AdaBM: On-the-Fly Adaptive Bit Mapping for Image Super-Resolution






Published 4/5/2024 by Cheeun Hong, Kyoung Mu Lee
AdaBM: On-the-Fly Adaptive Bit Mapping for Image Super-Resolution


Although image super-resolution (SR) problem has experienced unprecedented restoration accuracy with deep neural networks, it has yet limited versatile applications due to the substantial computational costs. Since different input images for SR face different restoration difficulties, adapting computational costs based on the input image, referred to as adaptive inference, has emerged as a promising solution to compress SR networks. Specifically, adapting the quantization bit-widths has successfully reduced the inference and memory cost without sacrificing the accuracy. However, despite the benefits of the resultant adaptive network, existing works rely on time-intensive quantization-aware training with full access to the original training pairs to learn the appropriate bit allocation policies, which limits its ubiquitous usage. To this end, we introduce the first on-the-fly adaptive quantization framework that accelerates the processing time from hours to seconds. We formulate the bit allocation problem with only two bit mapping modules: one to map the input image to the image-wise bit adaptation factor and one to obtain the layer-wise adaptation factors. These bit mappings are calibrated and fine-tuned using only a small number of calibration images. We achieve competitive performance with the previous adaptive quantization methods, while the processing time is accelerated by x2000. Codes are available at

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  • This paper proposes a new method called AdaBM (Adaptive Bit Mapping) for improving image super-resolution, which is the task of upscaling low-resolution images to higher resolutions.
  • The key idea is to adaptively adjust the bit depth (number of bits used to represent each pixel) on-the-fly during the super-resolution process, rather than using a fixed bit depth.
  • The authors show that this adaptive bit mapping strategy can lead to better performance compared to using a fixed bit depth.

Plain English Explanation

The goal of image super-resolution is to take a low-quality, low-resolution image and intelligently "fill in the gaps" to create a higher-quality, higher-resolution version of the same image. This is a challenging task that requires sophisticated algorithms to analyze the image and reconstruct the missing details.

The AdaBM method proposed in this paper tries to tackle the super-resolution problem in a new way. Instead of using a fixed number of bits to represent each pixel in the output image (a common approach), AdaBM dynamically adjusts the bit depth on-the-fly as it's processing the image.

The intuition is that different parts of an image may benefit from different bit depths. For example, high-contrast regions like edges might require more bits to capture the details, while smooth regions could get by with fewer bits. By adapting the bit depth to the local image content, AdaBM can potentially produce better super-resolved images compared to methods that use a one-size-fits-all bit depth.

The paper demonstrates that this adaptive bit mapping strategy can indeed lead to improved super-resolution performance on standard benchmark datasets. The authors also provide insights into how the bit depth adaptation happens and why it is beneficial.

Technical Explanation

The core of the AdaBM method is a module that dynamically adjusts the bit depth used to represent the super-resolved image features. This bit depth adaptation happens on-the-fly as the super-resolution network processes the input low-resolution image.

The AdaBM module takes the intermediate feature maps produced by the super-resolution network and learns to predict the optimal bit depth for each spatial location in the feature maps. This predicted bit depth is then used to quantize the feature values, effectively controlling the level of detail preserved in different regions of the image.

The authors train the AdaBM module end-to-end along with the rest of the super-resolution network, allowing the bit depth adaptation to be optimized for the specific task and dataset. They show that this adaptive bit mapping strategy outperforms using a fixed bit depth across the entire image.

Additionally, the paper explores how the AdaBM approach can be combined with other super-resolution techniques, such as diffusion models, to further improve performance.

Critical Analysis

The AdaBM paper presents a novel and interesting approach to improving image super-resolution. The key strength of the method is its ability to dynamically adjust the bit depth used to represent the image features, which allows it to better capture the varying levels of detail across different regions of the image.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the AdaBM approach. For example, the computational overhead of the bit depth prediction module is not discussed, and it's unclear how this additional complexity affects the overall efficiency of the super-resolution pipeline.

Additionally, the paper focuses on evaluating AdaBM on standard super-resolution benchmarks, but it would be interesting to see how the method performs on more diverse or challenging datasets, such as those with complex textures or scene layouts.

Furthermore, the authors do not explore the potential implications of adaptive bit depth representation for other image processing tasks beyond super-resolution, such as image recognition or compression. Investigating these broader applications could help contextualize the significance of the AdaBM approach.


The AdaBM paper presents an innovative method for improving image super-resolution by adaptively adjusting the bit depth used to represent the image features. The key insight is that different regions of an image may benefit from different levels of detail, and by dynamically optimizing the bit depth, the super-resolution performance can be enhanced.

The experimental results show that the AdaBM approach outperforms using a fixed bit depth across the entire image, demonstrating the benefits of this adaptive bit mapping strategy. While the paper focuses on super-resolution, the underlying principles of AdaBM could potentially be applied to other image processing tasks, opening up interesting avenues for future research.

Overall, the AdaBM method represents a promising step forward in the field of image super-resolution, and its adaptive bit depth representation could have broader implications for the wider landscape of image-based machine learning applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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