AI-generated text boundary detection with RoFT






Published 4/4/2024 by Laida Kushnareva, Tatiana Gaintseva, German Magai, Serguei Barannikov, Dmitry Abulkhanov, Kristian Kuznetsov, Eduard Tulchinskii, Irina Piontkovskaya, Sergey Nikolenko



Due to the rapid development of large language models, people increasingly often encounter texts that may start as written by a human but continue as machine-generated. Detecting the boundary between human-written and machine-generated parts of such texts is a challenging problem that has not received much attention in literature. We attempt to bridge this gap and examine several ways to adapt state of the art artificial text detection classifiers to the boundary detection setting. We push all detectors to their limits, using the Real or Fake text benchmark that contains short texts on several topics and includes generations of various language models. We use this diversity to deeply examine the robustness of all detectors in cross-domain and cross-model settings to provide baselines and insights for future research. In particular, we find that perplexity-based approaches to boundary detection tend to be more robust to peculiarities of domain-specific data than supervised fine-tuning of the RoBERTa model; we also find which features of the text confuse boundary detection algorithms and negatively influence their performance in cross-domain settings.

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  • Rapid development of large language models has led to an increase in texts that mix human-written and machine-generated content.
  • Detecting the boundary between these two parts of a text is a challenging problem that has not received much attention.
  • The researchers attempt to address this gap by adapting state-of-the-art artificial text detection classifiers to the boundary detection setting.
  • They use the Real or Fake text benchmark, which contains short texts on various topics generated by different language models, to deeply examine the robustness of all detectors.

Plain English Explanation

As language models like GPT-3 become more advanced, it's becoming easier for computers to generate human-like text. This means that people are increasingly encountering online content that starts off written by a person but then transitions into text generated by a machine. Identifying exactly where this transition happens, known as the "boundary" between human-written and machine-generated parts, is a difficult problem that hasn't been studied much.

The researchers in this paper tried to find ways to adapt existing AI systems that can detect whether text is real or fake (generated by a computer) to also be able to pinpoint the boundary between the human and machine-written sections. They used a special dataset called "Real or Fake" that contains short pieces of text on many different topics, some written by people and some generated by various language models. This allowed them to thoroughly test the boundary detection capabilities of their approaches across a wide range of content.

Technical Explanation

The researchers examined several techniques for adapting state-of-the-art artificial text detection classifiers, like the RoBERTa model, to perform boundary detection. They used the Real or Fake dataset, which contains short texts on topics like politics, science, and entertainment, some written by humans and others generated by different language models.

By testing the detectors on this diverse dataset, the researchers were able to deeply analyze their robustness in cross-domain and cross-model settings. They found that perplexity-based approaches, which look at how "surprised" a language model is by different parts of the text, tended to be more versatile than fine-tuning RoBERTa for the boundary detection task. The researchers also identified specific textual features that confuse the boundary detection algorithms and reduce their performance when applied to new domains.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough exploration of boundary detection techniques, but it acknowledges that more research is needed to improve performance, especially in challenging cross-domain scenarios. The authors mention that their findings are limited to the specific dataset and language models used, and that further testing on other benchmarks would be valuable.

One potential issue not discussed is the difficulty of obtaining high-quality datasets for training and evaluating boundary detection systems. Generating realistic mixed human-machine text at scale is a significant challenge. The researchers also do not delve into the societal implications of such technology, such as how it could be used to identify and mitigate the spread of "deepfakes" or other deceptive online content.


This paper takes an important step in advancing the field of boundary detection between human-written and machine-generated text. By rigorously testing several approaches on a diverse benchmark dataset, the researchers provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different techniques. Their findings suggest that perplexity-based methods may be more robust than fine-tuned classifiers, and highlight specific textual features that confuse current boundary detection algorithms.

As large language models become more capable, the need for reliable boundary detection will only grow. This research lays the groundwork for further advancements that could help ensure the integrity of online information and protect against the spread of deceptive content.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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