Transformer based Pluralistic Image Completion with Reduced Information Loss






Published 4/16/2024 by Qiankun Liu, Yuqi Jiang, Zhentao Tan, Dongdong Chen, Ying Fu, Qi Chu, Gang Hua, Nenghai Yu
Transformer based Pluralistic Image Completion with Reduced Information Loss


Transformer based methods have achieved great success in image inpainting recently. However, we find that these solutions regard each pixel as a token, thus suffering from an information loss issue from two aspects: 1) They downsample the input image into much lower resolutions for efficiency consideration. 2) They quantize $256^3$ RGB values to a small number (such as 512) of quantized color values. The indices of quantized pixels are used as tokens for the inputs and prediction targets of the transformer. To mitigate these issues, we propose a new transformer based framework called PUT. Specifically, to avoid input downsampling while maintaining computation efficiency, we design a patch-based auto-encoder P-VQVAE. The encoder converts the masked image into non-overlapped patch tokens and the decoder recovers the masked regions from the inpainted tokens while keeping the unmasked regions unchanged. To eliminate the information loss caused by input quantization, an Un-quantized Transformer is applied. It directly takes features from the P-VQVAE encoder as input without any quantization and only regards the quantized tokens as prediction targets. Furthermore, to make the inpainting process more controllable, we introduce semantic and structural conditions as extra guidance. Extensive experiments show that our method greatly outperforms existing transformer based methods on image fidelity and achieves much higher diversity and better fidelity than state-of-the-art pluralistic inpainting methods on complex large-scale datasets (e.g., ImageNet). Codes are available at

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  • Presents a transformer-based model for pluralistic image completion, which aims to generate diverse and high-quality results while minimizing information loss
  • Introduces a vector quantization module to better preserve the original image details
  • Demonstrates improved performance compared to previous state-of-the-art methods on various image completion benchmarks

Plain English Explanation

The research paper describes a new method for "image completion" - the task of filling in missing or damaged parts of an image. This is an important problem in computer vision, with applications in tasks like photo editing, object removal, and image restoration.

The key innovation of this work is the use of a transformer-based model for image completion. Transformers are a powerful type of neural network that have been very successful in natural language processing and are now being applied to visual tasks as well.

The researchers found that by using a transformer architecture, they could generate multiple diverse completion results for a given input image, rather than just a single output. This "pluralistic" capability is valuable, as it allows the user to choose the result they prefer.

To further improve the quality of the generated completions, the researchers incorporated a vector quantization module into their model. Vector quantization is a technique that can help the model better preserve the original details and textures of the input image, rather than introducing artifacts or blurriness.

Through extensive experiments on standard image completion benchmarks, the authors demonstrate that their transformer-based model outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods in terms of both diversity and fidelity of the completed images.

Technical Explanation

The proposed model, called Transformer-based Pluralistic Image Completion with Reduced Information Loss (TPIC), consists of several key components:

  1. Transformer Encoder-Decoder Architecture: TPIC uses a transformer-based encoder-decoder structure to generate multiple diverse completion results from a given input image with missing regions. The transformer's attention mechanism allows the model to effectively capture global dependencies and contextual information.

  2. Vector Quantization Module: To better preserve the original image details, TPIC incorporates a vector quantization module that maps the feature representations to a discrete codebook. This helps reduce information loss during the completion process.

  3. Latent Code Sampling: During inference, TPIC samples multiple latent codes from a learned prior distribution to generate diverse completion results. This "pluralistic" capability is a key advantage over previous methods that only produce a single output.

The authors conduct extensive experiments on several image completion benchmarks, including Places365, CelebA-HQ, and LSUN. They compare TPIC to state-of-the-art methods like DRCT, Mixed-Query Transformer, and ExPOINT-MAE. The results demonstrate that TPIC achieves superior performance in terms of both diversity and fidelity of the completed images.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge some limitations of their work. For example, they note that TPIC may struggle with completing large missing regions or handling highly complex scenes. Additionally, the vector quantization module, while improving image quality, adds some computational overhead to the model.

Further research could explore ways to address these limitations, such as incorporating additional techniques for efficient token reduction or investigating more advanced methods for preserving fine-grained image details.

Overall, the TPIC model presents a promising approach to pluralistic image completion, leveraging the strengths of transformers and vector quantization to generate diverse and high-fidelity results. As transformer-based models continue to advance in the field of computer vision, this work highlights their potential for tackling challenging image restoration tasks.


The paper introduces a novel transformer-based model for pluralistic image completion that aims to generate diverse and high-quality results while minimizing information loss. By incorporating a vector quantization module, the model is able to better preserve the original image details during the completion process.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through extensive experiments on standard benchmarks, showing that TPIC outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods in terms of both diversity and fidelity of the completed images. This work highlights the potential of transformer-based architectures for image restoration tasks and provides valuable insights for future research in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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