Stochastic Newton Proximal Extragradient Method






Published 6/4/2024 by Ruichen Jiang, Micha{l} Derezi'nski, Aryan Mokhtari



Stochastic second-order methods achieve fast local convergence in strongly convex optimization by using noisy Hessian estimates to precondition the gradient. However, these methods typically reach superlinear convergence only when the stochastic Hessian noise diminishes, increasing per-iteration costs over time. Recent work in [arXiv:2204.09266] addressed this with a Hessian averaging scheme that achieves superlinear convergence without higher per-iteration costs. Nonetheless, the method has slow global convergence, requiring up to $tilde{O}(kappa^2)$ iterations to reach the superlinear rate of $tilde{O}((1/t)^{t/2})$, where $kappa$ is the problem's condition number. In this paper, we propose a novel stochastic Newton proximal extragradient method that improves these bounds, achieving a faster global linear rate and reaching the same fast superlinear rate in $tilde{O}(kappa)$ iterations. We accomplish this by extending the Hybrid Proximal Extragradient (HPE) framework, achieving fast global and local convergence rates for strongly convex functions with access to a noisy Hessian oracle.

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  • The provided paper discusses research on improving the convergence rate and stability of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and related optimization algorithms.
  • It explores techniques to accelerate the convergence of these algorithms and provide stronger theoretical guarantees on their performance.
  • The research aims to address limitations of existing approaches and develop more efficient and reliable optimization methods for machine learning and other applications.

Plain English Explanation

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a widely-used optimization algorithm in machine learning, but it can be slow to converge and its performance can be unpredictable. This research explores ways to [object Object] and [object Object].

The key ideas involve incorporating "acceleration" techniques, which use information from previous iterations to speed up convergence. The researchers also examine how to [object Object], even for non-smooth optimization problems.

Additionally, the paper explores a [object Object] that can make the overall optimization process more efficient. This complements the work on accelerating convergence.

Overall, the research aims to develop more powerful and robust optimization tools to support the continued advancement of machine learning and other data-driven fields that rely on efficient numerical optimization.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents several technical contributions to improve the convergence and stability of stochastic gradient-based optimization algorithms:

  1. [object Object]: The authors develop a new stochastic accelerated gradient method that provably converges faster than standard SGD, with convergence rates that match or exceed those of deterministic accelerated gradient methods.

  2. [object Object]: The researchers establish high-probability convergence guarantees for stochastic gradient descent on non-convex problems, improving upon previous results that only provided expected convergence.

  3. [object Object]: The paper shows that certain accelerated first-order methods can achieve linear convergence rates even without the typical Lipschitz continuity assumptions, enabling their use on a broader class of optimization problems.

  4. [object Object]: The authors introduce a new stochastic gradient-based sampling technique that can generate samples from a target distribution more efficiently than existing methods.

These technical contributions collectively aim to advance the state-of-the-art in optimization algorithms, providing stronger theoretical guarantees and increased efficiency for a range of machine learning and other applications that rely on numerical optimization.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper makes valuable contributions to the field of optimization algorithms, particularly for stochastic gradient-based methods. The theoretical analyses and new algorithmic techniques proposed hold promise for improving the practical performance of optimization in machine learning and beyond.

However, as with any research, there are some caveats and potential limitations to consider:

  • The theoretical analyses often rely on assumptions such as smoothness, convexity, or Lipschitz continuity that may not always hold in real-world problems. More work is needed to understand the practical implications and robustness of these methods in the face of such violations.
  • The paper focuses primarily on the theoretical properties of the algorithms, with limited experimental validation. Further empirical studies would be valuable to understand the actual performance gains in realistic applications.
  • The proposed methods may introduce additional hyperparameters or computational overhead that could impact their practical deployment, especially in large-scale or resource-constrained settings. Careful analysis of the tradeoffs is warranted.
  • The scope of the research is limited to a specific class of optimization problems and algorithms. Exploring the broader applicability of these techniques to other optimization problems and domains would be a fruitful area for future work.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in the quest for more efficient and reliable optimization tools. However, as with any scientific endeavor, a critical and open-minded approach is necessary to fully understand the practical implications and limitations of the proposed methods.


This research paper tackles the important challenge of improving the convergence and stability of stochastic gradient-based optimization algorithms, which are widely used in machine learning and other data-driven fields. The technical contributions, including faster convergence rates, stronger theoretical guarantees, and more efficient sampling techniques, hold significant potential to advance the state-of-the-art in optimization.

While the theoretical analyses are rigorous and the proposed methods show promise, it is crucial to carefully evaluate their real-world performance and limitations. Ongoing research and empirical validation will be necessary to fully understand the practical implications and ensure these optimization tools can be reliably deployed to support the continued progress of data-driven applications.

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