Thermodynamic Linear Algebra






Published 6/11/2024 by Maxwell Aifer, Kaelan Donatella, Max Hunter Gordon, Samuel Duffield, Thomas Ahle, Daniel Simpson, Gavin E. Crooks, Patrick J. Coles



Linear algebraic primitives are at the core of many modern algorithms in engineering, science, and machine learning. Hence, accelerating these primitives with novel computing hardware would have tremendous economic impact. Quantum computing has been proposed for this purpose, although the resource requirements are far beyond current technological capabilities, so this approach remains long-term in timescale. Here we consider an alternative physics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide a near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra. At first sight, thermodynamics and linear algebra seem to be unrelated fields. In this work, we connect solving linear algebra problems to sampling from the thermodynamic equilibrium distribution of a system of coupled harmonic oscillators. We present simple thermodynamic algorithms for (1) solving linear systems of equations, (2) computing matrix inverses, (3) computing matrix determinants, and (4) solving Lyapunov equations. Under reasonable assumptions, we rigorously establish asymptotic speedups for our algorithms, relative to digital methods, that scale linearly in matrix dimension. Our algorithms exploit thermodynamic principles like ergodicity, entropy, and equilibration, highlighting the deep connection between these two seemingly distinct fields, and opening up algebraic applications for thermodynamic computing hardware.

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  • Linear algebra is fundamental to many modern algorithms in engineering, science, and machine learning
  • Accelerating linear algebra primitives with new hardware could have significant economic impact
  • Quantum computing has been proposed, but the resource requirements are currently too high
  • This paper explores an alternative approach using classical thermodynamics for near-term acceleration of linear algebra

Plain English Explanation

Linear algebra is the foundation of many important algorithms used in fields like engineering, science, and machine learning. If we could make these linear algebra calculations faster, it would have a huge positive impact on the economy. Quantum computing has been suggested as a way to speed up linear algebra, but the technology required is still a long way off.

Instead, this paper looks at using the principles of classical thermodynamics - the study of heat, temperature, and energy - as an alternative approach to accelerating linear algebra in the near future. At first, thermodynamics and linear algebra don't seem related at all. But the researchers show how solving linear algebra problems is connected to simulating the equilibrium state of a system of coupled harmonic oscillators, which are a fundamental model in thermodynamics.

The paper presents simple thermodynamic algorithms for performing key linear algebra operations like solving systems of linear equations, inverting matrices, computing determinants, and solving Lyapunov equations. They mathematically prove that these thermodynamic algorithms can achieve significant speedups over traditional digital methods, with the speedup growing as the size of the matrix increases.

Technical Explanation

The researchers connect solving linear algebra problems to sampling from the thermodynamic equilibrium distribution of a system of coupled harmonic oscillators. They present four thermodynamic algorithms:

  1. Solving linear systems of equations
  2. Computing matrix inverses
  3. Computing matrix determinants
  4. Solving Lyapunov equations

Under reasonable assumptions, they rigorously establish that these algorithms can achieve asymptotic speedups that scale linearly with the matrix dimension, compared to traditional digital methods.

The key insight is that thermodynamic principles like ergodicity (systems explore all possible states), entropy (a measure of disorder), and equilibration (systems reach a stable state) can be leveraged to perform linear algebra operations efficiently. This highlights the deep connections between thermodynamics and linear algebra, opening up new opportunities for thermodynamic computing hardware to accelerate these fundamental mathematical operations.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling theoretical framework for using classical thermodynamics to accelerate linear algebra, with rigorous mathematical proofs of the potential speedups. However, the authors acknowledge that significant engineering challenges remain in realizing these thermodynamic algorithms in practical hardware.

Some key limitations and areas for further research include:

  • Developing physical implementations of the required harmonic oscillator systems and ensuring they behave as assumed in the theoretical analysis
  • Characterizing the practical accuracy, stability, and error bounds of the thermodynamic algorithms compared to digital methods
  • Exploring the resource requirements and energy efficiency of thermodynamic linear algebra hardware versus traditional digital approaches
  • Investigating the scalability of the thermodynamic algorithms and hardware as problem sizes grow very large

While the theoretical results are promising, readers should be cautious about overestimating the near-term feasibility and impact of this approach until these critical engineering challenges can be addressed through further research and development.


This paper presents a novel approach to accelerating fundamental linear algebra primitives using classical thermodynamics. By connecting linear algebra problems to thermodynamic equilibrium sampling, the researchers devise simple algorithms that can provably achieve asymptotic speedups over digital methods.

These findings highlight the deep connections between seemingly disparate fields and open up new possibilities for thermodynamic computing hardware to drive significant performance improvements in a wide range of applications relying on linear algebra, from scientific computing to machine learning. While substantial engineering challenges remain, this work represents an important step toward realizing the potential of physics-based computing paradigms.

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