, the authors first train an embedding module in the source domain that preserves a mapping from features encoding only sparse depth to those encoding both image and sparse depth. During test time on the target domain, the sparse depth features are projected using this map as a proxy for source domain features. These proxy features are then used to train an adaptation layer that aligns the image and sparse depth features from the target domain to the source domain.

The authors evaluate their method on both indoor and outdoor depth completion scenarios, and show that it improves over baselines by an average of 21.1%. This demonstrates the effectiveness of their test-time adaptation approach in bridging the performance gap between source and target domains without requiring access to the original source data.

Critical Analysis

The Towards Domain-Agnostic Depth Completion paper presents a novel and promising approach to addressing domain shift in depth completion tasks. The key strength is the insight that the sparse depth modality exhibits a smaller covariate shift than the image modality, which allows the method to adapt effectively using only the sparse depth features as a proxy for the source domain.

However, the paper does not explore the limitations of this approach in depth. For example, it's unclear how well the method would perform if the domain shift in the sparse depth maps was more significant, or if the image and sparse depth modalities were more tightly coupled. Additionally, the evaluation is limited to indoor and outdoor scenarios, and it would be interesting to see how the method generalizes to other types of domain shifts.

Another potential concern is the computational overhead of training the adaptation layer during test time. While the authors claim this can be done in a single pass, the impact on inference time and overall model complexity is not quantified.

Overall, the Towards Domain-Agnostic Depth Completion paper presents a promising approach, but further research is needed to fully understand its capabilities and limitations. Readers are encouraged to think critically about the tradeoffs and consider how the method might be applied or extended in their own work.


Towards Domain-Agnostic Depth Completion proposes an innovative test-time adaptation method for depth completion that can significantly improve performance when transferring models between different datasets. The key insight is to leverage the sparse depth modality, which exhibits a smaller covariate shift, as a proxy for the source domain features during adaptation.

This work demonstrates the value of understanding the underlying data characteristics and modalities when addressing domain shift, and suggests that targeted adaptation strategies can be more effective than generic domain adaptation techniques. The authors' approach of aligning target domain features to the source domain in a single pass is a compelling solution that could have broad applicability beyond depth completion.

As depth sensing and 3D perception continue to advance, techniques like this that can robustly handle domain shifts will become increasingly important. The Towards Domain-Agnostic Depth Completion paper represents an important step forward in this direction, and serves as a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners working on related problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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