View selection in multi-view stacking: Choosing the meta-learner






Published 4/16/2024 by Wouter van Loon, Marjolein Fokkema, Botond Szabo, Mark de Rooij



Multi-view stacking is a framework for combining information from different views (i.e. different feature sets) describing the same set of objects. In this framework, a base-learner algorithm is trained on each view separately, and their predictions are then combined by a meta-learner algorithm. In a previous study, stacked penalized logistic regression, a special case of multi-view stacking, has been shown to be useful in identifying which views are most important for prediction. In this article we expand this research by considering seven different algorithms to use as the meta-learner, and evaluating their view selection and classification performance in simulations and two applications on real gene-expression data sets. Our results suggest that if both view selection and classification accuracy are important to the research at hand, then the nonnegative lasso, nonnegative adaptive lasso and nonnegative elastic net are suitable meta-learners. Exactly which among these three is to be preferred depends on the research context. The remaining four meta-learners, namely nonnegative ridge regression, nonnegative forward selection, stability selection and the interpolating predictor, show little advantages in order to be preferred over the other three.

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  • Multi-view stacking is a framework for combining information from different feature sets describing the same set of objects.
  • It involves training base-learner algorithms on each feature set separately, then combining their predictions using a meta-learner algorithm.
  • Previous research showed that a special case of multi-view stacking, called stacked penalized logistic regression, can identify the most important feature sets for prediction.
  • This study expands on that research by evaluating seven different meta-learner algorithms for their view selection and classification performance.

Plain English Explanation

Many real-world problems involve data that can be described in multiple different ways, or "views." For example, when predicting sale prices, a house might be described by its size, location, number of bedrooms, etc. - each of these is a different "view" of the same house.

Multi-view stacking is a technique that takes advantage of these multiple views. First, it trains individual prediction models on each view separately. Then, it combines the predictions from those models using a "meta-learner" algorithm. This allows the model to learn from the strengths of each individual view.

Previous research showed that one specific type of multi-view stacking, called stacked penalized logistic regression, can also help identify which views are most important for making accurate predictions. This is useful for understanding the key factors driving the predictions.

This current study builds on that work by looking at seven different meta-learner algorithms and evaluating how well they perform at both accurate predictions and identifying important views. The results suggest that a few of the meta-learners, like the nonnegative lasso and elastic net, tend to work well for both tasks. The choice of which to use depends on the specific research context and goals.

Technical Explanation

This study evaluates the performance of seven different meta-learner algorithms for multi-view stacking:

  1. Nonnegative lasso
  2. Nonnegative adaptive lasso
  3. Nonnegative elastic net
  4. Nonnegative ridge regression
  5. Nonnegative forward selection
  6. Stability selection
  7. Interpolating predictor

The authors tested these meta-learners in simulations as well as on two real gene expression data sets. They measured the meta-learners' ability to both accurately classify the target variable and identify the most important views (i.e. feature sets) for making predictions.

The results suggest that if both view selection and classification accuracy are important, then the nonnegative lasso, nonnegative adaptive lasso, and nonnegative elastic net are suitable meta-learner choices. The specific choice depends on the research context and goals.

The other four meta-learners (nonnegative ridge, nonnegative forward selection, stability selection, and interpolating predictor) did not show clear advantages over the top three, so may not be preferred in most cases.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough evaluation of multiple meta-learner algorithms for multi-view stacking, which is a valuable contribution to the field. However, a few potential limitations or areas for further research are worth noting:

  • The evaluation was primarily focused on gene expression data sets. It would be helpful to see how the meta-learners perform on a wider range of real-world data types and prediction tasks, such as the sale price prediction or high-dimensional prediction problems mentioned in the internal links.
  • The paper did not delve deeply into the reasons why certain meta-learners performed better than others. Further analysis of the algorithmic properties and how they interact with the multi-view stacking framework could provide more insights.
  • The study only considered binary classification tasks. Extending the evaluation to multi-class or regression problems could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the meta-learners' capabilities.
  • As noted in the multi-view clustering literature, the performance of multi-view methods can be sensitive to the quality and informativeness of the individual views. The impact of view characteristics on the meta-learner performance was not explored here.

Overall, this is a well-designed and informative study that advances our understanding of multi-view stacking approaches. The findings provide useful guidance for researchers and practitioners looking to apply these techniques, while also highlighting opportunities for future research to build on this work.


This study expanded on previous research by evaluating seven different meta-learner algorithms for multi-view stacking, a framework that combines predictive information from multiple feature sets describing the same set of objects. The results suggest that if both view selection and classification accuracy are important, the nonnegative lasso, nonnegative adaptive lasso, and nonnegative elastic net are suitable meta-learner choices. The specific algorithm selected would depend on the research context and goals.

This work contributes to our understanding of how to effectively leverage multiple data views to improve predictive modeling, with potential applications across a wide range of domains, from sale price prediction to high-dimensional prediction and beyond. Further research exploring the interaction between view characteristics, meta-learner algorithms, and performance on diverse data types could build on these findings and advance the field of multi-view learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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