Adaptive Patching for High-resolution Image Segmentation with Transformers






Published 4/16/2024 by Enzhi Zhang, Isaac Lyngaas, Peng Chen, Xiao Wang, Jun Igarashi, Yuankai Huo, Mohamed Wahib, Masaharu Munetomo
Adaptive Patching for High-resolution Image Segmentation with Transformers


Attention-based models are proliferating in the space of image analytics, including segmentation. The standard method of feeding images to transformer encoders is to divide the images into patches and then feed the patches to the model as a linear sequence of tokens. For high-resolution images, e.g. microscopic pathology images, the quadratic compute and memory cost prohibits the use of an attention-based model, if we are to use smaller patch sizes that are favorable in segmentation. The solution is to either use custom complex multi-resolution models or approximate attention schemes. We take inspiration from Adapative Mesh Refinement (AMR) methods in HPC by adaptively patching the images, as a pre-processing step, based on the image details to reduce the number of patches being fed to the model, by orders of magnitude. This method has a negligible overhead, and works seamlessly with any attention-based model, i.e. it is a pre-processing step that can be adopted by any attention-based model without friction. We demonstrate superior segmentation quality over SoTA segmentation models for real-world pathology datasets while gaining a geomean speedup of $6.9times$ for resolutions up to $64K^2$, on up to $2,048$ GPUs.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called "Adaptive Patching" for high-resolution image segmentation using Transformer models.
  • The method adaptively divides the input image into variable-sized patches based on the complexity of the image content, allowing for efficient processing of high-resolution images.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on various high-resolution image segmentation tasks, achieving state-of-the-art performance while maintaining computational efficiency.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique called "Adaptive Patching" that aims to improve the way Transformer models (a type of deep learning algorithm) handle high-resolution images for the task of image segmentation. Image segmentation is the process of dividing an image into different parts or "segments" based on the characteristics of the objects or regions in the image.

Traditionally, Transformer models have struggled with high-resolution images because they process the entire image at once, which can be computationally expensive. The Adaptive Patching approach addresses this by dynamically dividing the input image into patches of variable size, depending on the complexity of the content in each region. This allows the model to focus more processing power on the complex areas of the image while using fewer resources on simpler regions.

The authors demonstrate that their Adaptive Patching method outperforms other state-of-the-art techniques for high-resolution image segmentation, while still being computationally efficient. This means the model can process large, detailed images quickly and accurately, which could be beneficial for applications like medical imaging, satellite imagery analysis, and autonomous driving.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces an "Adaptive Patching" approach to improve the efficiency of Transformer models for high-resolution image segmentation. Traditionally, Transformer models process the entire input image at once, which can be computationally expensive for large, high-resolution images. The Adaptive Patching method addresses this by dynamically dividing the input image into variable-sized patches based on the complexity of the image content.

The authors propose an adaptive patch division algorithm that recursively splits the input image into smaller patches until a target patch size is reached. The algorithm considers factors like edge density and texture complexity to determine the appropriate patch size for each region of the image. This allows the Transformer model to focus more computational resources on the complex regions of the image while using fewer resources on simpler areas.

The Adaptive Patching approach is integrated into a Transformer-based segmentation model, and the authors evaluate its performance on several high-resolution image segmentation datasets. The results show that the Adaptive Patching method outperforms other state-of-the-art techniques, including MansFormer, EMPower, and ARENA, while maintaining computational efficiency. The authors also demonstrate the model's ability to handle variable-sized input images, which is particularly useful for real-world applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the Adaptive Patching approach, considering various high-resolution image segmentation tasks and comparing it to other state-of-the-art methods. The authors have also addressed potential limitations, such as the sensitivity of the adaptive patch division algorithm to hyperparameter settings, and have suggested areas for future research.

One potential area for further investigation is the generalization of the Adaptive Patching method to other Transformer-based tasks beyond image segmentation, such as image completion or HDR imaging. Additionally, the authors could explore the integration of the Adaptive Patching approach with other recent advancements in Transformer architectures and efficient inference techniques.

Overall, the paper presents a valuable contribution to the field of high-resolution image processing with Transformer models, and the Adaptive Patching method could have significant implications for a wide range of real-world applications.


The "Adaptive Patching" approach introduced in this paper represents an important advancement in the field of high-resolution image segmentation using Transformer models. By adaptively dividing the input image into variable-sized patches based on content complexity, the method is able to maintain high segmentation accuracy while improving computational efficiency.

The authors' experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach, with the Adaptive Patching model outperforming other state-of-the-art techniques on several challenging high-resolution image segmentation tasks. This innovative technique could have far-reaching implications for applications that require the processing of large, detailed images, such as medical imaging, satellite imagery analysis, and autonomous driving.

The paper also highlights potential areas for future research, such as expanding the Adaptive Patching method to other Transformer-based tasks and integrating it with other recent advancements in efficient deep learning architectures. Overall, this work represents an important step forward in making high-resolution image processing more practical and accessible for a wide range of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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