This Land is {Your, My} Land: Evaluating Geopolitical Biases in Language Models






Published 4/3/2024 by Bryan Li, Samar Haider, Chris Callison-Burch



Do the Spratly Islands belong to China, the Philippines, or Vietnam? A pretrained large language model (LLM) may answer differently if asked in the languages of each claimant country: Chinese, Tagalog, or Vietnamese. This contrasts with a multilingual human, who would likely answer consistently. In this paper, we show that LLMs recall certain geographical knowledge inconsistently when queried in different languages -- a phenomenon we term geopolitical bias. As a targeted case study, we consider territorial disputes, an inherently controversial and multilingual task. We introduce BorderLines, a dataset of territorial disputes which covers 251 territories, each associated with a set of multiple-choice questions in the languages of each claimant country (49 languages in total). We also propose a suite of evaluation metrics to precisely quantify bias and consistency in responses across different languages. We then evaluate various multilingual LLMs on our dataset and metrics to probe their internal knowledge and use the proposed metrics to discover numerous inconsistencies in how these models respond in different languages. Finally, we explore several prompt modification strategies, aiming to either amplify or mitigate geopolitical bias, which highlights how brittle LLMs are and how they tailor their responses depending on cues from the interaction context. Our code and data are available at

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  • This paper examines how large language models (LLMs) recall geographical knowledge differently depending on the language they are queried in, a phenomenon the authors call "geopolitical bias."
  • The researchers focus on territorial disputes as a case study, introducing a new dataset called "BorderLines" that covers 251 territories and associated multiple-choice questions in 49 languages.
  • The paper proposes metrics to quantify bias and inconsistencies in how LLMs respond across different languages, and explores strategies for amplifying or mitigating this bias.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you ask a computer program a question about a place like the Spratly Islands - a disputed territory in the South China Sea. Depending on the language you use to ask the question (Chinese, Tagalog, or Vietnamese, for example), the program might give you a different answer. This is because the program, or large language model, has developed certain biases about geopolitical issues that can influence how it recalls information.

The researchers in this paper wanted to study this phenomenon in more detail. They created a dataset called "BorderLines" that covers 251 territories around the world, each with multiple-choice questions about who claims ownership in the languages of the countries involved. By evaluating how different language models perform on this dataset, the researchers were able to identify numerous inconsistencies in how the models respond across languages.

For instance, a language model might say the Spratly Islands belong to China when asked in Chinese, but to the Philippines when asked in Tagalog. This is problematic, as a human with knowledge of the region would likely give a consistent answer regardless of the language used.

The researchers also explored ways to either amplify or reduce this geopolitical bias in language models, highlighting how sensitive these models can be to subtle changes in how questions are phrased or presented. This suggests language models may not have a robust, unbiased understanding of sensitive geopolitical topics.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by introducing the concept of "geopolitical bias" in large language models (LLMs). The authors hypothesize that LLMs may recall certain geographical knowledge inconsistently when queried in different languages, in contrast with a multilingual human who would likely provide a consistent answer.

To investigate this, the researchers created BorderLines, a dataset covering 251 territories with associated multiple-choice questions in the languages of the claimant countries (49 languages total). This allows them to systematically evaluate how various multilingual LLMs perform on this task and quantify any inconsistencies in their responses across languages.

The paper proposes several evaluation metrics to measure bias and consistency, including language-specific accuracy, cross-lingual accuracy (accuracy when the model is queried in a different language), and a new metric called "flip rate" that captures how often a model's prediction changes when the language changes.

The researchers then evaluate several prominent multilingual LLMs on the BorderLines dataset using these metrics. They find numerous instances where the models exhibit geopolitical bias, providing different answers depending on the language used. The paper also explores prompt engineering strategies that can either amplify or mitigate this bias, further demonstrating the sensitivity of these models to contextual cues.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution by rigorously documenting the phenomenon of geopolitical bias in LLMs and introducing a dataset and evaluation framework to study it. The authors acknowledge that territorial disputes are a complex, sensitive topic, and that their dataset and findings may not generalize to all geopolitical issues.

One potential limitation is the reliance on multiple-choice questions, which may not fully capture the nuances of territorial claims. Additionally, the dataset is focused on a relatively small number of territories, and expanding the coverage could yield additional insights.

The paper would also benefit from a more in-depth discussion of the potential societal implications of geopolitical bias in language models. As these models become more pervasive, it is crucial to understand how they might amplify or obfuscate sensitive political issues, potentially shaping public discourse and opinion.

Overall, this research highlights the importance of critically evaluating the robustness and consistency of language models, especially when it comes to complex, multilingual, and politically charged topics. The authors have laid the groundwork for further exploration in this area, which could lead to more accountable and reliable AI systems.


This paper sheds light on an important and underexplored issue in the field of large language models: their tendency to exhibit geopolitical bias when responding to queries in different languages. By introducing the BorderLines dataset and a suite of evaluation metrics, the researchers have provided a framework for rigorously studying this phenomenon.

The findings suggest that current multilingual language models may not have a robust, unbiased understanding of sensitive geopolitical topics, and that their responses can be heavily influenced by subtle contextual cues. This raises significant concerns about the potential societal impacts of these models, as they become more widely deployed in applications that involve political and geographical knowledge.

Moving forward, this research highlights the need for greater scrutiny and accountability in the development of language models, particularly when it comes to their handling of complex, multilingual, and politically charged information. By addressing geopolitical bias, the AI community can work towards creating more reliable and trustworthy systems that serve the public good.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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