Towards Client Driven Federated Learning






Published 5/27/2024 by Songze Li, Chenqing Zhu
Towards Client Driven Federated Learning


Conventional federated learning (FL) frameworks follow a server-driven model where the server determines session initiation and client participation, which faces challenges in accommodating clients' asynchronous needs for model updates. We introduce Client-Driven Federated Learning (CDFL), a novel FL framework that puts clients at the driving role. In CDFL, each client independently and asynchronously updates its model by uploading the locally trained model to the server and receiving a customized model tailored to its local task. The server maintains a repository of cluster models, iteratively refining them using received client models. Our framework accommodates complex dynamics in clients' data distributions, characterized by time-varying mixtures of cluster distributions, enabling rapid adaptation to new tasks with superior performance. In contrast to traditional clustered FL protocols that send multiple cluster models to a client to perform distribution estimation, we propose a paradigm that offloads the estimation task to the server and only sends a single model to a client, and novel strategies to improve estimation accuracy. We provide a theoretical analysis of CDFL's convergence. Extensive experiments across various datasets and system settings highlight CDFL's substantial advantages in model performance and computation efficiency over baselines.

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  • This paper proposes a new approach to federated learning (FL) called "client-driven federated learning" (CD-FL) that aims to increase client participation and improve the overall performance of the FL model.
  • The key ideas are to allow clients to determine when to participate in the FL process and to enable them to customize the model updates they send to the server.
  • The proposed approach is evaluated through theoretical analysis and experiments, showing improvements in model performance, client participation, and communication efficiency compared to traditional FL methods.

Plain English Explanation

In traditional federated learning, a central server coordinates the training of a shared machine learning model across many client devices. The clients download the model, train it on their local data, and send the updates back to the server, which then aggregates the updates to improve the global model.

However, this approach has some limitations. The server decides when clients should participate, and the clients have little control over the model updates they send. This can lead to issues like low client participation or suboptimal model performance.

The Towards Client Driven Federated Learning paper proposes a new approach called "client-driven federated learning" (CD-FL) to address these problems. In CD-FL, clients have more autonomy in the learning process. They can decide when to participate, and they can customize the model updates they send to the server.

The key idea is to let clients determine their own "willingness to participate" based on factors like their available resources or the potential benefit to their local model. Clients can also adjust the model updates they send, for example, by focusing on certain features or parameters that are more relevant to their local data.

By giving clients more control, the researchers aim to increase client participation and improve the overall performance of the federated learning model. The paper presents theoretical analysis and experimental results showing that CD-FL can outperform traditional federated learning approaches in terms of model accuracy, communication efficiency, and client participation.

Technical Explanation

The Towards Client Driven Federated Learning paper introduces a new federated learning framework called "client-driven federated learning" (CD-FL) that allows clients to have more autonomy in the learning process.

In traditional federated learning, the server decides when clients should participate in the training process and what model updates they should send. CD-FL, on the other hand, gives clients more control over their participation and the updates they provide.

Specifically, the paper proposes two key mechanisms:

  1. Willingness to Participate: Clients can determine their own "willingness to participate" based on factors like their available resources or the potential benefit to their local model. This allows clients to decide when to participate in the federated learning process.

  2. Customized Model Updates: Clients can customize the model updates they send to the server. For example, they can focus on updating certain features or parameters that are more relevant to their local data, rather than sending a full model update.

The paper provides a theoretical analysis of these mechanisms and their impact on model performance, client participation, and communication efficiency. The authors also conduct experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, comparing CD-FL to traditional federated learning approaches.

The results show that CD-FL can outperform traditional federated learning in several key metrics, including:

  • Model Accuracy: CD-FL can achieve higher model accuracy compared to traditional federated learning, especially in scenarios with heterogeneous client data or resource constraints.
  • Client Participation: CD-FL can increase the overall client participation in the federated learning process, as clients have more control over when they contribute.
  • Communication Efficiency: CD-FL can reduce the communication overhead between clients and the server, as clients only send relevant model updates.

The paper also discusses potential limitations and areas for further research, such as the impact of client-side model customization on the overall convergence of the federated learning process.

Critical Analysis

The Towards Client Driven Federated Learning paper presents a compelling approach to improving the performance and efficiency of federated learning by giving clients more control over their participation and model updates.

One key strength of the paper is the theoretical analysis of the proposed CD-FL mechanisms, which provides a solid foundation for understanding their impact on model performance, client participation, and communication efficiency. The experimental results also clearly demonstrate the benefits of CD-FL compared to traditional federated learning approaches.

However, the paper does not fully address some potential limitations and challenges of the CD-FL approach. For example, the impact of client-side model customization on the overall convergence of the federated learning process is an area that could be explored further. Additionally, the paper does not discuss how CD-FL might be implemented in practice, such as the technical and security considerations involved in allowing clients to have more control over the learning process.

Another area for potential improvement is the discussion of the broader implications and applications of CD-FL. The paper focuses primarily on the technical aspects of the approach, but it could be valuable to explore how CD-FL might be applied in different domains or to address specific challenges in federated learning, such as privacy or fairness concerns.

Overall, the Towards Client Driven Federated Learning paper presents a compelling and novel approach to federated learning that has the potential to significantly improve the performance and efficiency of this important machine learning paradigm. The authors have laid a strong foundation, and further research and development in this area could lead to valuable advancements in the field.


The Towards Client Driven Federated Learning paper introduces a novel approach to federated learning called "client-driven federated learning" (CD-FL) that gives clients more autonomy in the learning process. By allowing clients to determine their own willingness to participate and customize the model updates they send, CD-FL aims to increase client participation and improve the overall performance of the federated learning model.

The theoretical analysis and experimental results presented in the paper demonstrate the potential benefits of CD-FL, including improved model accuracy, higher client participation, and more efficient communication between clients and the server. These findings suggest that CD-FL could be a promising direction for advancing the state-of-the-art in federated learning and addressing some of the limitations of traditional approaches.

While the paper provides a strong foundation, further research is needed to fully understand the practical implications and broader applications of CD-FL, such as how it might be implemented in real-world scenarios and how it could be adapted to address specific challenges in federated learning, such as privacy or fairness concerns. Nonetheless, the Towards Client Driven Federated Learning paper represents an important contribution to the field and a potential stepping stone towards more advanced and effective federated learning systems.

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