Trust-Region Sequential Quadratic Programming for Stochastic Optimization with Random Models

Read original: arXiv:2409.15734 - Published 9/27/2024 by Yuchen Fang, Sen Na, Michael W. Mahoney, Mladen Kolar
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Trust-Region Sequential Quadratic Programming for Stochastic Optimization with Random Models

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  • This paper presents a new optimization algorithm called Trust-Region Sequential Quadratic Programming (TR-SQP) for solving stochastic optimization problems with random models.
  • TR-SQP combines the strengths of trust-region methods and sequential quadratic programming to efficiently optimize problems with noisy objective functions and constraints.
  • The algorithm is designed to handle uncertainty in the models used to represent the optimization problem, which is a common challenge in real-world applications.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new optimization algorithm called Trust-Region Sequential Quadratic Programming (TR-SQP) that is designed to solve optimization problems where the objective function and constraints are not fully known or have some level of uncertainty. This is a common challenge in many real-world applications, such as machine learning, robotics, and finance, where the underlying models used to represent the problem may be imperfect or subject to random variations.

The key idea behind TR-SQP is to combine two powerful optimization techniques - trust-region methods and sequential quadratic programming - to efficiently navigate these uncertain optimization landscapes. Trust-region methods are a way of restricting the optimization search to a local region around the current solution, which can help avoid getting stuck in poor local minima. Sequential quadratic programming is a technique for solving constrained optimization problems by iteratively solving simpler quadratic subproblems.

By blending these approaches, TR-SQP is able to find optimal solutions even when the objective function and constraints are noisy or subject to random variations. This makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications where the underlying models are imperfect or uncertain.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the Trust-Region Sequential Quadratic Programming (TR-SQP) algorithm for solving stochastic optimization problems with random models. The key elements of the algorithm are:

  1. Trust-Region Framework: TR-SQP uses a trust-region approach to restrict the optimization search to a local region around the current solution. This helps the algorithm avoid getting stuck in poor local minima and improves its ability to navigate uncertain optimization landscapes.

  2. Sequential Quadratic Programming: The algorithm iteratively solves a sequence of quadratic subproblems, which are derived from a second-order Taylor series approximation of the objective function and constraints. This allows TR-SQP to efficiently handle nonlinear optimization problems with constraints.

  3. Stochastic Modeling: To deal with uncertainty in the objective function and constraints, TR-SQP models the problem using random variables with known probability distributions. This stochastic formulation allows the algorithm to account for the impact of random variations on the optimization process.

  4. Adaptive Trust-Region Sizing: The size of the trust-region is dynamically adjusted based on the quality of the quadratic model and the progress of the optimization. This adaptive strategy helps the algorithm balance exploration and exploitation during the optimization process.

The paper provides a detailed mathematical formulation of the TR-SQP algorithm and analyzes its theoretical properties, such as convergence guarantees and complexity bounds. The authors also present numerical experiments on a range of benchmark problems, demonstrating the effectiveness of TR-SQP compared to other state-of-the-art optimization methods for stochastic optimization with random models.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and theoretically sound optimization algorithm for solving stochastic optimization problems with uncertain models. The key strengths of the TR-SQP approach are its ability to handle nonlinear constraints, adapt to the local optimization landscape, and account for randomness in the problem formulation.

One potential limitation of the paper is that the numerical experiments are focused on relatively small-scale benchmark problems. While the authors provide theoretical convergence guarantees, it would be interesting to see how TR-SQP scales to larger, more complex real-world optimization problems, where the benefits of the algorithm may be even more pronounced.

Additionally, the paper does not extensively discuss the computational complexity of the TR-SQP algorithm or its practical implementation considerations, such as the choice of parameters or the impact of different random model distributions. Further analysis in these areas could help potential users better understand the algorithm's strengths and weaknesses in various application scenarios.

Overall, the TR-SQP algorithm presented in this paper is a promising contribution to the field of stochastic optimization and could have important implications for a wide range of practical applications where uncertainty in the underlying models is a significant challenge.


This paper introduces a new optimization algorithm called Trust-Region Sequential Quadratic Programming (TR-SQP) that is designed to efficiently solve stochastic optimization problems with random models. The key innovation of TR-SQP is its ability to combine the strengths of trust-region methods and sequential quadratic programming to navigate uncertain optimization landscapes.

The theoretical and experimental results presented in the paper demonstrate the effectiveness of the TR-SQP approach for solving nonlinear optimization problems with noisy objective functions and constraints. This makes the algorithm a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, such as machine learning, robotics, and finance, where the underlying models are subject to random variations or imperfections.

While the paper focuses on benchmark problems, the TR-SQP algorithm has the potential to have a significant impact on real-world optimization challenges where accounting for uncertainty is crucial for achieving reliable and high-performing solutions. Further research and development in this area could lead to important advancements in the field of stochastic optimization.

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