Unified Uncertainties: Combining Input, Data and Model Uncertainty into a Single Formulation






Published 6/28/2024 by Matias Valdenegro-Toro, Ivo Pascal de Jong, Marco Zullich
Unified Uncertainties: Combining Input, Data and Model Uncertainty into a Single Formulation


Modelling uncertainty in Machine Learning models is essential for achieving safe and reliable predictions. Most research on uncertainty focuses on output uncertainty (predictions), but minimal attention is paid to uncertainty at inputs. We propose a method for propagating uncertainty in the inputs through a Neural Network that is simultaneously able to estimate input, data, and model uncertainty. Our results show that this propagation of input uncertainty results in a more stable decision boundary even under large amounts of input noise than comparatively simple Monte Carlo sampling. Additionally, we discuss and demonstrate that input uncertainty, when propagated through the model, results in model uncertainty at the outputs. The explicit incorporation of input uncertainty may be beneficial in situations where the amount of input uncertainty is known, though good datasets for this are still needed.

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  • This paper proposes a unified framework for quantifying uncertainty in machine learning models, including input, data, and model uncertainty.
  • The authors argue that existing approaches often treat these different sources of uncertainty in isolation, leading to incomplete or inaccurate assessments.
  • The proposed method aims to combine these various forms of uncertainty into a single formulation, providing a more comprehensive and accurate way to characterize model uncertainty.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the challenge of quantifying uncertainty in machine learning models. Uncertainty can arise from several sources, such as the input data, the inherent variability in the training data, and the limitations of the model itself.

Existing approaches often treat these different types of uncertainty in isolation, which can lead to an incomplete or inaccurate understanding of the overall uncertainty in the model's predictions. The authors propose a unified framework that combines input, data, and model uncertainty into a single formulation. This allows for a more comprehensive and accurate characterization of the uncertainty in the model's outputs, which can be important for applications where reliable uncertainty quantification is critical, such as medicine or autonomous systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a unified framework for quantifying uncertainty in machine learning models, which combines input uncertainty, data uncertainty, and model uncertainty into a single formulation. The authors argue that existing approaches often treat these different sources of uncertainty in isolation, leading to incomplete or inaccurate assessments of the overall model uncertainty.

The proposed method builds upon the concept of input uncertainty, where the input features are modeled as random variables with associated probability distributions. This input uncertainty is then propagated through the model to quantify the resulting uncertainty in the output predictions. The authors further incorporate data uncertainty, which captures the inherent variability and noise in the training data, and model uncertainty, which accounts for the limitations and imperfections of the model itself.

By unifying these different sources of uncertainty, the authors' approach provides a more comprehensive and accurate characterization of the overall uncertainty in the model's outputs. This is achieved by leveraging Bayesian inference techniques and stochastic optimization methods to jointly estimate the input, data, and model uncertainties.

The paper presents theoretical analysis and experimental results on various benchmark datasets, demonstrating the advantages of the unified uncertainty framework compared to traditional approaches that treat these uncertainties in isolation.

Critical Analysis

The proposed unified uncertainty framework represents a significant contribution to the field of uncertainty quantification in machine learning. The authors' key insight of combining different sources of uncertainty into a single formulation is a valuable step towards more accurate and reliable uncertainty assessment.

One potential limitation of the approach is the increased computational complexity compared to simpler uncertainty quantification methods. The authors acknowledge this challenge and suggest potential strategies for improving the efficiency of their approach, such as the use of approximate inference techniques.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive discussion of the potential limitations or caveats of the unified uncertainty framework. For example, the authors could have addressed the sensitivity of the method to the choice of prior distributions or the potential impact of model misspecification on the accuracy of the uncertainty estimates.

Further research in this area could explore the practical implications of the unified uncertainty framework, particularly in high-stakes applications where reliable uncertainty quantification is critical, such as medical diagnosis or autonomous decision-making. Empirical studies in these domains could provide valuable insights into the real-world performance and limitations of the proposed approach.


This paper presents a unified framework for quantifying uncertainty in machine learning models, which combines input, data, and model uncertainty into a single formulation. The authors argue that this approach provides a more comprehensive and accurate characterization of the overall uncertainty in model predictions, which can be crucial for applications where reliable uncertainty quantification is essential.

The technical details of the proposed method, along with the theoretical analysis and experimental results, demonstrate the potential benefits of this unified uncertainty framework. While the approach may face computational challenges, the authors' work represents a significant step forward in the field of uncertainty quantification in machine learning. Further research and practical applications of this framework could lead to important advancements in the development of more trustworthy and robust AI systems.

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