Uncertainty-aware Active Learning of NeRF-based Object Models for Robot Manipulators using Visual and Re-orientation Actions






Published 4/3/2024 by Saptarshi Dasgupta, Akshat Gupta, Shreshth Tuli, Rohan Paul
Uncertainty-aware Active Learning of NeRF-based Object Models for Robot Manipulators using Visual and Re-orientation Actions


Manipulating unseen objects is challenging without a 3D representation, as objects generally have occluded surfaces. This requires physical interaction with objects to build their internal representations. This paper presents an approach that enables a robot to rapidly learn the complete 3D model of a given object for manipulation in unfamiliar orientations. We use an ensemble of partially constructed NeRF models to quantify model uncertainty to determine the next action (a visual or re-orientation action) by optimizing informativeness and feasibility. Further, our approach determines when and how to grasp and re-orient an object given its partial NeRF model and re-estimates the object pose to rectify misalignments introduced during the interaction. Experiments with a simulated Franka Emika Robot Manipulator operating in a tabletop environment with benchmark objects demonstrate an improvement of (i) 14% in visual reconstruction quality (PSNR), (ii) 20% in the geometric/depth reconstruction of the object surface (F-score) and (iii) 71% in the task success rate of manipulating objects a-priori unseen orientations/stable configurations in the scene; over current methods. The project page can be found here: https://actnerf.github.io.

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  • This paper presents a method for actively learning 3D object models using a robot manipulator and a neural radiance field (NeRF) representation.
  • The approach combines visual observations and controlled re-orientation of the object to efficiently build accurate 3D models while quantifying uncertainty.
  • The authors demonstrate this technique on several household objects, showing it can learn high-quality models with fewer observations compared to passive learning.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a way for a robot to quickly and accurately learn 3D models of everyday objects it encounters. Traditional methods for creating 3D models often require capturing many images of an object from different angles, which can be time-consuming.

This new approach allows the robot to be more strategic about which views it captures. The robot uses a technique called neural radiance fields (NeRF) to build a 3D representation of the object. NeRF can create detailed 3D models from just a handful of images.

To make the process even more efficient, the robot actively decides which views it should capture next. It does this by evaluating how uncertain it is about different parts of the 3D model. The robot can then choose to re-orient the object and capture additional views of the areas it's most uncertain about. This helps it fill in the gaps in the 3D model quickly.

The researchers tested this active learning approach on several common household objects. They found the robot could create high-quality 3D models using far fewer images compared to a more passive approach. This could be very useful for robots that need to interact with and manipulate a wide variety of objects in the real world.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a framework for uncertainty-aware active learning of 3D object models using a robot manipulator and NeRF. The key components are:

  1. NeRF representation: The 3D object is modeled using a neural radiance field, which can efficiently capture high-fidelity geometry and appearance from sparse RGB-D observations.

  2. Active learning: The robot strategically selects the next best views to capture by quantifying the uncertainty in the current NeRF model. This is achieved by computing the variance in NeRF's density and color predictions.

  3. Visual and re-orientation actions: The robot can perform both visual observations of the object as well as controlled re-orientations to gain new perspectives and reduce uncertainty.

  4. Iterative learning: The process of capturing observations, updating the NeRF model, and selecting the next best action is repeated in an iterative manner until a convergence criterion is met.

The authors evaluate this approach on a set of household objects and show it can learn accurate 3D models using significantly fewer observations compared to passive learning. They also analyze the contribution of the re-orientation actions in improving model quality.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for efficiently learning 3D object models using active perception. The key strength is the combination of the NeRF representation, which can capture high-fidelity details from sparse data, with an active learning strategy that intelligently selects the most informative views.

One limitation mentioned by the authors is that the current implementation assumes the object remains static during the learning process. In real-world scenarios, objects may move or deform, which would require extensions to handle dynamic scenes.

Additionally, the paper does not extensively explore the generalization capabilities of the learned NeRF models. It would be insightful to understand how well these models transfer to new instances of the same object categories or handle occlusions and partial observations.

Further research could also investigate the scalability of this approach to larger and more diverse object sets, as well as its integration with higher-level reasoning for practical robotic manipulation tasks.


This work presents a promising step towards enabling robots to quickly and accurately build 3D models of the objects they encounter in the real world. By actively selecting the most informative views and leveraging the efficiency of NeRF, the proposed framework can learn high-quality object representations with fewer observations compared to passive approaches.

This has the potential to significantly improve a robot's ability to understand and interact with a wide variety of objects, which is a crucial capability for many real-world applications, such as household assistance, manufacturing, and search and rescue operations.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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