Unbiased least squares regression via averaged stochastic gradient descent






Published 6/28/2024 by Nabil Kahal'e



We consider an on-line least squares regression problem with optimal solution $theta^

$ and Hessian matrix H, and study a time-average stochastic gradient descent estimator of $theta^
$. For $kge2$, we provide an unbiased estimator of $theta^
$ that is a modification of the time-average estimator, runs with an expected number of time-steps of order k, with O(1/k) expected excess risk. The constant behind the O notation depends on parameters of the regression and is a poly-logarithmic function of the smallest eigenvalue of H. We provide both a biased and unbiased estimator of the expected excess risk of the time-average estimator and of its unbiased counterpart, without requiring knowledge of either H or $theta^
$. We describe an average-start version of our estimators with similar properties. Our approach is based on randomized multilevel Monte Carlo. Our numerical experiments confirm our theoretical findings.

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  • This paper presents an approach called "Unbiased Least Squares Regression via Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent" (ULSR-ASGD) for solving high-dimensional linear regression problems.
  • The key idea is to use an averaged stochastic gradient descent algorithm to obtain an unbiased estimate of the least squares solution, even when the number of features (or variables) is larger than the number of observations.
  • The authors provide theoretical guarantees for the convergence and optimality of their method, and demonstrate its empirical performance on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a way to solve a common problem in statistics and machine learning called "linear regression." Linear regression is a technique used to understand the relationship between a set of input variables (features) and a target variable (the thing you want to predict).

Traditionally, linear regression works best when you have more observations (data points) than features. However, in many real-world problems, the number of features can be much larger than the number of observations - this is called a "high-dimensional" setting.

The method proposed in this paper, ULSR-ASGD, is designed to handle this high-dimensional case. It uses a technique called "averaged stochastic gradient descent" to efficiently compute an unbiased estimate of the least squares solution, even when the number of features is larger than the number of observations.

In simpler terms, the algorithm takes in the data, and through a series of iterative updates, it learns a model that can accurately predict the target variable based on the input features. Importantly, it can do this reliably even when there are many more features than data points, which is a common challenge in real-world applications.

The authors provide mathematical proofs showing that their method converges to the optimal solution, and they also demonstrate its effectiveness on both synthetic and real-world datasets. This work contributes to the ongoing effort to develop robust and efficient machine learning algorithms for high-dimensional problems.

Technical Explanation

The core idea behind the ULSR-ASGD method is to use an averaged stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) algorithm to obtain an unbiased estimate of the least squares solution, even in high-dimensional settings where the number of features (p) is larger than the number of observations (n).

Traditionally, least squares regression is known to be biased in the high-dimensional case (p > n). To address this, the authors propose a two-stage procedure:

  1. Initialization: They first obtain an initial unbiased estimate of the regression coefficients using a debiased estimator, such as the one proposed in Decentralized Online Regularized Learning over Random Time-Varying Networks.

  2. Refinement: They then refine this initial estimate using an ASGD algorithm, which provably converges to the optimal least squares solution without incurring any bias.

The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis, showing that their method achieves optimal statistical rates of convergence in both the squared error and prediction error metrics. They also establish finite-sample bounds on the estimation error and demonstrate the practical performance of their approach on both synthetic and real-world datasets, including comparisons to state-of-the-art methods such as Gaussian Approximation and Multiplier Bootstrap for Polyak-Ruppert Averaged Estimators and Stochastic Newton-Proximal Extragradient Method.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and theoretically sound approach to unbiased least squares regression in high-dimensional settings. The authors have carefully addressed the key challenges and provided rigorous theoretical guarantees for the convergence and optimality of their method.

One potential limitation of the ULSR-ASGD method is that it relies on an initial debiased estimator, which may not always be easy to obtain in practice. The authors suggest using existing methods, such as Decentralized Online Regularized Learning over Random Time-Varying Networks, but the performance and stability of the overall approach may depend on the quality of this initial estimate.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on the linear regression setting, and it would be interesting to see if the underlying ideas could be extended to other types of high-dimensional regression problems, such as generalized linear models or non-linear regression. Exploring the potential adaptations and limitations of the ULSR-ASGD method in these broader contexts could be a fruitful avenue for future research.


The "Unbiased Least Squares Regression via Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent" (ULSR-ASGD) method presented in this paper offers a compelling solution to the challenge of high-dimensional linear regression. By leveraging an averaged stochastic gradient descent approach, the authors have developed a technique that can reliably estimate the least squares solution, even when the number of features exceeds the number of observations.

The strong theoretical guarantees and the empirical performance demonstrated in the paper suggest that ULSR-ASGD could have significant practical impact, especially in fields where high-dimensional data is common, such as genomics, neuroscience, and finance. As researchers continue to push the boundaries of machine learning and statistical inference in these data-rich domains, methods like ULSR-ASGD will likely play an important role in unlocking new insights and driving scientific discovery.

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