A Human-Like Reasoning Framework for Multi-Phases Planning Task with Large Language Models






Published 5/29/2024 by Chengxing Xie, Difan Zou
A Human-Like Reasoning Framework for Multi-Phases Planning Task with Large Language Models


Recent studies have highlighted their proficiency in some simple tasks like writing and coding through various reasoning strategies. However, LLM agents still struggle with tasks that require comprehensive planning, a process that challenges current models and remains a critical research issue. In this study, we concentrate on travel planning, a Multi-Phases planning problem, that involves multiple interconnected stages, such as outlining, information gathering, and planning, often characterized by the need to manage various constraints and uncertainties. Existing reasoning approaches have struggled to effectively address this complex task. Our research aims to address this challenge by developing a human-like planning framework for LLM agents, i.e., guiding the LLM agent to simulate various steps that humans take when solving Multi-Phases problems. Specifically, we implement several strategies to enable LLM agents to generate a coherent outline for each travel query, mirroring human planning patterns. Additionally, we integrate Strategy Block and Knowledge Block into our framework: Strategy Block facilitates information collection, while Knowledge Block provides essential information for detailed planning. Through our extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our framework significantly improves the planning capabilities of LLM agents, enabling them to tackle the travel planning task with improved efficiency and effectiveness. Our experimental results showcase the exceptional performance of the proposed framework; when combined with GPT-4-Turbo, it attains $10times$ the performance gains in comparison to the baseline framework deployed on GPT-4-Turbo.

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  • This paper proposes a human-like reasoning framework for solving multi-phase planning tasks using large language models (LLMs).
  • The framework aims to mimic the way humans approach complex planning problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a travel planning task, showing that it can outperform traditional planning algorithms.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way of using large language models (LLMs) to solve complex planning problems. The key idea is to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks, just like how humans approach these kinds of problems.

For example, let's say you need to plan a trip. You might start by figuring out where you want to go and when, then research transportation options, book accommodations, and so on. The authors' framework mimics this step-by-step process, allowing the LLM to tackle the problem in a more human-like way.

By breaking the problem down into phases, the LLM can focus on one aspect at a time, rather than trying to solve the entire problem at once. This makes the task more tractable for the model and can lead to better overall results.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a travel planning task, showing that it can outperform traditional planning algorithms. This suggests that incorporating human-like reasoning strategies can be a powerful way to enhance the capabilities of large language models.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a human-like reasoning framework for multi-phase planning tasks with large language models. The key idea is to break down complex planning problems into a sequence of smaller, more manageable sub-tasks, similar to how humans approach such problems.

The framework consists of three main components:

  1. Task Decomposition: The problem is broken down into a set of sub-tasks, each with its own goals and constraints.
  2. Sub-task Solving: An LLM is used to solve each sub-task, leveraging its language understanding and generation capabilities.
  3. Plan Evaluation and Refinement: The solutions to the sub-tasks are evaluated, and the overall plan is refined if necessary.

The authors evaluate their approach on a travel planning task, where the goal is to plan an entire trip given a set of constraints (e.g., budget, time, interests). They show that their framework can outperform traditional planning algorithms, as it is better able to handle the complexity and ambiguity inherent in these types of problems.

This work builds on previous research on using large language models for planning-based reasoning and evaluating the development of planning-aware techniques. The authors also draw inspiration from work on learning planning-based reasoning by collecting trajectories and meta-task planning for language agents.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the proposed framework is that it relies on the LLM's ability to accurately solve each sub-task. If the model makes mistakes or fails to capture important nuances in the sub-tasks, the overall plan may not be optimal. The authors acknowledge this issue and suggest further research on improving the sub-task solving capabilities of the LLM.

Additionally, the framework may struggle with highly complex or open-ended planning problems, where the number of sub-tasks and their interdependencies become difficult to manage. The authors' evaluation focuses on a relatively constrained travel planning task, and it remains to be seen how well the framework would scale to more challenging planning problems.

Another potential concern is the interpretability and transparency of the framework. As with many LLM-based systems, it may be challenging to understand the reasoning behind the model's decisions, which could limit its adoption in domains where explainability is crucial, such as critical decision-making.


This paper presents a novel human-like reasoning framework for solving multi-phase planning tasks using large language models. By breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks, the framework is able to outperform traditional planning algorithms on a travel planning task.

The work represents an important step towards enhancing the planning capabilities of large language models, which could have wide-ranging applications in fields such as logistics, project management, and decision support. However, further research is needed to address the potential limitations of the framework, particularly around sub-task solving accuracy, scalability to more complex problems, and interpretability.

Overall, this paper demonstrates the value of incorporating human-like reasoning strategies into language model-based systems, and suggests promising avenues for future research in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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