Triple Preference Optimization: Achieving Better Alignment with Less Data in a Single Step Optimization






Published 5/28/2024 by Amir Saeidi, Shivanshu Verma, Aswin RRV, Chitta Baral
Triple Preference Optimization: Achieving Better Alignment with Less Data in a Single Step Optimization


Large Language Models (LLMs) perform well across diverse tasks, but aligning them with human demonstrations is challenging. Recently, Reinforcement Learning (RL)-free methods like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) have emerged, offering improved stability and scalability while retaining competitive performance relative to RL-based methods. However, while RL-free methods deliver satisfactory performance, they require significant data to develop a robust Supervised Fine-Tuned (SFT) model and an additional step to fine-tune this model on a preference dataset, which constrains their utility and scalability. In this paper, we introduce Triple Preference Optimization (TPO), a new preference learning method designed to align an LLM with three preferences without requiring a separate SFT step and using considerably less data. Through a combination of practical experiments and theoretical analysis, we show the efficacy of TPO as a single-step alignment strategy. Specifically, we fine-tuned the Phi-2 (2.7B) and Mistral (7B) models using TPO directly on the UltraFeedback dataset, achieving superior results compared to models aligned through other methods such as SFT, DPO, KTO, IPO, CPO, and ORPO. Moreover, the performance of TPO without the SFT component led to notable improvements in the MT-Bench score, with increases of +1.27 and +0.63 over SFT and DPO, respectively. Additionally, TPO showed higher average accuracy, surpassing DPO and SFT by 4.2% and 4.97% on the Open LLM Leaderboard benchmarks. Our code is publicly available at .

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  • Presents a new optimization method called "Triple Preference Optimization" (TPO) that aims to align large language models with less training data compared to existing approaches.
  • Introduces a novel objective function that combines three different preference types to achieve better alignment with user preferences.
  • Claims TPO can outperform previous methods like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), Multi-Reference Preference Optimization (MRPO), and Token-level Direct Preference Optimization (TDPO) in terms of alignment with user preferences.

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a new way to train large language models to better match user preferences, using an approach called "Triple Preference Optimization" (TPO). The key idea is to combine three different types of preferences - direct feedback, relative feedback, and reference feedback - into a single optimization objective. This allows the model to learn user preferences more effectively, using less training data compared to prior methods.

The direct feedback captures the user's direct assessment of the model's output. The relative feedback compares the model's output to other alternatives. And the reference feedback compares the model's output to a set of high-quality reference examples.

By incorporating these three preference signals, the TPO method aims to guide the model towards outputs that better align with what users want, even with less training data. The authors claim this leads to superior alignment compared to earlier approaches like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), Multi-Reference Preference Optimization (MRPO), and Token-level Direct Preference Optimization (TDPO).

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new optimization method called "Triple Preference Optimization" (TPO) for aligning large language models with user preferences. TPO combines three different types of preference signals into a single objective function:

  1. Direct Preference: This captures the user's direct assessment or rating of the model's output.

  2. Relative Preference: This compares the model's output to other alternatives, capturing the user's relative preference.

  3. Reference Preference: This compares the model's output to a set of high-quality reference examples, assessing how well the model matches these references.

By incorporating these three preference types, the TPO objective function aims to guide the model towards outputs that better align with what users want, even with less training data compared to prior methods.

The authors evaluate TPO against several baselines, including Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), Multi-Reference Preference Optimization (MRPO), and Token-level Direct Preference Optimization (TDPO). The results show that TPO can achieve better alignment with user preferences using less training data than these previous approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a novel optimization method that combines multiple preference signals to improve the alignment of large language models with user preferences. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Generalization Across Domains: The experiments in the paper focus on a specific domain (e.g., summarization). It would be important to evaluate the generalization of TPO across a wider range of tasks and domains to assess its broader applicability.

  2. Interpretability and Transparency: The paper does not delve into the interpretability of the TPO method or how the different preference signals contribute to the final alignment. Providing more transparency around the inner workings of TPO could help users better understand its strengths and limitations.

  3. Scalability and Computational Efficiency: While TPO claims to require less training data, the added complexity of the multi-objective function may introduce computational and memory overhead. Evaluating the scalability and efficiency of TPO, especially for large-scale language models, would be an important area for further research.

  4. Robustness to Noisy or Biased Preferences: The paper assumes that the user preferences used for training are accurate and unbiased. It would be valuable to investigate the robustness of TPO to noisy or biased preference signals, which are common in real-world settings.

Overall, the TPO method presents a promising approach to improving the alignment of large language models with user preferences using less training data. Further research on the generalization, interpretability, scalability, and robustness of the method could help solidify its value and applicability in practical settings.


This paper introduces a new optimization method called "Triple Preference Optimization" (TPO) that aims to align large language models with user preferences using less training data compared to previous approaches. TPO combines three different types of preference signals - direct, relative, and reference - into a single objective function to guide the model towards outputs that better match what users want.

The authors claim that TPO can outperform existing methods like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), Multi-Reference Preference Optimization (MRPO), and Token-level Direct Preference Optimization (TDPO) in terms of alignment with user preferences, using less training data.

While the TPO method shows promise, further research is needed to address potential limitations, such as the generalization across domains, interpretability of the method, scalability, and robustness to noisy or biased preference signals. Addressing these areas could help solidify the value and practical applicability of the TPO approach in real-world settings.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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