Will My Robot Achieve My Goals? Predicting the Probability that an MDP Policy Reaches a User-Specified Behavior Target






Published 4/4/2024 by Alexander Guyer, Thomas G. Dietterich



As an autonomous system performs a task, it should maintain a calibrated estimate of the probability that it will achieve the user's goal. If that probability falls below some desired level, it should alert the user so that appropriate interventions can be made. This paper considers settings where the user's goal is specified as a target interval for a real-valued performance summary, such as the cumulative reward, measured at a fixed horizon $H$. At each time $t in {0, ldots, H-1}$, our method produces a calibrated estimate of the probability that the final cumulative reward will fall within a user-specified target interval $[y^-,y^+].$ Using this estimate, the autonomous system can raise an alarm if the probability drops below a specified threshold. We compute the probability estimates by inverting conformal prediction. Our starting point is the Conformalized Quantile Regression (CQR) method of Romano et al., which applies split-conformal prediction to the results of quantile regression. CQR is not invertible, but by using the conditional cumulative distribution function (CDF) as the non-conformity measure, we show how to obtain an invertible modification that we call Probability-space Conformalized Quantile Regression (PCQR). Like CQR, PCQR produces well-calibrated conditional prediction intervals with finite-sample marginal guarantees. By inverting PCQR, we obtain guarantees for the probability that the cumulative reward of an autonomous system will fall below a threshold sampled from the marginal distribution of the response variable (i.e., a calibrated CDF estimate) that we employ to predict coverage probabilities for user-specified target intervals. Experiments on two domains confirm that these probabilities are well-calibrated.

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  • As an autonomous system performs a task, it should be able to estimate the probability that it will successfully achieve the user's goal.
  • If the probability falls below a desired level, the system should alert the user so they can intervene.
  • This paper focuses on settings where the user's goal is defined as a target interval for a real-valued performance summary, such as cumulative reward, at a fixed time horizon.
  • The paper presents a method to produce a calibrated estimate of the probability that the final cumulative reward will fall within the user-specified target interval.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a robot that's trying to complete a task for you. As the robot works, it should be able to estimate how likely it is to successfully finish the task and achieve your desired goal. This goal might be something like earning a certain amount of points or rewards by the end of the task.

If the robot starts to think it's unlikely to reach your goal, it should let you know so you can step in and help. That way, you can make adjustments or provide guidance to get the robot back on track.

The researchers in this paper looked at a specific type of goal, where you define a target range of values that you want the robot to reach. For example, you might want the robot to earn between 50 and 75 points by the end of the task.

The paper presents a method that allows the robot to continuously calculate the probability that it will end up within your target range. If that probability drops too low, the robot can give you a warning. This helps ensure the robot is on the right path to achieving your objective.

Technical Explanation

The key idea is to use a technique called "Probability-space Conformalized Quantile Regression" (PCQR) to estimate the probability that the autonomous system's cumulative performance will fall within the user's target interval.

PCQR builds on an existing method called "Conformalized Quantile Regression" (CQR), which applies "conformal prediction" to the results of quantile regression. Quantile regression allows you to model different percentiles of a response variable (like cumulative reward) based on input features.

However, CQR is not directly invertible to obtain probability estimates. The researchers show how to modify CQR by using the conditional cumulative distribution function (CDF) as the "non-conformity measure." This yields the PCQR method, which can produce well-calibrated probability estimates with finite-sample guarantees.

By inverting the PCQR model, the autonomous system can obtain a calibrated CDF estimate for the cumulative reward. This allows the system to directly calculate the probability that the reward will fall within the user's target interval.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach through experiments in two different domains, confirming that the probability estimates are properly calibrated.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a robust theoretical framework and empirical validation for the PCQR method. However, a few potential limitations or areas for further research are worth noting:

  • The paper focuses on a fixed time horizon, but in many real-world scenarios, the user's goal may be more open-ended or have a variable time frame. Extending the approach to handle more flexible goal definitions could increase its practical applicability.
  • The experiments were conducted on relatively simple domains. Evaluating the method's performance on more complex, real-world autonomous systems would help assess its scalability and practical usefulness.
  • The paper does not explore how the probability estimates could be used to guide the autonomous system's decision-making or inform the user's interventions. Investigating these aspects could further enhance the usefulness of the approach.

Overall, the research presents a promising technique for enabling autonomous systems to maintain calibrated goal-achievement probability estimates, which can support more reliable and transparent human-machine collaboration.


This paper introduces a novel method called Probability-space Conformalized Quantile Regression (PCQR) that allows autonomous systems to continuously monitor the probability of achieving a user-specified performance goal. By providing well-calibrated probability estimates, the system can alert the user when the likelihood of success drops below a desired threshold, enabling timely interventions.

The technical approach builds upon existing conformal prediction techniques, offering a principled way to invert quantile regression models and obtain reliable probability estimates. The experimental validation demonstrates the effectiveness of the method, suggesting its potential to enhance the transparency and reliability of autonomous decision-making systems.

As autonomous technologies become more prevalent, tools like PCQR can play a crucial role in fostering trust and enabling seamless human-machine collaboration, where the autonomous system's goals and progress are clearly communicated to the user. Further research to expand the method's capabilities and explore its real-world applications could yield valuable insights for the field of autonomous systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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