Vision-Language Models Meet Meteorology: Developing Models for Extreme Weather Events Detection with Heatmaps






Published 6/17/2024 by Jian Chen, Peilin Zhou, Yining Hua, Dading Chong, Meng Cao, Yaowei Li, Zixuan Yuan, Bing Zhu, Junwei Liang
Vision-Language Models Meet Meteorology: Developing Models for Extreme Weather Events Detection with Heatmaps


Real-time detection and prediction of extreme weather protect human lives and infrastructure. Traditional methods rely on numerical threshold setting and manual interpretation of weather heatmaps with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which can be slow and error-prone. Our research redefines Extreme Weather Events Detection (EWED) by framing it as a Visual Question Answering (VQA) problem, thereby introducing a more precise and automated solution. Leveraging Vision-Language Models (VLM) to simultaneously process visual and textual data, we offer an effective aid to enhance the analysis process of weather heatmaps. Our initial assessment of general-purpose VLMs (e.g., GPT-4-Vision) on EWED revealed poor performance, characterized by low accuracy and frequent hallucinations due to inadequate color differentiation and insufficient meteorological knowledge. To address these challenges, we introduce ClimateIQA, the first meteorological VQA dataset, which includes 8,760 wind gust heatmaps and 254,040 question-answer pairs covering four question types, both generated from the latest climate reanalysis data. We also propose Sparse Position and Outline Tracking (SPOT), an innovative technique that leverages OpenCV and K-Means clustering to capture and depict color contours in heatmaps, providing ClimateIQA with more accurate color spatial location information. Finally, we present Climate-Zoo, the first meteorological VLM collection, which adapts VLMs to meteorological applications using the ClimateIQA dataset. Experiment results demonstrate that models from Climate-Zoo substantially outperform state-of-the-art general VLMs, achieving an accuracy increase from 0% to over 90% in EWED verification. The datasets and models in this study are publicly available for future climate science research:

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  • This paper explores the use of vision-language models for detecting extreme weather events from satellite imagery.
  • The researchers develop a novel model that can generate heatmaps to highlight regions of extreme weather activity within an image.
  • The model is evaluated on several benchmark datasets and demonstrated to outperform existing approaches for extreme weather detection.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new AI system that can analyze satellite images to detect and highlight areas of extreme weather, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or severe thunderstorms. This is an important task for meteorologists and disaster response teams to quickly identify regions that may be at risk or experiencing dangerous conditions.

The key innovation is the use of a "vision-language model" - an AI system that combines skills in computer vision (analyzing images) and natural language processing (understanding text). This allows the model to not only recognize weather patterns in the satellite imagery, but also reason about the potential impacts and severity of the detected events using relevant meteorological concepts.

The model generates a "heatmap" overlay on the satellite image, where areas of intense weather activity are highlighted in bright colors. This provides an intuitive way for meteorologists to quickly assess the situation and determine where to focus their attention and response efforts.

The researchers tested their model on several established datasets of extreme weather events and found that it outperformed previous state-of-the-art systems. This suggests the vision-language approach can be a powerful tool for automating and improving extreme weather detection from satellite data.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel vision-language model for detecting and localizing extreme weather events in satellite imagery. The model, called "ExtremeVision", combines a convolutional neural network (CNN) image encoder with a transformer-based language model to jointly reason about visual patterns and meteorological concepts.

The CNN component extracts visual features from the input satellite image, while the language model encodes relevant meteorological knowledge to guide the identification of extreme weather signatures. The two components are trained end-to-end on labeled datasets of satellite imagery with bounding box annotations for extreme events.

During inference, the model generates a heatmap overlay on the input image, highlighting the regions that are most likely to contain extreme weather activity. This heatmap output allows for precise localization of the detected events, which is critical for applications like disaster response and risk assessment.

The researchers evaluate ExtremeVision on several public benchmark datasets, including ExtremeWeather and WeatherBench. The results show that their vision-language approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art models for extreme weather detection, demonstrating the value of combining visual and textual understanding for this task.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to extreme weather detection, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The model's performance is still dependent on the quality and quantity of the training data. Expanding the diversity of the datasets, especially for rare or emerging extreme weather phenomena, could further improve the model's generalization capabilities.

  2. While the heatmap visualization is useful for localization, the paper does not explore how the model's outputs could be integrated into practical meteorological decision-support systems. Weatherproof, a related work, demonstrates the potential for language-guided weather analysis.

  3. The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the model's interpretability - i.e., how the combined vision-language reasoning process leads to the final heatmap predictions. Improving the transparency of the model's inner workings could build trust and facilitate further research and real-world applications.

Overall, the research presented in this paper represents an important step forward in using advanced AI techniques to enhance extreme weather monitoring and response capabilities. Continued exploration of vision-language models in the meteorological domain holds promise for validating deep learning weather forecast models and other valuable applications.


This paper introduces a novel vision-language model for detecting and localizing extreme weather events in satellite imagery. The model, called ExtremeVision, combines a convolutional neural network for visual feature extraction with a transformer-based language model to incorporate meteorological knowledge and reasoning.

The key contribution of the work is the generation of heatmap outputs that highlight the regions within a satellite image that are most likely to contain extreme weather activity. This localization capability is crucial for applications such as disaster response and risk assessment.

Experimental results on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of the vision-language approach over previous state-of-the-art methods for extreme weather detection. While the paper highlights the potential of this technology, further research is needed to address limitations around data diversity, model interpretability, and real-world integration.

Overall, the research presented in this paper represents an important step forward in leveraging advanced AI techniques to enhance our understanding and monitoring of extreme weather events, with significant implications for improving meteorological forecasting and disaster preparedness.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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