AI Risk Management Should Incorporate Both Safety and Security






Published 5/31/2024 by Xiangyu Qi, Yangsibo Huang, Yi Zeng, Edoardo Debenedetti, Jonas Geiping, Luxi He, Kaixuan Huang, Udari Madhushani, Vikash Sehwag, Weijia Shi and 15 others
AI Risk Management Should Incorporate Both Safety and Security


The exposure of security vulnerabilities in safety-aligned language models, e.g., susceptibility to adversarial attacks, has shed light on the intricate interplay between AI safety and AI security. Although the two disciplines now come together under the overarching goal of AI risk management, they have historically evolved separately, giving rise to differing perspectives. Therefore, in this paper, we advocate that stakeholders in AI risk management should be aware of the nuances, synergies, and interplay between safety and security, and unambiguously take into account the perspectives of both disciplines in order to devise mostly effective and holistic risk mitigation approaches. Unfortunately, this vision is often obfuscated, as the definitions of the basic concepts of safety and security themselves are often inconsistent and lack consensus across communities. With AI risk management being increasingly cross-disciplinary, this issue is particularly salient. In light of this conceptual challenge, we introduce a unified reference framework to clarify the differences and interplay between AI safety and AI security, aiming to facilitate a shared understanding and effective collaboration across communities.

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  • The paper discusses the importance of incorporating both safety and security considerations in AI risk management.
  • It presents a reference framework for comparing safety and security in AI systems, highlighting the key differences and similarities between the two.
  • The paper emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to AI risk management that addresses both safety and security concerns.

Plain English Explanation

The paper argues that when it comes to managing the risks of advanced AI systems, it's not enough to focus just on safety or just on security. Instead, AI risk management should incorporate both safety and security considerations.

Safety in this context refers to the system behaving as intended and avoiding unintended, potentially harmful consequences. For example, an autonomous vehicle should safely navigate roads without causing accidents. Security, on the other hand, is about protecting the system from external threats, like hackers trying to hijack or manipulate the system.

The paper provides a framework for comparing safety and security in AI systems. It highlights how they differ in terms of the types of failures they aim to prevent, the sources of those failures, and the approaches used to address them. Safety concerns often focus on the internal workings of the AI system, while security is more concerned with external threats.

However, the paper also notes that safety and security are interconnected. For instance, a security breach could undermine the safety of an AI system by allowing an attacker to take control and cause unintended harm. Conversely, safety issues like software bugs could create vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit.

The key point is that AI risk management needs to consider both safety and security in a holistic, comprehensive way. This helps ensure that AI systems are not only designed to behave safely, but also protected against malicious interference or exploitation.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a reference framework for comparing safety and security in AI systems. It establishes four key dimensions for this comparison: failure modes, failure sources, failure prevention approaches, and failure tolerance.

In terms of failure modes, the paper distinguishes between safety failures (unintended, harmful consequences) and security failures (successful attacks or exploits). Safety failures often stem from issues within the AI system itself, such as design flaws or training data biases. Security failures, on the other hand, are typically caused by external actors trying to manipulate or compromise the system.

The approaches used to prevent these failures also differ. Safety focuses on [techniques like robustness testing and formal verification to ensure the system behaves as intended. Security, meanwhile, relies more on methods like access control, encryption, and intrusion detection to protect the system from external threats.

The paper also highlights the distinction between failure tolerance for safety versus security. Safety-critical systems often have redundancies and fail-safes to ensure continued operation in the face of minor failures. Security-critical systems, in contrast, may be designed to completely shut down or enter a safe mode when a security breach is detected, even at the cost of temporary service disruption.

Overall, the framework presented in the paper underscores the need for AI risk management to consider both safety and security concerns in a comprehensive manner, as they are deeply intertwined.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of incorporating both safety and security considerations in AI risk management. It provides a well-structured framework for comparing the two, which can help researchers and practitioners better understand the nuances and interconnections between the two domains.

One potential limitation of the paper is that it does not delve deeply into the specific techniques or methodologies for addressing the safety and security challenges it identifies. While it highlights the high-level differences in the approaches used, the paper could have provided more concrete examples or case studies to illustrate how these concepts play out in practice.

Additionally, the paper could have discussed the potential trade-offs or tensions that may arise when trying to optimize for both safety and security simultaneously. In some cases, prioritizing one may come at the expense of the other, and the paper could have explored strategies for navigating these difficult decisions.

Furthermore, the paper could have acknowledged the inherent challenges and uncertainties involved in managing the risks of advanced AI systems. As the technology continues to evolve rapidly, new safety and security challenges are likely to emerge, requiring ongoing research and adaptation.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of AI risk management by emphasizing the need for a holistic approach that addresses both safety and security concerns. As the development of AI systems becomes increasingly complex, this framework can serve as a useful tool for researchers and practitioners to navigate the multifaceted challenges in this domain.


The paper argues that effective AI risk management must incorporate both safety and security considerations. It presents a reference framework for comparing the two, highlighting the key differences and similarities in terms of failure modes, failure sources, failure prevention approaches, and failure tolerance.

The paper emphasizes the deep interconnectedness between safety and security in AI systems, and the importance of adopting a holistic approach that addresses both concerns. By understanding the nuances of these two domains, researchers and practitioners can develop more robust and resilient AI systems that are not only designed to behave safely, but also protected against malicious interference or exploitation.

As the field of AI continues to evolve rapidly, the insights and framework provided in this paper can help guide the development of advanced AI systems that prioritize both safety and security, ultimately reducing the risks and potential harms associated with these powerful technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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