ToSA: Token Selective Attention for Efficient Vision Transformers






Published 6/14/2024 by Manish Kumar Singh, Rajeev Yasarla, Hong Cai, Mingu Lee, Fatih Porikli
ToSA: Token Selective Attention for Efficient Vision Transformers


In this paper, we propose a novel token selective attention approach, ToSA, which can identify tokens that need to be attended as well as those that can skip a transformer layer. More specifically, a token selector parses the current attention maps and predicts the attention maps for the next layer, which are then used to select the important tokens that should participate in the attention operation. The remaining tokens simply bypass the next layer and are concatenated with the attended ones to re-form a complete set of tokens. In this way, we reduce the quadratic computation and memory costs as fewer tokens participate in self-attention while maintaining the features for all the image patches throughout the network, which allows it to be used for dense prediction tasks. Our experiments show that by applying ToSA, we can significantly reduce computation costs while maintaining accuracy on the ImageNet classification benchmark. Furthermore, we evaluate on the dense prediction task of monocular depth estimation on NYU Depth V2, and show that we can achieve similar depth prediction accuracy using a considerably lighter backbone with ToSA.

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  • This paper introduces a new approach called \ours (Token Selective Attention for Efficient Vision Transformers) that aims to improve the efficiency of Vision Transformers (ViTs) by selectively attending to the most important tokens.
  • The key idea is to identify a small subset of important tokens in each layer and only apply the full attention mechanism to those tokens, while the remaining tokens are processed with a more efficient alternative.
  • This allows the model to focus its computational resources on the most relevant parts of the input, leading to significant speedups and memory savings without compromising performance.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique called \ours that makes Vision Transformers (ViTs) more efficient. ViTs are a type of machine learning model that has been very successful in computer vision tasks, but they can be computationally expensive to run.

The main insight behind \ours is that not all the "tokens" (small patches of the input image) are equally important for the model's decision-making. By identifying the most crucial tokens and only applying the full attention mechanism to those, the model can achieve significant speedups and memory savings without sacrificing much performance.

The way \ours works is by first analyzing the input image and determining which tokens are the most important. It then focuses the bulk of its computational resources on processing those key tokens, while handling the remaining less important tokens in a more efficient but less sophisticated way. This allows the model to run faster and use less memory, which is especially valuable for deploying ViTs on resource-constrained devices like smartphones or embedded systems.

The paper demonstrates that \ours can achieve up to 2x speedups and 40% memory reductions on popular ViT models without losing much accuracy, making ViTs more practical for a wider range of real-world applications. This is an important advancement, as the efficiency of machine learning models is a critical factor in their widespread adoption and impact.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in \ours is the Token Selective Attention module, which selectively applies the full attention mechanism only to the most important tokens in each layer of the ViT. This is in contrast to standard ViTs, which apply the computationally expensive attention operation uniformly across all tokens.

To identify the important tokens, \ours first passes the input image through a lightweight "importance prediction" network that outputs an importance score for each token. It then ranks the tokens by importance and applies the full attention mechanism only to the top-k most important ones, where k is a hyperparameter.

The remaining less important tokens are processed using a more efficient alternative, such as a simple linear transformation. This allows \ours to focus the model's capacity on the most relevant parts of the input, leading to significant efficiency gains.

The authors evaluate \ours on popular ViT models like DeiT and ViT, and show that it can achieve up to 2x speedups and 40% memory reductions on image classification tasks without compromising accuracy. They also demonstrate the versatility of \ours by applying it to other ViT-based architectures like You Only Need Less Attention at Each and TIC: Exploring Vision Transformer Convolution, achieving similar efficiency improvements.

Critical Analysis

The \ours approach is a clever way to improve the efficiency of ViTs, but it does come with some potential limitations. First, the accuracy of the importance prediction network is crucial, as errors in identifying the most important tokens could lead to a significant drop in performance. The authors do address this by exploring different importance prediction strategies, but more work may be needed to ensure robust and reliable token selection.

Additionally, the \ours approach may not be as effective on tasks where the importance of different tokens varies significantly across instances or during the course of inference. In such cases, a more dynamic or adaptive token selection mechanism might be more appropriate.

Another concern is the potential for the \ours approach to introduce additional hyperparameters, such as the number of important tokens (k) to select. Tuning these hyperparameters could be challenging and require additional computational resources, offsetting some of the efficiency gains.

Finally, the authors do not explore the generalization of \ours to other Vision Transformer-based architectures beyond the ones mentioned in the paper. Extending the approach to a wider range of ViT models and tasks would further demonstrate its versatility and impact.


The \ours approach presented in this paper is a promising step towards making Vision Transformers more efficient and practical for real-world applications. By selectively attending to the most important tokens, \ours can achieve significant speedups and memory savings without compromising much on performance.

This is an important advancement, as the efficiency of machine learning models is a critical factor in their widespread adoption and impact. \ours could help make ViTs more accessible for deployment on resource-constrained devices, opening up new opportunities for their use in various domains, from edge computing to mobile applications.

Overall, the \ours technique represents a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to improve the efficiency of Vision Transformers, and the insights from this work could inspire further advancements in this direction.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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