Understanding Catastrophic Forgetting in Language Models via Implicit Inference






Published 4/16/2024 by Suhas Kotha, Jacob Mitchell Springer, Aditi Raghunathan
Understanding Catastrophic Forgetting in Language Models via Implicit Inference


We lack a systematic understanding of the effects of fine-tuning (via methods such as instruction-tuning or reinforcement learning from human feedback), particularly on tasks outside the narrow fine-tuning distribution. In a simplified scenario, we demonstrate that improving performance on tasks within the fine-tuning data distribution comes at the expense of capabilities on other tasks. We hypothesize that language models implicitly infer the task of the prompt and that fine-tuning skews this inference towards tasks in the fine-tuning distribution. To test this, we propose Conjugate Prompting, which artificially makes the task look farther from the fine-tuning distribution while requiring the same capability, and we find that this recovers some of the pretraining capabilities in our synthetic setup. Since real-world fine-tuning distributions are predominantly English, we apply conjugate prompting to recover pretrained capabilities in LLMs by simply translating the prompts to different languages. This allows us to recover in-context learning abilities lost via instruction tuning, natural reasoning capability lost during code fine-tuning, and, more concerningly, harmful content generation suppressed by safety fine-tuning in chatbots like ChatGPT.

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  • This paper investigates the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting in language models, where models trained on a new task tend to forget previous knowledge.
  • The researchers use linear regression experiments to study this issue, examining how well language models can learn and retain new linear functions.
  • They find that language models exhibit implicit inference, where they learn the underlying linear relationship rather than just memorizing the input-output pairs.
  • This implicit learning leads to less catastrophic forgetting compared to models that simply memorize the training data.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at a problem called "catastrophic forgetting" that can happen with language models. Catastrophic forgetting is when a model trained on a new task forgets what it had learned before.

The researchers use simple linear regression experiments to study this issue. They train language models to learn linear functions, which are mathematical equations that describe a straight line. The models have to learn these functions from examples of input-output pairs.

The key finding is that language models don't just memorize the training examples. Instead, they seem to

the underlying linear relationship. This means they learn the general pattern, not just the specific examples.

This implicit learning helps the models retain more of their previous knowledge when learning new things. They don't suffer as much catastrophic forgetting compared to models that simply memorize the training data.

The findings suggest that the way language models learn - by inferring patterns rather than just memorizing - makes them more robust to forgetting past knowledge. This could have important implications for continual learning in language models and how we design AI systems that can learn and adapt over time without losing critical information.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores catastrophic forgetting in language models using a series of linear regression experiments. The researchers set up a task where language models have to learn linear functions from examples of input-output pairs.

They find that language models exhibit "implicit inference" - they don't simply memorize the training examples, but instead learn the underlying linear relationship. This allows the models to better retain previous knowledge when learning new tasks, compared to models that just memorize the training data.

Specifically, the researchers train language models on a sequence of linear functions. They observe that models that perform implicit inference, rather than pure memorization, experience less catastrophic forgetting. The models are able to leverage their understanding of the linear patterns to adapt to new functions, rather than completely overwriting their previous knowledge.

These findings connect to prior work on the role of context learning in language models and the limitations of context learning. The implicit inference exhibited by the language models in this study suggests a more sophisticated learning process than simple context memorization.

The results have implications for continual learning in language models and highlight the importance of understanding how these models

rather than just focusing on their performance on specific tasks. Further research is needed to explore the broader dynamics of catastrophic forgetting in larger language models and more complex domains.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the learning dynamics of language models, but there are a few limitations and open questions worth considering:

The experiments are restricted to linear regression, which is a relatively simple task compared to the full breadth of language understanding. It remains to be seen whether the implicit inference phenomenon observed here extends to more complex language modeling challenges.

Additionally, the experiments use relatively small-scale language models. It's unclear if the same patterns would hold for larger, more powerful models that are more representative of modern language AI systems. Further research on catastrophic forgetting in large language models would help validate and expand on these findings.

The paper also does not deeply explore the mechanisms underlying the implicit inference process. A more detailed investigation into how language models extract and represent the underlying patterns in the data could lead to important insights about their learning capabilities and limitations.

Overall, this work takes an important step in understanding catastrophic forgetting in language models, but there is still much to be explored in terms of the broader applicability of these ideas and the precise cognitive processes involved.


This paper provides valuable insights into the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting in language models, using linear regression experiments to demonstrate that models can engage in "implicit inference" rather than simply memorizing training data.

The key finding is that this implicit learning approach allows language models to better retain previous knowledge when adapting to new tasks, compared to models that merely memorize examples. This suggests that the way language models learn - by extracting underlying patterns rather than just remembering specific inputs and outputs - confers important advantages in terms of continual learning and knowledge retention.

These results have important implications for the design of robust and adaptable language AI systems. By understanding the learning dynamics at play, researchers can work to mitigate catastrophic forgetting and develop models that can flexibly acquire new capabilities without losing critical prior knowledge. Further exploration of these ideas in larger, more complex language models will be an important area of future research.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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