Wilsonian Renormalization of Neural Network Gaussian Processes






Published 5/13/2024 by Jessica N. Howard, Ro Jefferson, Anindita Maiti, Zohar Ringel
Wilsonian Renormalization of Neural Network Gaussian Processes


Separating relevant and irrelevant information is key to any modeling process or scientific inquiry. Theoretical physics offers a powerful tool for achieving this in the form of the renormalization group (RG). Here we demonstrate a practical approach to performing Wilsonian RG in the context of Gaussian Process (GP) Regression. We systematically integrate out the unlearnable modes of the GP kernel, thereby obtaining an RG flow of the Gaussian Process in which the data plays the role of the energy scale. In simple cases, this results in a universal flow of the ridge parameter, which becomes input-dependent in the richer scenario in which non-Gaussianities are included. In addition to being analytically tractable, this approach goes beyond structural analogies between RG and neural networks by providing a natural connection between RG flow and learnable vs. unlearnable modes. Studying such flows may improve our understanding of feature learning in deep neural networks, and identify potential universality classes in these models.

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  • This paper explores the application of Wilsonian renormalization, a concept from theoretical physics, to the study of neural network Gaussian processes.
  • The authors investigate how Wilsonian renormalization can be used to understand the scaling behavior of neural networks and improve their performance in high-dimensional regression tasks.
  • The research connects the scaling laws and universal statistical structure of complex systems to the behavior of neural networks, building on prior work in integrated generative modeling and multi-layer random feature approximations.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores how a concept from theoretical physics called Wilsonian renormalization can be applied to understand the behavior of neural networks. Wilsonian renormalization is a way of simplifying complex systems by focusing on the most important features at different scales.

The authors show how this approach can be used to study neural networks, which are complex systems that learn to perform tasks by adjusting the strengths of connections between artificial neurons. By applying Wilsonian renormalization, the researchers were able to gain insights into how the performance of neural networks scales with the size and complexity of the problem they are trying to solve.

This work builds on previous research that has looked at the underlying scaling laws and universal statistical structure of complex systems, as well as studies on integrated generative modeling and multi-layer random feature approximations in neural networks. By connecting these different areas of research, the authors hope to develop a better understanding of how neural networks work and how they can be improved.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a Wilsonian renormalization approach for analyzing neural network Gaussian processes (NNGPs). The authors show how Wilsonian renormalization can be used to study the scaling behavior of NNGPs in high-dimensional regression tasks, building on previous work on scaling laws and universal statistical structure in complex systems and integrated generative modeling using attentive planar networks.

The core idea is to use Wilsonian renormalization to coarse-grain the NNGP and identify the most relevant degrees of freedom at different length scales. This allows the authors to derive scaling relations that describe how the performance of the NNGP changes as the problem dimensionality and other parameters are varied.

The technical approach involves:

  1. Defining a Wilsonian effective action for the NNGP that captures the relevant degrees of freedom at different scales.
  2. Deriving renormalization group (RG) flow equations that describe how the effective action changes under coarse-graining.
  3. Analyzing the fixed points and scaling behavior of the RG flow to understand the asymptotic performance of the NNGP.

The authors validate their theoretical predictions through numerical experiments, demonstrating the power of the Wilsonian renormalization approach for understanding and improving neural network performance in high-dimensional regression tasks.

Critical Analysis

The Wilsonian renormalization approach presented in the paper provides a promising new tool for analyzing the behavior of neural networks. By connecting neural networks to concepts from theoretical physics, the authors are able to gain insights into the scaling laws and universal statistical structure that govern the performance of these complex systems.

One key strength of the work is the ability to derive scaling relations that describe how neural network performance changes as the problem dimensionality and other parameters are varied. This could be particularly useful for understanding the limitations of multi-layer random feature approximations and designing more effective neural network architectures for high-dimensional regression tasks.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the Wilsonian renormalization approach. For example, the method relies on a number of assumptions and approximations, and it is not clear how robust the results are to deviations from these assumptions. Additionally, the computational overhead of the Wilsonian renormalization procedure may limit its practical applicability, especially for large-scale neural network models.

Further research is needed to explore the boundaries of the Wilsonian renormalization framework and to investigate how it can be integrated with other techniques for analyzing and improving neural network performance, such as inverse exact renormalization group flows and physics-integrated generative modeling. By combining these complementary approaches, researchers may be able to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles that govern the behavior of neural networks.


This paper presents a novel application of Wilsonian renormalization to the study of neural network Gaussian processes, demonstrating how this concept from theoretical physics can provide valuable insights into the scaling behavior and performance of these complex systems.

The work builds on a growing body of research exploring the scaling laws and universal statistical structure of complex systems, as well as integrated generative modeling and multi-layer random feature approximations in neural networks. By connecting these different areas of research, the authors have developed a new framework for understanding and potentially improving the performance of neural networks in high-dimensional regression tasks.

While the Wilsonian renormalization approach presented in the paper shows promise, further research is needed to fully explore its capabilities and limitations. By continuing to bridge the gap between physics and machine learning, researchers may be able to unlock new insights and design more effective neural network models for a wide range of applications.

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