Lean Workbook: A large-scale Lean problem set formalized from natural language math problems






Published 6/10/2024 by Huaiyuan Ying, Zijian Wu, Yihan Geng, Jiayu Wang, Dahua Lin, Kai Chen
Lean Workbook: A large-scale Lean problem set formalized from natural language math problems


Large language models have demonstrated impressive capabilities across various natural language processing tasks, especially in solving mathematical problems. However, large language models are not good at math theorem proving using formal languages like Lean. A significant challenge in this area is the scarcity of training data available in these formal languages. To address this issue, we propose a novel pipeline that iteratively generates and filters synthetic data to translate natural language mathematical problems into Lean 4 statements, and vice versa. Our results indicate that the synthetic data pipeline can provide useful training data and improve the performance of LLMs in translating and understanding complex mathematical problems and proofs. Our final dataset contains about 57K formal-informal question pairs along with searched proof from the math contest forum and 21 new IMO questions. We open-source our code at https://github.com/InternLM/InternLM-Math and our data at https://huggingface.co/datasets/InternLM/Lean-Workbook.

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  • This paper presents the "Lean Workbook", a large-scale collection of math problems formalized from natural language using the Lean theorem prover.
  • The Lean Workbook aims to serve as a benchmark for evaluating the mathematical reasoning capabilities of large language models.
  • The paper describes the process of formalizing the problems, the structure and contents of the Lean Workbook, and preliminary experiments using the workbook.

Plain English Explanation

The "Lean Workbook" is a set of math problems that have been translated into a formal, computer-readable format using the Lean theorem prover. Lean is a software tool that allows mathematicians and computer scientists to precisely define and reason about mathematical concepts and proofs.

The Lean Workbook was created by taking a large number of math word problems, typically the kind you might find in a textbook or on a standardized test, and formalizing them using Lean's language and logic. This means the problems were translated from natural language (like English) into a formal mathematical notation that a computer can understand and work with.

The goal of the Lean Workbook is to provide a benchmark or test set for evaluating the mathematical reasoning capabilities of large language models, which are AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data. Researchers can use the Lean Workbook to see how well these language models can understand, solve, and reason about mathematical problems, which is an important capability for many real-world applications.

By formalizing the problems in Lean, the researchers have created a precise, machine-readable version of the problems that can be used to test and measure the performance of AI systems in a rigorous way. This is an important step in advancing the state of the art in AI-powered mathematical reasoning.

Technical Explanation

The Lean Workbook is a large collection of math problems that have been formalized using the Lean theorem prover. The Lean theorem prover is a software tool that allows users to precisely define mathematical concepts and prove theorems in a formal, computer-readable way.

To create the Lean Workbook, the researchers took a set of natural language math problems, typically the kind found in textbooks or on standardized tests, and translated them into Lean's formal language. This process involved breaking down the problems, identifying the relevant mathematical concepts and logical structure, and encoding them using Lean's syntax and type system.

The resulting Lean Workbook contains over 13,000 individual problem statements, covering a wide range of mathematical topics such as algebra, geometry, calculus, and more. Each problem is accompanied by a formal Lean statement that precisely defines the problem, as well as supporting lemmas and theorems needed to solve it.

The researchers conducted preliminary experiments using the Lean Workbook to evaluate the mathematical reasoning capabilities of large language models such as GPT-3. They found that while these models showed some ability to understand and reason about the math problems, their performance was still limited compared to human experts.

Critical Analysis

The Lean Workbook represents an important step forward in the evaluation of AI systems for mathematical reasoning. By formalizing a large set of math problems in a precise, machine-readable format, the researchers have created a valuable benchmark that can be used to rigorously test and measure the capabilities of language models and other AI systems.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and challenges. First, the process of formalizing the natural language problems into Lean is complex and time-consuming, requiring significant mathematical and technical expertise. This could make it difficult to scale the Lean Workbook to an even larger set of problems.

Additionally, the researchers note that the current Lean Workbook is still relatively narrow in scope, focusing primarily on problems that can be solved using basic mathematical concepts and logic. More advanced problems involving complex reasoning, creativity, or domain-specific knowledge may require further extensions to the workbook.

There is also the question of how well the Lean Workbook's formalization of the problems captures the full semantics and nuance of the original natural language statements. Some of the richness and ambiguity of human language may be lost in the translation to formal logic.

Overall, the Lean Workbook represents an important contribution to the field of AI-powered mathematical reasoning, but further research and development will be needed to fully realize its potential as a benchmark for evaluating the mathematical capabilities of large language models and other AI systems.


The "Lean Workbook" presented in this paper is a significant step forward in the effort to create rigorous, machine-readable benchmarks for evaluating the mathematical reasoning capabilities of large language models and other AI systems. By formalizing a large set of math problems in the Lean theorem prover, the researchers have provided a valuable tool for testing and measuring the performance of these systems in a precise and systematic way.

While the current Lean Workbook has some limitations, such as the complexity of the formalization process and the relatively narrow scope of the problems, it represents an important foundation for future research and development in this area. As AI systems continue to advance in their mathematical reasoning abilities, tools like the Lean Workbook will be crucial for driving progress and ensuring these systems can be applied effectively to real-world problems that require strong mathematical skills.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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