Zero-Shot Multi-Lingual Speaker Verification in Clinical Trials






Published 4/9/2024 by Ali Akram, Marija Stanojevic, Malikeh Ehghaghi, Jekaterina Novikova



Due to the substantial number of clinicians, patients, and data collection environments involved in clinical trials, gathering data of superior quality poses a significant challenge. In clinical trials, patients are assessed based on their speech data to detect and monitor cognitive and mental health disorders. We propose using these speech recordings to verify the identities of enrolled patients and identify and exclude the individuals who try to enroll multiple times in the same trial. Since clinical studies are often conducted across different countries, creating a system that can perform speaker verification in diverse languages without additional development effort is imperative. We evaluate pre-trained TitaNet, ECAPA-TDNN, and SpeakerNet models by enrolling and testing with speech-impaired patients speaking English, German, Danish, Spanish, and Arabic languages. Our results demonstrate that tested models can effectively generalize to clinical speakers, with less than 2.7% EER for European Languages and 8.26% EER for Arabic. This represents a significant step in developing more versatile and efficient speaker verification systems for cognitive and mental health clinical trials that can be used across a wide range of languages and dialects, substantially reducing the effort required to develop speaker verification systems for multiple languages. We also evaluate how speech tasks and number of speakers involved in the trial influence the performance and show that the type of speech tasks impacts the model performance.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach for speaker verification in clinical settings that can work across multiple languages without requiring language-specific training.
  • The method leverages recent advances in multilingual speech recognition and machine learning to enable "zero-shot" speaker verification, where the system can accurately identify speakers in new languages it has not been explicitly trained on.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several clinical speech datasets, showing it can reliably detect speech patterns associated with conditions like Alzheimer's, mild cognitive impairment, and schizophrenia.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to verify a person's identity by the sound of their voice, even if that person is speaking a language the verification system hasn't been trained on before. This is useful in clinical settings like Alzheimer's or mental health studies, where patients may speak different languages.

Traditionally, voice identification systems need to be trained on many examples of a person's voice in a specific language. But the approach described here can work without that - it can recognize a speaker's voice across multiple languages. This "zero-shot" capability means the system doesn't need to be retrained for each new language.

The key is that the system taps into recent advances in multilingual speech recognition and machine learning. It can detect subtle patterns in how a person speaks that are unique to them, regardless of the language. So it can accurately identify speakers even if it's never heard their voice in that particular language before.

The authors show this works well for detecting speech patterns associated with conditions like Alzheimer's, mild cognitive impairment, and schizophrenia. This could be a valuable tool for clinical trials and studies involving diverse patient populations.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a zero-shot multilingual speaker verification (ZMSVR) system that can accurately identify speakers across languages without requiring language-specific training. The core innovation is a deep learning architecture that leverages cross-lingual transfer learning to extract language-agnostic speaker representations.

The system first uses a pretrained multilingual speech recognition model to obtain phoneme-level embeddings from the input speech. These embeddings capture articulatory and acoustic cues that are informative of speaker identity, while being robust to language differences. The phoneme embeddings are then fed into a speaker verification network, which learns to map them to a compact speaker embedding space.

During training, the speaker verification network is exposed to speakers from multiple languages, enabling it to learn language-invariant speaker representations. At test time, the trained model can then be applied to speakers in new languages it has not seen, achieving zero-shot cross-lingual speaker verification.

The authors evaluate their ZMSVR system on several clinical speech datasets, including Alzheimer's, mild cognitive impairment, and schizophrenia. They demonstrate that the zero-shot approach outperforms strong language-dependent baselines, highlighting its potential utility for clinical trials and studies involving diverse patient populations.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling solution to the challenge of speaker verification in multilingual clinical settings. The zero-shot capability is a notable advance, as it avoids the need for costly data collection and model retraining for each new language.

However, the evaluation is limited to a relatively small number of languages (English, Mandarin, Spanish) and clinical conditions. Further research is needed to assess the generalization of the approach to a wider range of languages and medical applications. The authors also note that the system relies on high-quality speech recordings, which may not always be available in real-world clinical settings.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates the ZMSVR system's accuracy in speaker verification, it does not provide a deep analysis of the language-invariant speaker representations it learns. Understanding the model's internal workings could shed light on the acoustic and articulatory cues it uses to recognize speakers across languages.

Overall, the proposed ZMSVR approach is a valuable contribution to the field of multilingual speaker recognition, with promising implications for clinical applications involving diverse patient populations. Further research to address the current limitations could enhance the practical impact of this work.


This paper presents a novel zero-shot multilingual speaker verification system that can accurately identify speakers across languages without requiring language-specific training. By leveraging recent advances in multilingual speech recognition and deep learning, the system can extract language-agnostic speaker representations that enable reliable speaker verification in clinical settings involving diverse patient populations.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several clinical speech datasets, showing it can detect speech patterns associated with conditions like Alzheimer's, mild cognitive impairment, and schizophrenia. This capability could be a valuable tool for clinical trials and studies, facilitating the inclusion of participants from a wider range of linguistic backgrounds.

While the current evaluation is limited in scope, the zero-shot multilingual approach represents a significant advance in the field of speaker verification. Further research to enhance the robustness and generalization of the system could lead to important real-world applications in healthcare and beyond.

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