To Recommend or Not: Recommendability Identification in Conversations with Pre-trained Language Models






Published 4/9/2024 by Zhefan Wang, Weizhi Ma, Min Zhang
To Recommend or Not: Recommendability Identification in Conversations with Pre-trained Language Models


Most current recommender systems primarily focus on what to recommend, assuming users always require personalized recommendations. However, with the widely spread of ChatGPT and other chatbots, a more crucial problem in the context of conversational systems is how to minimize user disruption when we provide recommendation services for users. While previous research has extensively explored different user intents in dialogue systems, fewer efforts are made to investigate whether recommendations should be provided. In this paper, we formally define the recommendability identification problem, which aims to determine whether recommendations are necessary in a specific scenario. First, we propose and define the recommendability identification task, which investigates the need for recommendations in the current conversational context. A new dataset is constructed. Subsequently, we discuss and evaluate the feasibility of leveraging pre-trained language models (PLMs) for recommendability identification. Finally, through comparative experiments, we demonstrate that directly employing PLMs with zero-shot results falls short of meeting the task requirements. Besides, fine-tuning or utilizing soft prompt techniques yields comparable results to traditional classification methods. Our work is the first to study recommendability before recommendation and provides preliminary ways to make it a fundamental component of the future recommendation system.

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  • This paper explores the task of identifying whether a given conversational response is "recommendable" or not, using pre-trained language models.
  • The authors propose a new dataset and benchmark for this task, and investigate the performance of various language models on it.
  • The findings provide insights into the challenges and opportunities in using large language models for conversational recommendation systems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is focused on a specific challenge in conversational systems: determining whether a response is "recommendable" or not. In other words, is the response something that the system should recommend to the user, or should it avoid making a recommendation?

This is an important problem, as conversational systems are increasingly being used for tasks like product recommendations, information retrieval, and content curation. The ability to accurately identify when a response is "recommendable" can help these systems provide more relevant and useful information to users.

The authors of this paper have created a new dataset and benchmark to study this problem, and they've tested the performance of various pre-trained language models on the task. The findings suggest that while these models can be useful for conversational recommendation, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed, such as understanding the context and intent of the conversation.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in improving the capabilities of conversational systems, and it could have significant implications for a wide range of applications, from personalized recommendation to content discovery.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new task called "Recommendability Identification" (RI), which aims to determine whether a given conversational response is "recommendable" or not. The authors create a new dataset, called the Concept Evaluation Protocol for Conversation Recommender Systems (CEP-CR), to benchmark this task.

The dataset consists of conversational dialogues, where each response is labeled as either "recommendable" or "not recommendable". The authors then evaluate the performance of various pre-trained language models, such as BERT, GPT-2, and T5, on the RI task using this dataset.

The results show that while these models can achieve reasonably good performance on the task, there are still some challenges. For example, the models struggle to capture the contextual and pragmatic aspects of the conversation, which are crucial for accurately identifying whether a response is recommendable or not.

The authors also discuss several potential directions for future research, such as incorporating additional signals (e.g., user preferences, domain knowledge) to improve the models' understanding of the conversation and better identify recommendable responses.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and important task in the realm of conversational systems and recommender systems. The creation of the CEP-CR dataset is a valuable contribution, as it provides a standardized benchmark for evaluating the performance of language models on the RI task.

However, the paper also acknowledges some limitations of the current approach. For instance, the authors note that the models struggle to capture the contextual and pragmatic aspects of the conversation, which are crucial for accurately identifying recommendable responses. This suggests that further research is needed to develop more sophisticated language understanding capabilities in this domain.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential biases or fairness implications of the RI task and the models' performance. It would be important to investigate whether the models exhibit any demographic or other biases in their recommendations, and to consider ways to mitigate such issues.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the field of conversational recommendation systems. The insights and challenges it identifies can serve as a valuable starting point for future research in this area, as researchers and practitioners work to develop more robust and reliable systems for providing users with helpful and relevant recommendations in conversational contexts.


This paper presents a novel task called "Recommendability Identification" (RI), which aims to determine whether a given conversational response is "recommendable" or not. The authors create a new dataset and benchmark for this task, and evaluate the performance of various pre-trained language models on it.

The findings provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in using large language models for conversational recommendation systems. While the models can achieve reasonably good performance on the RI task, they still struggle to capture the contextual and pragmatic aspects of the conversation, which are crucial for accurately identifying recommendable responses.

The research in this paper represents an important step towards improving the capabilities of conversational systems, with potential applications in a wide range of areas, from personalized recommendation to content discovery. As the field continues to evolve, further research will be needed to address the challenges identified in this paper and develop more robust and reliable conversational recommendation systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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