Towards Large Language Models as Copilots for Theorem Proving in Lean






Published 4/22/2024 by Peiyang Song, Kaiyu Yang, Anima Anandkumar
Towards Large Language Models as Copilots for Theorem Proving in Lean


Theorem proving is an important challenge for large language models (LLMs), as formal proofs can be checked rigorously by proof assistants such as Lean, leaving no room for hallucination. Existing LLM-based provers try to prove theorems in a fully autonomous mode without human intervention. In this mode, they struggle with novel and challenging theorems, for which human insights may be critical. In this paper, we explore LLMs as copilots that assist humans in proving theorems. We introduce Lean Copilot, a framework for running LLM inference in Lean. It enables programmers to build various LLM-based proof automation tools that integrate seamlessly into the workflow of Lean users. Using Lean Copilot, we build tools for suggesting proof steps (tactic suggestion), completing intermediate proof goals (proof search), and selecting relevant premises (premise selection) using LLMs. Users can use our pretrained models or bring their own ones that run either locally (with or without GPUs) or on the cloud. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in assisting humans and automating theorem proving process compared to existing rule-based proof automation in Lean. We open source all codes under a permissive MIT license to facilitate further research.

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  • This paper explores the use of large language models (LLMs) as "copilots" to assist with theorem proving in the Lean theorem prover.
  • The researchers develop a system called "Lean Copilot" that allows LLMs to be used natively within the Lean environment, enabling tighter integration and more effective proof automation.
  • The paper demonstrates how Lean Copilot can be used to build LLM-based proof automation tools that outperform traditional approaches on certain theorem-proving tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Theorem proving is an important field of computer science and mathematics, where researchers try to develop algorithms and systems that can automatically prove mathematical statements. This is a challenging task, as it often requires complex logical reasoning and deep domain knowledge.

The researchers behind this paper believe that large language models (LLMs) - powerful AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data - could be a valuable tool for assisting with theorem proving. LLMs have shown remarkable capabilities in tasks like natural language processing and generation, and the researchers wondered if they could be used to help automate parts of the theorem-proving process.

To explore this idea, the researchers developed a system called "Lean Copilot" that allows LLMs to be used directly within the Lean theorem prover. Lean is a popular open-source theorem prover used by mathematicians and computer scientists to formally verify the correctness of their work.

With Lean Copilot, the researchers were able to build proof automation tools that leverage the capabilities of LLMs. These tools were able to outperform traditional proof automation techniques on certain theorem-proving tasks, suggesting that LLMs could be a powerful addition to the theorem-proving toolbox.

The researchers believe that this work represents an important step towards using large language models as "copilots" - intelligent assistants that can help human experts with complex cognitive tasks like theorem proving. By integrating LLMs more tightly with theorem provers like Lean, the researchers hope to unlock new possibilities for automating and accelerating mathematical reasoning.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of this paper is the development of "Lean Copilot", a system that allows large language models (LLMs) to be used natively within the Lean theorem prover. Traditionally, using LLMs for theorem proving has been challenging, as they are typically designed for general-purpose language tasks and lack the formal reasoning capabilities required for rigorous mathematical proofs.

Lean Copilot addresses this by providing a tight integration between LLMs and the Lean environment. The system allows Lean users to seamlessly invoke LLM-based inference capabilities directly within their theorem-proving workflows, enabling the LLMs to assist with tasks like proof search, lemma generation, and proof step suggestion.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of Lean Copilot by building several LLM-based proof automation tools and evaluating them on a range of theorem-proving benchmarks. These tools leverage the powerful natural language understanding and generation capabilities of LLMs to outperform traditional proof automation techniques on certain tasks.

For example, the researchers develop a "proof step completion" tool that can suggest the next logical step in a proof based on the current context. By training this tool on a large corpus of Lean proofs, the researchers are able to leverage the LLM's ability to capture patterns and heuristics from the data, allowing it to make more informed proof step suggestions than rule-based approaches.

Overall, the key insights from this paper are:

  1. Tightly integrating LLMs with theorem provers like Lean can unlock new possibilities for LLM-based proof automation.
  2. LLM-based proof automation tools can outperform traditional techniques on certain theorem-proving tasks by leveraging the LLM's ability to learn from data.
  3. Lean Copilot provides a flexible framework for building and experimenting with LLM-based proof automation tools within the Lean ecosystem.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made a compelling case for the potential of large language models to serve as "copilots" for theorem proving, but there are still several important challenges and limitations to consider:

  1. Soundness and Reliability: While the LLM-based proof automation tools demonstrated in the paper show promising results, it's crucial to ensure that they maintain the soundness and reliability required for formal mathematical reasoning. Integrating LLMs into theorem provers like Lean introduces the risk of introducing unsound or incorrect proof steps, which could undermine the entire verification process.

  2. Interpretability and Explainability: Theorem proving often requires step-by-step logical reasoning that can be difficult to extract from the black-box behavior of large language models. Improving the interpretability and explainability of LLM-based proof automation tools will be essential for building trust and adoption in the mathematical and computer science communities.

  3. Scalability and Generalization: The experiments in the paper focused on a relatively narrow set of theorem-proving tasks and datasets. It's unclear how well the LLM-based approaches would scale to more complex, large-scale theorem-proving problems or generalize to new domains beyond the training data.

  4. Human-AI Collaboration: While the researchers envision LLMs as "copilots" for theorem proving, it's important to consider how these systems would actually be used in practice. Striking the right balance between human expertise and AI assistance, and understanding the roles and responsibilities of each, will be a key challenge in deploying these technologies effectively.

Despite these limitations, this paper represents an important step towards exploring the potential of large language models in the domain of theorem proving. As the researchers continue to refine and expand their work, addressing the challenges outlined above will be crucial for turning this promising idea into a practical and reliable tool for mathematical reasoning.


This paper presents a novel approach to leveraging large language models (LLMs) as "copilots" for theorem proving in the Lean theorem prover. By developing the Lean Copilot system, the researchers have demonstrated how LLMs can be tightly integrated with theorem-proving environments to enable new forms of proof automation and assistance.

The key contributions of this work are:

  1. The Lean Copilot system, which allows LLMs to be used natively within the Lean ecosystem, providing a flexible platform for building and experimenting with LLM-based proof automation tools.
  2. Several proof automation tools built using Lean Copilot that leverage the strengths of LLMs to outperform traditional approaches on certain theorem-proving tasks.
  3. Insights into the potential of LLMs to serve as "copilots" for theorem proving, assisting human experts with complex logical reasoning and proof construction.

While this research represents an important step forward, there are still significant challenges to address in terms of ensuring the soundness, interpretability, and scalability of LLM-based proof automation. Nonetheless, the ideas presented in this paper point towards an exciting future where powerful language models and theorem provers collaborate to push the boundaries of automated mathematical reasoning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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