Testing the Predictions of Surprisal Theory in 11 Languages

Read original: arXiv:2307.03667 - Published 9/12/2024 by Ethan Gotlieb Wilcox, Tiago Pimentel, Clara Meister, Ryan Cotterell, Roger P. Levy
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Testing the Predictions of Surprisal Theory in 11 Languages

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  • This paper tests the predictions of surprisal theory, which suggests that language processing difficulty is related to the predictability of words in context.
  • The researchers analyzed reading times across 11 diverse languages to determine whether surprisal models can accurately predict processing difficulty.
  • The study provides empirical evidence supporting surprisal theory as a general principle of language processing.

Plain English Explanation

When we read or listen to language, our brains constantly try to predict what word will come next based on the context. Surprisal theory suggests that the more surprising or unpredictable a word is, the more difficult it is for our brains to process.

In this study, the researchers wanted to test whether surprisal theory holds true across a wide range of languages. They analyzed reading times for people reading text in 11 different languages, ranging from English to Mandarin Chinese. The researchers found that a surprisal-based model could accurately predict the reading times, supporting the idea that predictability is a fundamental principle of how our brains process language, regardless of the specific language.

Technical Explanation

The researchers used a technique called "self-paced reading" to measure processing difficulty. In this method, participants read text one word at a time, and the time they spend on each word is recorded. The researchers then compared these reading times to the surprisal values predicted by a statistical language model for each word.

Surprisal theory proposes that words that are less predictable in their context require more mental effort to process, resulting in longer reading times. The researchers tested this idea across 11 diverse languages, including English, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Turkish, to see if surprisal could consistently predict reading difficulty.

The results showed that the surprisal-based model was able to explain a significant portion of the variance in reading times across all 11 languages. This provides strong evidence that surprisal is a general principle of language processing, rather than something specific to a particular language.

Critical Analysis

One limitation of the study is that it only examined reading times, which may not capture all aspects of language processing difficulty. The researchers acknowledge that other measures, such as eye-tracking or neuroimaging data, could provide additional insights.

Additionally, the study focused on surprisal based on statistical language models, which may not fully capture the complex contextual and semantic factors that influence human language processing. Further research could explore other models of predictability, such as those based on cognitive or linguistic theories.

Overall, this study makes a compelling case for surprisal theory as a general principle of language processing, but there is still more work to be done to fully understand the cognitive mechanisms underlying this phenomenon.


This paper provides strong empirical support for the idea that the predictability of words in context is a fundamental driver of language processing difficulty. By analyzing reading times across 11 diverse languages, the researchers have demonstrated the broad applicability of surprisal theory as a general principle of human language processing.

These findings have important implications for our understanding of how the brain handles the complex task of comprehending language. The study suggests that the ability to anticipate upcoming words is a crucial aspect of efficient language processing, which could inform theories of language acquisition, bilingualism, and disorders affecting language abilities.

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