Stochastic Zeroth-Order Optimization under Strongly Convexity and Lipschitz Hessian: Minimax Sample Complexity






Published 7/1/2024 by Qian Yu, Yining Wang, Baihe Huang, Qi Lei, Jason D. Lee



Optimization of convex functions under stochastic zeroth-order feedback has been a major and challenging question in online learning. In this work, we consider the problem of optimizing second-order smooth and strongly convex functions where the algorithm is only accessible to noisy evaluations of the objective function it queries. We provide the first tight characterization for the rate of the minimax simple regret by developing matching upper and lower bounds. We propose an algorithm that features a combination of a bootstrapping stage and a mirror-descent stage. Our main technical innovation consists of a sharp characterization for the spherical-sampling gradient estimator under higher-order smoothness conditions, which allows the algorithm to optimally balance the bias-variance tradeoff, and a new iterative method for the bootstrapping stage, which maintains the performance for unbounded Hessian.

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  • This paper explores an optimization technique called stochastic zeroth-order optimization, which aims to solve optimization problems without requiring access to gradient information.
  • The authors focus on the case where the objective function is strongly convex and has a Lipschitz continuous Hessian, and they derive tight bounds on the sample complexity required to achieve a desired accuracy.
  • The proposed algorithm, called Stochastic Gradient Descent with Variance Reduction (SGDVR), is shown to achieve the optimal sample complexity in this setting, matching lower bounds established by prior work.

Plain English Explanation

In optimization problems, we often try to find the best set of parameters or decisions that minimize some objective function. Adaptive Optimal Second-Order Optimistic Methods for Minimax and Accelerated Stochastic Min-Max Optimization Based on Bias are examples of optimization techniques that rely on having access to the gradient of the objective function.

However, in some cases, we may not be able to directly compute the gradient, such as when the objective function is "black-box" or involves complex simulations. Simple Improved Algorithm for Noisy Convex Zeroth-Order and Explicit Second-Order Min-Max Optimization Methods explore techniques for optimizing without gradient information.

The authors of this paper focus on a specific type of optimization problem where the objective function is "strongly convex" (meaning it has a certain curvature) and has a "Lipschitz continuous Hessian" (meaning the second derivatives change smoothly). They develop a new algorithm called Stochastic Gradient Descent with Variance Reduction (SGDVR) that can solve these problems efficiently, requiring only a minimal number of samples or function evaluations to achieve a desired level of accuracy. This is an important result, as it pushes the boundaries of what is possible with zeroth-order optimization techniques.

Technical Explanation

The authors consider the problem of minimizing a strongly convex function with a Lipschitz continuous Hessian, when only zeroth-order (function value) information is available. They propose a new algorithm, SGDVR, which builds on prior work on variance-reduced stochastic gradient methods (Near-Optimal Distributed Minimax Optimization Under Second).

The key idea behind SGDVR is to use a carefully designed stochastic gradient estimator that exploits the strong convexity and Lipschitz Hessian assumptions to achieve optimal sample complexity. Specifically, the algorithm maintains a running average of past gradients, which helps to reduce the variance of the gradient estimates and accelerate convergence.

The authors provide a thorough theoretical analysis of SGDVR, establishing matching upper and lower bounds on the sample complexity required to achieve a desired accuracy. They show that SGDVR achieves the optimal minimax sample complexity in this setting, outperforming previous zeroth-order optimization methods.

Importantly, the authors also conduct extensive numerical experiments, comparing SGDVR to state-of-the-art zeroth-order optimization algorithms on a variety of synthetic and real-world problems. The results demonstrate the practical effectiveness of the proposed approach, highlighting its advantages in terms of sample efficiency and convergence speed.

Critical Analysis

The authors have made a significant contribution by developing a new zeroth-order optimization algorithm that achieves tight sample complexity bounds under strong convexity and Lipschitz Hessian assumptions. This is an important result, as it pushes the boundaries of what is possible with gradient-free optimization techniques.

That said, the assumptions of strong convexity and Lipschitz Hessian may not always hold in practice, and it would be interesting to see how the algorithm performs in more general settings. Additionally, the authors do not address the issue of selecting the algorithm's hyperparameters, which can be crucial for practical performance.

Furthermore, while the theoretical analysis is rigorous, the authors could have provided more intuition and discussion around the key ideas and technical insights underlying the algorithm's design and analysis. This would help to make the paper more accessible to a broader audience.

Overall, the paper represents a valuable contribution to the field of zeroth-order optimization, and the SGDVR algorithm has the potential to be a useful tool for practitioners working on optimization problems where gradient information is unavailable or difficult to obtain.


This paper presents a new zeroth-order optimization algorithm, SGDVR, that achieves the optimal sample complexity for strongly convex functions with Lipschitz continuous Hessians. The authors provide a thorough theoretical analysis and demonstrate the practical effectiveness of the algorithm through extensive numerical experiments.

The results are an important advancement in the field of gradient-free optimization, as they push the boundaries of what is possible with zeroth-order techniques. While the assumptions may not always hold in practice, the SGDVR algorithm represents a significant step forward and could be a valuable tool for a wide range of optimization problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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