AdaQAT: Adaptive Bit-Width Quantization-Aware Training






Published 4/29/2024 by C'edric Gernigon (TARAN), Silviu-Ioan Filip (TARAN), Olivier Sentieys (TARAN), Cl'ement Coggiola (CNES), Mickael Bruno (CNES)



Large-scale deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable success in many application scenarios. However, high computational complexity and energy costs of modern DNNs make their deployment on edge devices challenging. Model quantization is a common approach to deal with deployment constraints, but searching for optimized bit-widths can be challenging. In this work, we present Adaptive Bit-Width Quantization Aware Training (AdaQAT), a learning-based method that automatically optimizes weight and activation signal bit-widths during training for more efficient DNN inference. We use relaxed real-valued bit-widths that are updated using a gradient descent rule, but are otherwise discretized for all quantization operations. The result is a simple and flexible QAT approach for mixed-precision uniform quantization problems. Compared to other methods that are generally designed to be run on a pretrained network, AdaQAT works well in both training from scratch and fine-tuning scenarios.Initial results on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets using ResNet20 and ResNet18 models, respectively, indicate that our method is competitive with other state-of-the-art mixed-precision quantization approaches.

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  • Large deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable success, but are computationally complex and energy-intensive, making them challenging to deploy on edge devices.
  • Model quantization is a common approach to address these deployment constraints, but finding the optimal bit-widths for quantization can be challenging.
  • This paper presents Adaptive Bit-Width Quantization Aware Training (AdaQAT), a learning-based method that automatically optimizes weight and activation signal bit-widths during training for more efficient DNN inference.

Plain English Explanation

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are powerful machine learning models that have achieved incredible success in many applications, like image recognition and natural language processing. However, these large, complex models require a lot of computational power and energy to run, which makes it difficult to deploy them on smaller, more resource-constrained devices like smartphones or IoT sensors.

One way to address this issue is through a technique called model quantization. Quantization involves reducing the precision of the numerical values used to represent the model's weights and activations (the signals passing through the network), so that the model takes up less memory and requires less computation. The challenge is figuring out the right bit-widths (the number of bits used to represent each value) to use for quantization - too few bits and the model's performance suffers, too many and you don't get the full benefits of quantization.

The researchers in this paper developed a new method called Adaptive Bit-Width Quantization Aware Training (AdaQAT) that automatically optimizes the bit-widths during the training process. This allows the model to learn the optimal bit-widths for its weights and activations, rather than having to manually search for the best configuration. The key innovation is that AdaQAT uses "relaxed" bit-widths that are updated using a gradient-based learning rule, but are then discretized for the actual quantization operations.

This approach is flexible and can be used both for training new models from scratch as well as fine-tuning pre-trained models. Initial results on standard benchmark datasets like CIFAR-10 and ImageNet show that AdaQAT performs competitively with other state-of-the-art mixed-precision quantization methods.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents Adaptive Bit-Width Quantization Aware Training (AdaQAT), a learning-based method for automatically optimizing weight and activation bit-widths during the training of deep neural networks. This addresses the challenge of finding the optimal bit-widths for model quantization, which is crucial for deploying large, compute-intensive DNNs on resource-constrained edge devices.

AdaQAT uses relaxed, real-valued bit-widths that are updated using a gradient descent rule during training. These bit-widths are then discretized for all actual quantization operations. This allows the model to learn the appropriate bit-widths for its weights and activations, rather than having to manually search for the best configuration.

The researchers evaluated AdaQAT on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets using ResNet20 and ResNet18 models, respectively. They compared the performance to other state-of-the-art mixed-precision quantization approaches, such as EfficientDM, QLLM, APTQ, and AdaBM. The results indicate that AdaQAT is competitive with these other methods, performing well in both training from scratch and fine-tuning scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough technical explanation of the AdaQAT method and presents promising initial results. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research that could be considered:

  1. Complexity and scalability: While AdaQAT is a relatively simple and flexible approach, the additional complexity of learning the bit-widths alongside the model parameters could potentially impact training time and stability, especially for larger, more complex models. The scalability of the method to such models should be further investigated.

  2. Hardware-awareness: The paper does not explicitly consider hardware-specific constraints or optimization, such as the availability of specialized low-bit-width hardware accelerators. Integrating such hardware awareness into the AdaQAT approach could lead to even more efficient deployments.

  3. Robustness and generalization: The evaluation is limited to a few standard benchmark datasets and models. Additional testing on a wider range of tasks and architectures would help better understand the robustness and generalization capabilities of the AdaQAT method.

  4. Interpretability and analysis: The paper does not provide much insight into how the learned bit-widths relate to the structure and characteristics of the models. A deeper analysis of the learned bit-widths and their implications could yield additional valuable insights.

Despite these potential areas for further research, the AdaQAT method represents an interesting and promising approach to the challenge of efficiently deploying large, powerful deep neural networks on resource-constrained edge devices. The ability to automatically optimize bit-widths during training is a valuable contribution to the field of model quantization.


The Adaptive Bit-Width Quantization Aware Training (AdaQAT) method presented in this paper offers a novel solution to the challenging problem of efficiently deploying large, complex deep neural networks on resource-constrained edge devices. By automatically optimizing the bit-widths for weights and activations during the training process, AdaQAT can produce quantized models that achieve competitive performance compared to other state-of-the-art mixed-precision quantization techniques.

This work represents an important step forward in making high-performance deep learning models more accessible and practical for real-world applications, particularly in domains where computational and energy efficiency are critical, such as mobile, IoT, and embedded systems. As the field of AI continues to advance, developing efficient and adaptive quantization methods like AdaQAT will be key to unlocking the full potential of deep learning on a wide range of devices and platforms.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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