Absolute Policy Optimization






Published 5/31/2024 by Weiye Zhao, Feihan Li, Yifan Sun, Rui Chen, Tianhao Wei, Changliu Liu
Absolute Policy Optimization


In recent years, trust region on-policy reinforcement learning has achieved impressive results in addressing complex control tasks and gaming scenarios. However, contemporary state-of-the-art algorithms within this category primarily emphasize improvement in expected performance, lacking the ability to control over the worst-case performance outcomes. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel objective function, optimizing which leads to guaranteed monotonic improvement in the lower probability bound of performance with high confidence. Building upon this groundbreaking theoretical advancement, we further introduce a practical solution called Absolute Policy Optimization (APO). Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach across challenging continuous control benchmark tasks and extend its applicability to mastering Atari games. Our findings reveal that APO as well as its efficient variation Proximal Absolute Policy Optimization (PAPO) significantly outperforms state-of-the-art policy gradient algorithms, resulting in substantial improvements in worst-case performance, as well as expected performance.

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  • Explores a new policy optimization algorithm called Absolute Policy Optimization (APO) for reinforcement learning
  • Aims to improve upon existing trust region methods like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and A2PO
  • Introduces a novel objective function and training procedure that optimizes policies in an absolute sense rather than relative to a previous policy

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new approach for training reinforcement learning agents called Absolute Policy Optimization (APO). Reinforcement learning is a technique where an agent learns to make good decisions by trial-and-error interaction with an environment, receiving rewards or penalties for its actions.

Traditional reinforcement learning methods like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and A2PO optimize the policy (decision-making strategy) relative to a previous policy. In contrast, APO optimizes the policy in an absolute sense, without reference to any prior policy.

The key innovation in APO is a new objective function and training procedure that directly optimizes the policy to maximize the expected return (total reward) without the need to constrain changes to the policy. This is in contrast to trust region methods like PPO, which limit how much the policy can change in each update.

The authors argue that optimizing the policy in an absolute sense, rather than relative to a previous policy, can lead to faster learning and better final performance. They demonstrate the effectiveness of APO on a variety of benchmark reinforcement learning tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new policy optimization algorithm called Absolute Policy Optimization (APO) for reinforcement learning. APO aims to improve upon existing trust region methods like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and A2PO.

The key innovation in APO is a new objective function and training procedure that directly optimizes the policy to maximize the expected return (total reward) without the need to constrain changes to the policy. This is in contrast to trust region methods like PPO, which limit how much the policy can change in each update.

Specifically, the APO objective function is defined as:

max_θ E[R(τ) - b(s)]

where R(τ) is the return (total reward) of a trajectory τ, and b(s) is a state-dependent baseline. The baseline term helps stabilize training by reducing the variance of the gradient estimates.

The authors show that this objective can be optimized using a stochastic gradient ascent procedure, where the gradient is estimated from samples of trajectories collected by executing the current policy.

Experiments on a variety of benchmark reinforcement learning tasks demonstrate that APO can achieve faster learning and better final performance compared to trust region methods like PPO, A2PO, and ACPO. The authors attribute this to the ability of APO to optimize the policy in an absolute sense, without the need for policy constraints.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough evaluation of APO on a range of benchmark tasks, demonstrating its effectiveness compared to state-of-the-art trust region methods. However, the paper does not address some potential limitations or areas for further research.

One concern is the stability of the APO training procedure. While the authors show that APO can achieve faster learning, it is not clear how sensitive the algorithm is to hyperparameter settings or the quality of the initial policy. Trust region methods like PPO are often praised for their stability and robustness, which may be an important consideration in real-world applications.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the use of APO in more complex or high-dimensional environments, such as those found in many real-world robotics and control problems. Further research is needed to understand how well APO scales to these more challenging domains.

It would also be valuable for the authors to provide a deeper analysis of the underlying reasons for APO's improved performance. While they attribute it to the ability to optimize the policy in an absolute sense, a more detailed investigation of the algorithmic differences and their implications could lead to further advancements in policy optimization methods.


The Absolute Policy Optimization (APO) algorithm presented in this paper offers a novel approach to reinforcement learning policy optimization. By directly optimizing the policy in an absolute sense, rather than relative to a previous policy, APO demonstrates promising results in terms of faster learning and better final performance compared to state-of-the-art trust region methods.

While the paper provides a solid technical foundation and experimental validation, further research is needed to address potential limitations and explore the scalability of APO to more complex environments. Nonetheless, the innovative objective function and training procedure introduced in this work represent an interesting and valuable contribution to the field of deep reinforcement learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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