TRIP-PAL: Travel Planning with Guarantees by Combining Large Language Models and Automated Planners






Published 6/17/2024 by Tomas de la Rosa, Sriram Gopalakrishnan, Alberto Pozanco, Zhen Zeng, Daniel Borrajo



Travel planning is a complex task that involves generating a sequence of actions related to visiting places subject to constraints and maximizing some user satisfaction criteria. Traditional approaches rely on problem formulation in a given formal language, extracting relevant travel information from web sources, and use an adequate problem solver to generate a valid solution. As an alternative, recent Large Language Model (LLM) based approaches directly output plans from user requests using language. Although LLMs possess extensive travel domain knowledge and provide high-level information like points of interest and potential routes, current state-of-the-art models often generate plans that lack coherence, fail to satisfy constraints fully, and do not guarantee the generation of high-quality solutions. We propose TRIP-PAL, a hybrid method that combines the strengths of LLMs and automated planners, where (i) LLMs get and translate travel information and user information into data structures that can be fed into planners; and (ii) automated planners generate travel plans that guarantee constraint satisfaction and optimize for users' utility. Our experiments across various travel scenarios show that TRIP-PAL outperforms an LLM when generating travel plans.

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  • Outlines a hybrid approach called TRIP-PAL that combines the strengths of large language models (LLMs) and automated planners for generating high-quality travel plans
  • LLMs provide travel information and user preferences, which are then translated into a format that can be used by automated planners to generate the final travel plan
  • Experiments show that TRIP-PAL outperforms standalone LLMs in generating travel plans that satisfy constraints and optimize for user satisfaction

Plain English Explanation

Traveling can be a complex task, as it involves deciding where to go, how to get there, and what to do along the way. Traditional approaches rely on extracting relevant travel information from the web and using automated problem-solving techniques to generate a travel plan. More recently, large language models (LLMs) have been used to directly generate travel plans from user requests, leveraging their extensive knowledge of travel-related information.

However, current LLM-based approaches often produce plans that lack coherence, fail to fully satisfy all constraints, and may not be of the highest quality. To address these limitations, the researchers propose a hybrid approach called TRIP-PAL, which combines the strengths of LLMs and automated planners.

In this approach, the LLM is used to gather and translate travel information and user preferences into a format that can be understood by an automated planner. The planner then generates the final travel plan, ensuring that it satisfies all constraints and maximizes the user's satisfaction. This combination of LLM-powered information gathering and automated planning allows for the generation of high-quality travel plans that are both coherent and optimized for the user's needs.

The researchers tested TRIP-PAL across various travel scenarios and found that it outperformed standalone LLM-based approaches, demonstrating the benefits of this hybrid approach.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a hybrid method called TRIP-PAL that combines the strengths of large language models (LLMs) and automated planners for generating high-quality travel plans.

In the TRIP-PAL approach, the LLM is first used to gather and translate relevant travel information and user preferences into a structured data format that can be understood by an automated planner. This includes details like points of interest, potential routes, and the user's priorities and constraints.

The automated planner then takes this structured data as input and generates the final travel plan, ensuring that it satisfies all relevant constraints and maximizes the user's satisfaction. This combination of LLM-powered information gathering and automated planning allows TRIP-PAL to generate travel plans that are both coherent and optimized, overcoming the limitations of standalone LLM-based approaches.

The researchers evaluated TRIP-PAL across various travel scenarios and found that it outperformed LLM-only models in generating high-quality travel plans. This demonstrates the benefits of the hybrid approach, which leverages the complementary strengths of LLMs and automated planners.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising hybrid approach, TRIP-PAL, that combines the strengths of LLMs and automated planners to generate high-quality travel plans. However, the research also acknowledges some potential limitations and areas for further exploration.

One key limitation mentioned is that the current implementation of TRIP-PAL relies on the LLM to accurately translate travel information and user preferences into a format that can be understood by the automated planner. Errors or biases in this translation process could potentially lead to suboptimal travel plans being generated. Exploring more robust translation techniques could be an area for further research.

Additionally, the paper notes that the performance of TRIP-PAL is still dependent on the capabilities of the underlying LLM and automated planner. Advancements in these core technologies could further improve the quality and reliability of the travel plans generated by TRIP-PAL.

Finally, the paper does not address the potential privacy and security concerns that may arise when using LLMs to gather and process sensitive user travel information. Ensuring the appropriate safeguards and consent processes are in place would be an important consideration for real-world deployment of such a system.

Overall, the TRIP-PAL approach represents an interesting and potentially valuable contribution to the field of travel planning. By leveraging the complementary strengths of LLMs and automated planners, it offers a promising path towards generating high-quality, user-centric travel plans.


The paper proposes a hybrid approach called TRIP-PAL that combines the strengths of large language models (LLMs) and automated planners to generate high-quality travel plans. This approach leverages the extensive travel domain knowledge of LLMs to gather and translate relevant information, which is then used by an automated planner to generate the final travel plan, ensuring constraint satisfaction and optimization of user satisfaction.

Experiments across various travel scenarios show that TRIP-PAL outperforms standalone LLM-based approaches, demonstrating the benefits of this hybrid approach. While the research acknowledges some limitations and areas for further exploration, such as the robustness of the translation process and the ongoing advancements in the underlying technologies, TRIP-PAL represents a promising step towards more effective and user-centric travel planning solutions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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