Neural Networks Make Approximately Independent Errors Over Repeated Training






Published 6/11/2024 by Keller Jordan



Typical neural network trainings have substantial variance in test-set performance between repeated runs, impeding hyperparameter comparison and training reproducibility. In this work we present the following results towards understanding this variation. (1) Despite having significant variance on their test-sets, we demonstrate that standard CIFAR-10 and ImageNet trainings have little variance in performance on the underlying test-distributions from which their test-sets are sampled. (2) We show that these trainings make approximately independent errors on their test-sets. That is, the event that a trained network makes an error on one particular example does not affect its chances of making errors on other examples, relative to their average rates over repeated runs of training with the same hyperparameters. (3) We prove that the variance of neural network trainings on their test-sets is a downstream consequence of the class-calibration property discovered by Jiang et al. (2021). Our analysis yields a simple formula which accurately predicts variance for the binary classification case. (4) We conduct preliminary studies of data augmentation, learning rate, finetuning instability and distribution-shift through the lens of variance between runs.

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  • Typical neural network trainings have significant variation in their test-set performance across repeated runs, which can make it difficult to compare hyperparameters and ensure reproducibility.
  • This paper presents several key findings that help explain this variation:
    • Despite the variance in test-set performance, there is little variance in performance on the underlying test distributions.
    • Neural networks make approximately independent errors on their test-sets.
    • The variance in test-set performance is a consequence of the "class-calibration" property discovered in prior research.
    • The paper also explores the impact of factors like data augmentation, learning rate, and distribution shift on this variance.

Plain English Explanation

When training neural networks, researchers often find that the performance on the test-set can vary a lot between repeated runs, even when using the same hyperparameters. This makes it challenging to fairly compare different training approaches and to ensure that the results can be consistently reproduced.

The key findings from this paper help explain what's going on under the hood. **[]**Despite the high variance in test-set performance, the underlying performance of the trained networks on the full test distribution is actually quite consistent. It seems that the networks are making errors in an approximately random way, without any strong dependencies between the errors on different test examples.

The researchers show that this test-set variance is a consequence of a property called "class-calibration" that was discovered in prior work. [] Essentially, the networks are well-calibrated to the true class probabilities, but this calibration introduces variance when evaluated on a finite test-set.

The paper also explores how factors like data augmentation, learning rate, and distribution shift impact this variance between training runs. [], [] This provides insights into strategies for stabilizing neural network training and improving the consistency of results.

Technical Explanation

The key technical findings from the paper are:

  1. Test Distribution Consistency: Despite the substantial variance in test-set performance across repeated neural network trainings, the researchers demonstrate that the underlying performance on the full test distribution is much more consistent. This suggests the test-set variance is not due to fundamental differences in the trained models' capabilities.

  2. Independent Errors: The paper shows that the trained networks make approximately independent errors on their test-sets. That is, the fact that a network makes an error on one example does not significantly affect its chances of making an error on other examples, beyond the average error rate.

  3. Class-Calibration and Variance: The researchers prove that the test-set variance is a consequence of the "class-calibration" property discovered by prior work. [] They provide a simple formula that accurately predicts the variance for the binary classification case.

  4. Influencing Factors: The paper also presents preliminary studies on how factors like data augmentation, learning rate, finetuning instability, and distribution shift impact the variance between training runs. []

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and insightful analysis of the variation in test-set performance for neural network trainings. The key findings help explain this phenomenon and point to potential strategies for improving training consistency.

One potential limitation is the focus on standard computer vision benchmarks like CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. It would be interesting to see if the same patterns hold for other domains and tasks, such as natural language processing or reinforcement learning.

Additionally, while the class-calibration explanation provides a mathematical foundation for understanding the test-set variance, it would be valuable to have a more intuitive understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Further research exploring the connection between network properties, the training process, and the observed variance could yield additional insights.

Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to our understanding of neural network training dynamics and sets the stage for future work on improving the reproducibility and stability of deep learning systems.


This paper sheds light on the long-standing issue of substantial variation in test-set performance for neural network trainings. The key findings reveal that despite this observed variance, the underlying performance on the full test distribution is much more consistent, and the errors made by the networks are approximately independent.

The researchers trace this test-set variance back to the "class-calibration" property of the trained models, providing a mathematical explanation and a formula to predict the variance. They also explore how factors like data augmentation, learning rate, and distribution shift impact this variance.

These insights have important implications for the field of deep learning, as they can inform strategies for stabilizing training, improving reproducibility, and more reliably comparing different approaches. By better understanding the sources of variation in neural network performance, researchers and practitioners can work towards building more robust and reliable deep learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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