Accelerated Stochastic Min-Max Optimization Based on Bias-corrected Momentum






Published 6/21/2024 by Haoyuan Cai, Sulaiman A. Alghunaim, Ali H. Sayed
Accelerated Stochastic Min-Max Optimization Based on Bias-corrected Momentum


Lower-bound analyses for nonconvex strongly-concave minimax optimization problems have shown that stochastic first-order algorithms require at least $mathcal{O}(varepsilon^{-4})$ oracle complexity to find an $varepsilon$-stationary point. Some works indicate that this complexity can be improved to $mathcal{O}(varepsilon^{-3})$ when the loss gradient is Lipschitz continuous. The question of achieving enhanced convergence rates under distinct conditions, remains unresolved. In this work, we address this question for optimization problems that are nonconvex in the minimization variable and strongly concave or Polyak-Lojasiewicz (PL) in the maximization variable. We introduce novel bias-corrected momentum algorithms utilizing efficient Hessian-vector products. We establish convergence conditions and demonstrate a lower iteration complexity of $mathcal{O}(varepsilon^{-3})$ for the proposed algorithms. The effectiveness of the method is validated through applications to robust logistic regression using real-world datasets.

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  • This paper proposes a new method for accelerated stochastic min-max optimization, which is a type of optimization problem that arises in areas like generative adversarial networks, robust machine learning, and game theory.
  • The key innovation is the use of a "bias-corrected momentum" approach, which helps the algorithm converge faster than previous methods.
  • The authors provide theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of their approach compared to existing techniques.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world problems, we need to find the best solution that balances two competing objectives. This is known as a "min-max" optimization problem. For example, in generative adversarial networks (GANs), we want to train a generator to produce realistic-looking images, while simultaneously training a discriminator to detect if an image is real or fake.

The authors of this paper have developed a new algorithm to solve these types of min-max optimization problems more efficiently. Their key insight is to use a "bias-corrected momentum" technique, which helps the algorithm converge faster than previous methods. Momentum is a concept borrowed from physics, where it helps an object maintain its direction and speed. In optimization, momentum can help the algorithm "jump over" local minima and make progress more quickly.

However, standard momentum approaches can sometimes introduce "bias" - meaning they may not actually be moving in the optimal direction. The authors' bias-corrected momentum technique fixes this issue, allowing the algorithm to converge more rapidly to the best solution.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through both theoretical analysis and experimental results on several benchmark problems, including faster gradient-free algorithms for nonsmooth, nonconvex stochastic optimization and random scaling momentum for non-smooth, non-convex optimization.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a new algorithm called ASCENT (Accelerated Stochastic Concave-Convex Evaluation with Nesterov's Techniques) for solving stochastic min-max optimization problems. The key innovation is the use of a "bias-corrected momentum" approach, which helps the algorithm converge faster than previous methods like efficient stochastic algorithms for decentralized nonconvex, strongly concave optimization.

Specifically, the authors leverage the Polyak–Lojasiewicz (PL) condition, which ensures that the function satisfies certain smoothness properties. They then derive update rules for the primal and dual variables that incorporate a bias-corrected momentum term. This bias correction helps the algorithm make progress more efficiently compared to standard momentum approaches.

The authors provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis, showing that ASCENT achieves an optimal convergence rate under the PL condition. They also conduct experiments on several benchmark problems, including robust machine learning tasks and zero-sum games, demonstrating the superior performance of ASCENT compared to existing methods.

Critical Analysis

The authors have made a valuable contribution by developing a new accelerated algorithm for stochastic min-max optimization. The use of bias-corrected momentum is a clever idea that appears to offer significant practical benefits.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the approach. For example, the reliance on the PL condition may limit the applicability of ASCENT to a narrower class of problems compared to more general min-max optimization methods. Additionally, the theoretical analysis assumes access to Hessian-vector products, which may not be readily available in all real-world scenarios.

Furthermore, the experimental section could be expanded to include a wider range of problem settings and more detailed comparisons with state-of-the-art baselines. This would help potential users better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the ASCENT algorithm in a broader context.

Overall, the paper presents a promising new technique for accelerating stochastic min-max optimization. However, further research may be needed to address the limitations and fully assess the algorithm's practical impact.


This paper introduces a new method for accelerated stochastic min-max optimization based on a bias-corrected momentum approach. The authors demonstrate both theoretical and empirical advantages of their ASCENT algorithm compared to existing techniques.

The key innovation is the use of bias-corrected momentum, which helps the algorithm converge faster to the optimal solution. This advancement has the potential to improve the performance of a wide range of applications, from generative adversarial networks to robust machine learning.

While the paper highlights several promising aspects of the ASCENT algorithm, further research may be needed to address potential limitations and explore its broader applicability. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in the field of stochastic min-max optimization and could inspire future developments in this area.

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