Assessing Political Bias in Large Language Models






Published 6/6/2024 by Luca Rettenberger, Markus Reischl, Mark Schutera



The assessment of bias within Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a critical concern in the contemporary discourse surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of their potential impact on societal dynamics. Recognizing and considering political bias within LLM applications is especially important when closing in on the tipping point toward performative prediction. Then, being educated about potential effects and the societal behavior LLMs can drive at scale due to their interplay with human operators. In this way, the upcoming elections of the European Parliament will not remain unaffected by LLMs. We evaluate the political bias of the currently most popular open-source LLMs (instruct or assistant models) concerning political issues within the European Union (EU) from a German voter's perspective. To do so, we use the Wahl-O-Mat, a voting advice application used in Germany. From the voting advice of the Wahl-O-Mat we quantize the degree of alignment of LLMs with German political parties. We show that larger models, such as Llama3-70B, tend to align more closely with left-leaning political parties, while smaller models often remain neutral, particularly when prompted in English. The central finding is that LLMs are similarly biased, with low variances in the alignment concerning a specific party. Our findings underline the importance of rigorously assessing and making bias transparent in LLMs to safeguard the integrity and trustworthiness of applications that employ the capabilities of performative prediction and the invisible hand of machine learning prediction and language generation.

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  • This paper explores the societal biases present in large language models (LLMs) and their potential impact on political applications, particularly in the context of the upcoming European Parliament elections.
  • The researchers use the Wahl-O-Mat, a German voting advice application, to determine the political alignment of popular open-source LLMs from a German perspective.
  • The findings suggest that larger models, like LLama3-70B, tend to align more closely with left-leaning political parties, while smaller models often remain neutral, especially in English.
  • This highlights the nuanced behavior of LLMs and the importance of language in shaping their political stances.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can generate human-like text. However, these models can also reflect societal biases, which is a critical concern in the field of AI ethics. Exploring Jungle Bias: Political Bias Attribution in Large Language Models focuses on recognizing and addressing political biases in LLMs, particularly in the context of the upcoming European Parliament elections.

To understand how LLMs might be influenced by political views, the researchers used a German voting advice application called Wahl-O-Mat. This tool helps people determine which political party best aligns with their values and beliefs. By applying this tool to popular open-source LLMs, the researchers were able to see how the models' language and outputs related to different political parties in Germany.

The study found that larger LLMs, such as LLama3-70B, tend to be more closely aligned with left-leaning political parties like GRUNE and Volt. Smaller models, on the other hand, often remained more neutral, especially when using English. This suggests that the size and language of the LLM can significantly impact its political leanings.

These findings highlight the importance of carefully assessing and addressing the societal biases present in LLMs. As these models are increasingly used in a wide range of applications, it's crucial to ensure that their outputs are fair and unbiased, particularly in high-stakes contexts like elections. Scaling Political Texts to Large Language Models: Asking the Right Questions and Analyzing the Impact of Data Selection and Fine-Tuning on Economic Bias in Language Models provide additional insights into the challenges and strategies for addressing biases in LLMs.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this study evaluated the political biases present in popular open-source large language models (LLMs) from a German perspective. They used the Wahl-O-Mat, a German voting advice application, to determine the political alignment of the LLMs by assessing their responses to questions related to political issues within the European Union (EU).

The researchers analyzed the outputs of various LLMs, including the larger LLama3-70B model and smaller models, to investigate how the size and language of the models might influence their political leanings. They found that the larger LLama3-70B model tended to align more closely with left-leaning political parties like GRUNE and Volt, while smaller models often remained more neutral, particularly when using English.

These findings suggest that the language and scale of the LLM can significantly shape its political stances. Bias Patterns in the Application of LLMs for Clinical Decision Support and Exploring Subjectivity: Towards a More Human-Centric Assessment of Social Biases in Language Models provide further insights into the complex relationship between LLMs and societal biases.

Critical Analysis

The researchers in this study provide valuable insights into the political biases present in large language models (LLMs), but their work also has some limitations and potential areas for further research.

One limitation is the focus on a single voting advice application, the Wahl-O-Mat, which may not fully capture the nuances of political views and alignments within the European Union. Expanding the analysis to other political assessment tools or a broader range of political issues could provide a more comprehensive understanding of LLM biases.

Additionally, the study primarily examines the biases from a German perspective, which may not be representative of the broader political landscape in the EU. Conducting similar analyses in other European countries or at a pan-European level could yield additional insights and support the generalizability of the findings.

Furthermore, the researchers acknowledge that the observed political alignments may be influenced by the training data and fine-tuning processes used to develop the LLMs. Exploring the impact of these factors in more depth could shed light on the underlying mechanisms driving the observed biases.

Despite these limitations, the study's findings underscore the importance of rigorously assessing and addressing societal biases in LLMs, particularly in the context of high-stakes applications like political decision-making. As these powerful AI systems continue to be deployed in various domains, it is crucial to ensure that their outputs are fair, unbiased, and aligned with the principles of democratic governance.


This paper provides a valuable contribution to the ongoing discourse surrounding the societal biases present in large language models (LLMs) and their potential impact on political applications. By using the Wahl-O-Mat, a German voting advice application, the researchers have shed light on the nuanced political alignments of popular open-source LLMs.

The study's key finding that larger models, such as LLama3-70B, tend to align more closely with left-leaning political parties, while smaller models often remain more neutral, highlights the complex relationship between the scale and language of LLMs and their political stances. This underscores the importance of carefully evaluating and addressing the biases inherent in these powerful AI systems, especially as they are increasingly deployed in high-stakes contexts like elections.

As the field of AI ethics continues to evolve, the insights from this research can contribute to the development of strategies and best practices for ensuring the integrity and fairness of applications that leverage the capabilities of modern machine learning methods. Ongoing efforts to explore the subjectivity and human-centric assessment of social biases in language models will be crucial in shaping the responsible and ethical use of LLMs in the years to come.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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