Versatile Navigation under Partial Observability via Value-guided Diffusion Policy






Published 4/4/2024 by Gengyu Zhang, Hao Tang, Yan Yan
Versatile Navigation under Partial Observability via Value-guided Diffusion Policy


Route planning for navigation under partial observability plays a crucial role in modern robotics and autonomous driving. Existing route planning approaches can be categorized into two main classes: traditional autoregressive and diffusion-based methods. The former often fails due to its myopic nature, while the latter either assumes full observability or struggles to adapt to unfamiliar scenarios, due to strong couplings with behavior cloning from experts. To address these deficiencies, we propose a versatile diffusion-based approach for both 2D and 3D route planning under partial observability. Specifically, our value-guided diffusion policy first generates plans to predict actions across various timesteps, providing ample foresight to the planning. It then employs a differentiable planner with state estimations to derive a value function, directing the agent's exploration and goal-seeking behaviors without seeking experts while explicitly addressing partial observability. During inference, our policy is further enhanced by a best-plan-selection strategy, substantially boosting the planning success rate. Moreover, we propose projecting point clouds, derived from RGB-D inputs, onto 2D grid-based bird-eye-view maps via semantic segmentation, generalizing to 3D environments. This simple yet effective adaption enables zero-shot transfer from 2D-trained policy to 3D, cutting across the laborious training for 3D policy, and thus certifying our versatility. Experimental results demonstrate our superior performance, particularly in navigating situations beyond expert demonstrations, surpassing state-of-the-art autoregressive and diffusion-based baselines for both 2D and 3D scenarios.

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  • This paper proposes a new approach for navigation in partially observable environments using a technique called "value-guided diffusion policy".
  • The method aims to enable versatile navigation, where an agent can effectively navigate and complete various tasks in complex environments with limited information.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through simulated experiments in challenging environments.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper describes a new way for autonomous agents, like robots or virtual characters, to navigate and explore their surroundings when they don't have complete information about the environment.

Imagine you're trying to find your way through a maze, but you can only see a small area around you at any given time. This is the kind of partially observable environment the paper is addressing. The proposed technique allows the agent to efficiently explore the maze and find its way to the goal, even when it can't see the full layout upfront.

The key idea is to guide the agent's exploration using a "value-guided diffusion policy". This means the agent doesn't just randomly wander, but instead uses an internal evaluation of the potential value or usefulness of different areas to decide where to go next. It "diffuses" or spreads out in the most promising directions, focusing its search on the most rewarding paths.

By incorporating this value-guided exploration, the agent can navigate versatilely - it can handle a variety of tasks and environments, not just a single predetermined route. This makes the approach more flexible and practical for real-world applications like autonomous robots or video game characters.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel framework called "Value-Guided Diffusion Policy" (VGDP) for navigation in partially observable environments. The key components are:

  1. Belief State Representation: The agent maintains a probabilistic belief state about the unobserved parts of the environment, which is updated as new observations are made.

  2. Value Network: A deep neural network is trained to estimate the expected future reward (value) of being in different belief states. This value function guides the agent's exploration.

  3. Diffusion Policy: Based on the value estimates, the agent "diffuses" its exploration by sampling actions that spread out in promising directions, rather than just greedily following the maximum value.

The authors evaluate VGDP in simulated environments with varying degrees of partial observability. The results show VGDP outperforms alternative approaches in terms of navigation efficiency and task completion rates, demonstrating its versatility in handling diverse challenges.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the VGDP approach, exploring its performance across a range of partially observable environments. The authors acknowledge limitations, such as the sensitivity of the method to the accuracy of the value network, and suggest directions for future work to address these issues.

One potential concern is the reliance on simulated environments, which may not fully capture the complexities of real-world navigation challenges. Evaluating the approach on physical robotic platforms or in more realistic virtual environments could provide further insights into its practical applicability.

Additionally, the paper does not deeply discuss the interpretability or explainability of the VGDP framework. As autonomous systems become more prevalent, there is a growing emphasis on understanding the decision-making processes of these agents, which could be an interesting area for future research.


The "Value-Guided Diffusion Policy" proposed in this paper represents a promising approach for enabling versatile navigation in partially observable environments. By combining a probabilistic belief state representation, a value-based exploration strategy, and a diffusion-based policy, the method allows agents to efficiently explore and complete tasks in complex settings with limited information.

The demonstrated performance improvements over alternative techniques suggest that this framework could have significant implications for the development of autonomous systems, such as robots or virtual characters, that need to navigate and interact with their surroundings in a flexible and adaptive manner. Further research to address the identified limitations and explore real-world applications could help unlock the full potential of this innovative approach.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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