Imputation of missing values in multi-view data






Published 6/21/2024 by Wouter van Loon, Marjolein Fokkema, Frank de Vos, Marisa Koini, Reinhold Schmidt, Mark de Rooij



Data for which a set of objects is described by multiple distinct feature sets (called views) is known as multi-view data. When missing values occur in multi-view data, all features in a view are likely to be missing simultaneously. This may lead to very large quantities of missing data which, especially when combined with high-dimensionality, can make the application of conditional imputation methods computationally infeasible. However, the multi-view structure could be leveraged to reduce the complexity and computational load of imputation. We introduce a new imputation method based on the existing stacked penalized logistic regression (StaPLR) algorithm for multi-view learning. It performs imputation in a dimension-reduced space to address computational challenges inherent to the multi-view context. We compare the performance of the new imputation method with several existing imputation algorithms in simulated data sets and a real data application. The results show that the new imputation method leads to competitive results at a much lower computational cost, and makes the use of advanced imputation algorithms such as missForest and predictive mean matching possible in settings where they would otherwise be computationally infeasible.

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  • Multi-view data refers to datasets where each object is described by multiple distinct feature sets or "views"
  • When there are missing values in multi-view data, entire views are often missing simultaneously, leading to large amounts of missing data
  • This can make advanced imputation methods computationally infeasible, especially when combined with high-dimensionality
  • The authors introduce a new imputation method that leverages the multi-view structure to reduce the complexity and computational load of imputation

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a dataset about people, where each person is described by multiple sets of information or "views" - for example, their demographic details, medical history, and financial records. When there are missing values in this dataset, it's common for all the information in a particular view to be missing at the same time. This can result in a huge amount of missing data, which becomes especially challenging when the dataset has a large number of features.

The authors of this paper recognized that the multi-view structure of the data could be used to make the imputation process more efficient. They developed a new imputation method that performs the imputation in a lower-dimensional space, reducing the computational burden. This allows them to use more advanced imputation algorithms, like missForest and predictive mean matching, that would otherwise be too computationally intensive for this type of dataset.

Technical Explanation

The authors introduce a new imputation method based on the existing stacked penalized logistic regression (StaPLR) algorithm for multi-view learning. Their approach performs the imputation in a dimension-reduced space to address the computational challenges inherent to the multi-view setting, where entire views can be missing simultaneously, leading to large amounts of missing data.

The authors compare the performance of their new imputation method to several existing imputation algorithms using both simulated data and a real-world dataset. The results show that their new method achieves competitive imputation accuracy at a much lower computational cost, making it possible to use advanced imputation techniques like missForest and predictive mean matching in settings where they would otherwise be computationally infeasible.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge that their method, like any imputation approach, has certain limitations. For example, the performance of the imputation may be sensitive to the specific characteristics of the multi-view data, such as the degree of correlation between views. The authors also note that their method relies on the assumption that the missing data are missing at random, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios.

Additionally, the authors do not explore the potential for their method to introduce bias or distort the underlying data distribution, which is an important consideration when using any imputation technique. Further research would be needed to fully understand the robustness and reliability of the method in different types of multi-view data.


The authors have developed a new imputation method that leverages the multi-view structure of data to reduce the computational complexity of the imputation process. This allows for the use of more advanced imputation algorithms, which can lead to improved imputation accuracy, particularly in high-dimensional, multi-view datasets with large amounts of missing data.

The authors' work highlights the importance of considering the underlying data structure when designing imputation methods, and demonstrates the potential benefits of exploiting specific data characteristics to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of missing data handling. As the volume and complexity of data continue to grow, innovative approaches like this will be increasingly valuable for enabling robust and scalable data analysis in a wide range of domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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