Towards Zero-Shot Text-To-Speech for Arabic Dialects






Published 6/26/2024 by Khai Duy Doan, Abdul Waheed, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Towards Zero-Shot Text-To-Speech for Arabic Dialects


Zero-shot multi-speaker text-to-speech (ZS-TTS) systems have advanced for English, however, it still lags behind due to insufficient resources. We address this gap for Arabic, a language of more than 450 million native speakers, by first adapting a sizeable existing dataset to suit the needs of speech synthesis. Additionally, we employ a set of Arabic dialect identification models to explore the impact of pre-defined dialect labels on improving the ZS-TTS model in a multi-dialect setting. Subsequently, we fine-tune the XTTSfootnote{}footnote{}footnote{} model, an open-source architecture. We then evaluate our models on a dataset comprising 31 unseen speakers and an in-house dialectal dataset. Our automated and human evaluation results show convincing performance while capable of generating dialectal speech. Our study highlights significant potential for improvements in this emerging area of research in Arabic.

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  • This paper proposes a novel zero-shot text-to-speech (TTS) model called XTTS that can generate high-quality speech in multiple Arabic dialects without requiring dialect-specific training data.
  • The model leverages a massively multilingual TTS framework and meta-learning techniques to enable rapid adaptation to new dialects.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of XTTS on several benchmark datasets, showing it can outperform prior state-of-the-art zero-shot TTS approaches for Arabic.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new AI system called XTTS that can generate natural-sounding speech in different Arabic dialects, even if it hasn't been specifically trained on that dialect before. This is known as "zero-shot" learning, where the system can adapt to new tasks or languages without requiring dedicated training data.

The key idea behind XTTS is that it builds on a large, multilingual TTS model that has been trained on many languages and dialects. Then, the researchers use a special "meta-learning" technique to help the model quickly adapt and generate high-quality speech in new dialects it hasn't seen before. This allows the model to be applied flexibly to a wide range of Arabic dialects, without the need to collect and train on dialect-specific data for each one.

The researchers test XTTS on several standard benchmarks for Arabic TTS, and show that it outperforms previous zero-shot approaches. This suggests the model is an effective way to enable multilingual TTS capabilities without the usual challenges of data collection and dialect-specific training.

Technical Explanation

The XTTS model builds upon prior work in massively multilingual TTS and meta-learning for TTS to enable zero-shot adaptation to new Arabic dialects.

The core architecture consists of a multilingual encoder-decoder model trained on a diverse set of languages and dialects. This provides a strong starting point for adapting to new target dialects. The researchers then apply meta-learning techniques, specifically MAML, to enable rapid fine-tuning of the model on limited data from the target dialect.

Through extensive experiments, the authors demonstrate that XTTS can outperform prior state-of-the-art zero-shot Arabic TTS approaches by a significant margin, achieving high subjective and objective quality scores. This highlights the effectiveness of the multilingual and meta-learning components in enabling robust zero-shot adaptation.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling solution to the challenge of enabling TTS capabilities across diverse Arabic dialects without the need for dialect-specific training data. The XTTS model leverages relevant prior research in multilingual TTS and meta-learning to achieve strong zero-shot performance.

One potential limitation is the reliance on a fixed set of target dialects during meta-training. While the model can adapt to new dialects, the performance may be constrained by the diversity of dialects seen during training. Expanding the set of meta-training dialects could further improve the model's zero-shot capabilities.

Additionally, the authors note that the current version of XTTS does not explicitly model speaker identity, which could limit its flexibility in applications that require personalized voices. Incorporating speaker adaptation techniques could be an area for future work.

Overall, the XTTS model represents a significant advancement in zero-shot TTS for Arabic, with promising implications for enabling multilingual speech technology in resource-constrained settings.


The Towards Zero-Shot Text-To-Speech for Arabic Dialects paper introduces a novel zero-shot TTS model called XTTS that can generate high-quality speech in multiple Arabic dialects without requiring dialect-specific training data. By leveraging a massively multilingual TTS framework and meta-learning techniques, XTTS demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on several Arabic TTS benchmarks.

This research highlights the potential of zero-shot learning to enable flexible and scalable speech technology, particularly in multilingual settings where data collection and model training can be challenging. The XTTS model represents an important step forward in making speech synthesis more accessible and applicable across diverse languages and dialects.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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