A Theoretical Framework for Partially Observed Reward-States in RLHF






Published 5/28/2024 by Chinmaya Kausik, Mirco Mutti, Aldo Pacchiano, Ambuj Tewari



The growing deployment of reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) calls for a deeper theoretical investigation of its underlying models. The prevalent models of RLHF do not account for neuroscience-backed, partially-observed internal states that can affect human feedback, nor do they accommodate intermediate feedback during an interaction. Both of these can be instrumental in speeding up learning and improving alignment. To address these limitations, we model RLHF as reinforcement learning with partially observed reward-states (PORRL). We accommodate two kinds of feedback $-$ cardinal and dueling feedback. We first demonstrate that PORRL subsumes a wide class of RL problems, including traditional RL, RLHF, and reward machines. For cardinal feedback, we present two model-based methods (POR-UCRL, POR-UCBVI). We give both cardinal regret and sample complexity guarantees for the methods, showing that they improve over naive history-summarization. We then discuss the benefits of a model-free method like GOLF with naive history-summarization in settings with recursive internal states and dense intermediate feedback. For this purpose, we define a new history aware version of the Bellman-eluder dimension and give a new guarantee for GOLF in our setting, which can be exponentially sharper in illustrative examples. For dueling feedback, we show that a naive reduction to cardinal feedback fails to achieve sublinear dueling regret. We then present the first explicit reduction that converts guarantees for cardinal regret to dueling regret. In both feedback settings, we show that our models and guarantees generalize and extend existing ones.

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  • The paper explores the theoretical foundations of reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), a growing approach in AI development.
  • It introduces a new model called "reinforcement learning with partially observed reward-states (PORRL)" to address limitations in existing RLHF models.
  • The PORRL model accommodates two types of human feedback: cardinal and dueling feedback.
  • The paper presents various methods and theoretical guarantees for PORRL in both feedback settings, showing advantages over naive approaches.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a technique used to train AI systems where the system learns by receiving feedback from humans during the training process. This paper provides a deeper theoretical investigation of RLHF.

The authors argue that existing RLHF models don't fully account for the way human feedback can be influenced by the AI system's internal, partially-observed states. They also note that these models don't handle intermediate feedback provided during an interaction, which could be helpful for speeding up learning and improving alignment between the AI and human preferences.

To address these limitations, the researchers introduce a new model called "reinforcement learning with partially observed reward-states (PORRL)." This PORRL model can handle two types of human feedback: cardinal feedback (e.g., numerical ratings) and dueling feedback (where the human compares two options).

For cardinal feedback, the paper presents two model-based methods (POR-UCRL and POR-UCBVI) and shows they can outperform naive history-summarization approaches. For dueling feedback, the researchers develop a new reduction technique to convert guarantees from the cardinal feedback setting.

Overall, the PORRL model and associated methods aim to improve the theoretical foundations of RLHF, which could lead to more effective and aligned AI systems trained with human feedback.

Technical Explanation

The paper models RLHF as "reinforcement learning with partially observed reward-states (PORRL)." This new framework accommodates two types of human feedback:

  1. Cardinal feedback: Where the human provides a numerical rating or score for the AI's actions.
  2. Dueling feedback: Where the human compares two options and indicates a preference.

For cardinal feedback, the researchers present two model-based methods:

  1. POR-UCRL: A model-based algorithm that uses upper confidence bound (UCB) exploration to learn the partially observed reward-state transition model.
  2. POR-UCBVI: Another model-based algorithm that uses UCB value iteration to learn the partially observed reward-state model.

These methods are shown to provide improved regret and sample complexity guarantees compared to naive history-summarization approaches.

For dueling feedback, the researchers demonstrate that a naive reduction to the cardinal feedback setting fails to achieve sublinear dueling regret. They then present the first explicit reduction that converts guarantees for cardinal regret to dueling regret.

Throughout, the paper establishes that the PORRL framework subsumes a wide class of reinforcement learning problems, including traditional RL, RLHF, and reward machines. The researchers also discuss the benefits of a model-free method like GOLF with naive history-summarization in settings with recursive internal states and dense intermediate feedback.

Critical Analysis

The paper offers a significant theoretical contribution by introducing the PORRL framework to better model RLHF. This addresses important limitations in existing RLHF approaches, such as the lack of accounting for partially-observed internal states and intermediate feedback.

However, the paper's focus is primarily on the theoretical analysis, and it does not provide extensive empirical validation of the PORRL methods. While the theoretical guarantees are promising, it would be valuable to see how these methods perform in practical RLHF scenarios.

Additionally, the paper acknowledges that the PORRL framework still makes assumptions, such as the Markovian structure of the reward-states. Relaxing these assumptions could further improve the model's realism and applicability.

Future research could explore ways to integrate the PORRL framework with other recent advancements in RLHF, such as the work on iterative preference learning or unified offline reward learning. Combining these complementary approaches could lead to even more robust and effective RLHF systems.


This paper presents a novel theoretical framework, PORRL, to better model reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). The PORRL model accounts for partially-observed internal states and intermediate feedback, which can be crucial for improving the speed and alignment of RLHF-trained AI systems.

The paper's technical contributions, including new model-based methods and regret guarantees for both cardinal and dueling feedback, represent a significant step forward in the theoretical understanding of RLHF. While more empirical validation is needed, this work lays the groundwork for developing more effective and aligned AI systems trained through human feedback.

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