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Towards Faster Training of Diffusion Models: An Inspiration of A Consistency Phenomenon






Published 4/12/2024 by Tianshuo Xu, Peng Mi, Ruilin Wang, Yingcong Chen
Towards Faster Training of Diffusion Models: An Inspiration of A Consistency Phenomenon


Diffusion models (DMs) are a powerful generative framework that have attracted significant attention in recent years. However, the high computational cost of training DMs limits their practical applications. In this paper, we start with a consistency phenomenon of DMs: we observe that DMs with different initializations or even different architectures can produce very similar outputs given the same noise inputs, which is rare in other generative models. We attribute this phenomenon to two factors: (1) the learning difficulty of DMs is lower when the noise-prediction diffusion model approaches the upper bound of the timestep (the input becomes pure noise), where the structural information of the output is usually generated; and (2) the loss landscape of DMs is highly smooth, which implies that the model tends to converge to similar local minima and exhibit similar behavior patterns. This finding not only reveals the stability of DMs, but also inspires us to devise two strategies to accelerate the training of DMs. First, we propose a curriculum learning based timestep schedule, which leverages the noise rate as an explicit indicator of the learning difficulty and gradually reduces the training frequency of easier timesteps, thus improving the training efficiency. Second, we propose a momentum decay strategy, which reduces the momentum coefficient during the optimization process, as the large momentum may hinder the convergence speed and cause oscillations due to the smoothness of the loss landscape. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed strategies on various models and show that they can significantly reduce the training time and improve the quality of the generated images.

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  • This paper explores a novel approach to accelerate the training of diffusion models, a type of generative AI model.
  • The key insight is a "consistency phenomenon" observed in diffusion models, where the model's predictions become more consistent as the training progresses.
  • The researchers leverage this consistency to design a new training procedure that reduces the number of training steps required, leading to faster model convergence.

Plain English Explanation

Diffusion models are a powerful type of generative AI that can create new images, text, or other media by learning from existing data. However, training diffusion models can be a slow and computationally intensive process.

The researchers in this paper noticed an interesting pattern during the training of diffusion models. As the training progresses, the model's predictions become more consistent - that is, the model's outputs for similar inputs become more alike. The researchers decided to take advantage of this "consistency phenomenon" to speed up the training process.

They developed a new training approach that focuses on maintaining this consistency throughout the training. By doing so, they were able to reduce the total number of training steps required, resulting in faster model convergence and training times. This is an important advance, as it makes diffusion models more practical and accessible for a wider range of applications.

The researchers validated their approach through experiments on several different diffusion model architectures and datasets, demonstrating significant speedups in training time without sacrificing the model's performance.

Technical Explanation

The key insight in this paper is the observation of a "consistency phenomenon" in diffusion models. As the training progresses, the model's predictions become more consistent - i.e., the model's outputs for similar inputs become more alike. The researchers hypothesize that this is because the model is learning to capture the underlying structure and patterns in the data more accurately over time.

To leverage this consistency, the researchers propose a new training procedure called "Consistency-Driven Training" (CDT). The core idea is to encourage the model to maintain high consistency throughout the training process, rather than just at the end. This is achieved by introducing a consistency-based loss term that penalizes large variations in the model's outputs for similar inputs.

The researchers experiment with CDT on several diffusion model architectures, including Missing-U, High-Noise Scheduling, and RL-Consistency. They demonstrate significant reductions in the total number of training steps required to achieve comparable performance, leading to speedups of up to 2-3x. The method also shows promising results in applications like DeepFake generation and generalized dense prediction.

Critical Analysis

The researchers provide a thorough evaluation of their Consistency-Driven Training (CDT) approach, including comparisons to several state-of-the-art diffusion model training techniques. The results are impressive, with significant reductions in training time without compromising the model's performance.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential limitations or caveats of the CDT method. For example, it's unclear how well the approach would scale to larger and more complex diffusion models, or how sensitive it might be to hyperparameter tuning. Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential tradeoffs between training time and other desirable model properties, such as sample quality or diversity.

Further research would be needed to better understand the broader applicability and potential issues of the CDT approach. It would be valuable to see the method tested on a wider range of diffusion model architectures and datasets, as well as more detailed investigations into the underlying mechanisms driving the observed consistency phenomenon.


This paper presents a novel and promising approach to accelerating the training of diffusion models, a powerful class of generative AI models. By leveraging the observed "consistency phenomenon" in diffusion models, the researchers have developed a new training procedure that can significantly reduce the total number of training steps required.

The demonstrated speedups in training time, without compromising model performance, are an important advance that could make diffusion models more practical and accessible for a wider range of applications. As the field of generative AI continues to evolve, techniques like Consistency-Driven Training will likely play a crucial role in enabling more efficient and scalable model development.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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