Transport of Algebraic Structure to Latent Embeddings






Published 5/28/2024 by Samuel Pfrommer, Brendon G. Anderson, Somayeh Sojoudi



Machine learning often aims to produce latent embeddings of inputs which lie in a larger, abstract mathematical space. For example, in the field of 3D modeling, subsets of Euclidean space can be embedded as vectors using implicit neural representations. Such subsets also have a natural algebraic structure including operations (e.g., union) and corresponding laws (e.g., associativity). How can we learn to union two sets using only their latent embeddings while respecting associativity? We propose a general procedure for parameterizing latent space operations that are provably consistent with the laws on the input space. This is achieved by learning a bijection from the latent space to a carefully designed mirrored algebra which is constructed on Euclidean space in accordance with desired laws. We evaluate these structural transport nets for a range of mirrored algebras against baselines that operate directly on the latent space. Our experiments provide strong evidence that respecting the underlying algebraic structure of the input space is key for learning accurate and self-consistent operations.

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  • Researchers are exploring how to learn latent space operations that respect the underlying algebraic structure of the input data
  • This could be useful for tasks like 3D modeling, where subsets of Euclidean space can be represented as vectors using implicit neural networks
  • The key challenge is learning operations on these latent representations that obey the same algebraic laws as the original input space

Plain English Explanation

Latent space embeddings are a common technique in machine learning, where the input data is transformed into a higher-dimensional mathematical space. This can be useful for tasks like 3D modeling, where shapes can be represented as vectors in this latent space.

However, the original input data often has an inherent algebraic structure, with operations like union and laws like associativity. When working solely in the latent space, it can be difficult to learn operations that respect these underlying properties. For example, if you have two 3D shapes and want to learn how to combine them, the latent space representation may not preserve the correct behavior.

The researchers propose a general approach to learn latent space operations that are guaranteed to satisfy the same algebraic laws as the original input space. The key is to learn a bijection (a two-way mapping) between the latent space and a carefully designed "mirrored algebra" that mimics the structure of the input space. This ensures that any operations performed in the latent space are automatically consistent with the original algebra.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a method for learning latent space operations that respect the underlying algebraic structure of the input data. This is achieved by learning a bijective mapping between the latent space and a "mirrored algebra" designed to match the desired algebraic properties.

The overall approach consists of the following steps:

  1. Define a mirrored algebra on Euclidean space that satisfies the desired algebraic laws (e.g., associativity for set union).
  2. Learn a bijection between the latent space and the mirrored algebra, using techniques like latent space symmetry discovery and unitary neural networks.
  3. Perform latent space operations by applying the corresponding operations in the mirrored algebra and mapping the result back to the latent space.

The researchers evaluate this approach, which they call "structural transport nets," on a range of mirrored algebras and compare it to baselines that operate directly in the latent space. The experiments demonstrate the importance of respecting the underlying algebraic structure, as the structural transport nets significantly outperform the baselines in terms of accuracy and self-consistency.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and principled approach to learning latent space operations that respect the algebraic structure of the input data. This is an important consideration, as many real-world data domains have inherent algebraic properties that should be preserved in the learned representations.

One potential limitation of the approach is the need to define a suitable mirrored algebra for each task, which may require domain-specific knowledge. The researchers acknowledge this and suggest that future work could explore automated discovery of mirrored algebras or more general techniques for constructing them.

Additionally, the experiments in the paper focus on relatively simple algebraic structures, such as set operations. It would be interesting to see how the approach scales to more complex algebras or to tasks where the underlying structure is less obvious.

Overall, this research makes a valuable contribution to the field of latent representation learning, highlighting the importance of respecting the algebraic properties of the input data and providing a general framework for achieving this goal.


This paper introduces a novel approach for learning latent space operations that respect the underlying algebraic structure of the input data. By learning a bijection to a carefully designed "mirrored algebra," the researchers ensure that any operations performed in the latent space are consistent with the original algebraic laws.

The experimental results demonstrate the importance of this approach, as the proposed "structural transport nets" significantly outperform baselines that operate directly in the latent space. This work has important implications for a wide range of applications, from 3D modeling to general representation learning, where preserving the inherent structure of the input data is crucial for accurate and self-consistent results.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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