Analyzing Feed-Forward Blocks in Transformers through the Lens of Attention Maps






Published 4/16/2024 by Goro Kobayashi, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Sho Yokoi, Kentaro Inui



Transformers are ubiquitous in wide tasks. Interpreting their internals is a pivotal goal. Nevertheless, their particular components, feed-forward (FF) blocks, have typically been less analyzed despite their substantial parameter amounts. We analyze the input contextualization effects of FF blocks by rendering them in the attention maps as a human-friendly visualization scheme. Our experiments with both masked- and causal-language models reveal that FF networks modify the input contextualization to emphasize specific types of linguistic compositions. In addition, FF and its surrounding components tend to cancel out each other's effects, suggesting potential redundancy in the processing of the Transformer layer.

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  • Transformers are widely used in various AI tasks, but their internal components, such as feed-forward (FF) blocks, have received less attention despite their significant parameter counts.
  • This research analyzes the input contextualization effects of FF blocks by visualizing them in attention maps, a human-friendly approach.
  • The experiments with both masked- and causal-language models reveal that FF networks modify the input contextualization to emphasize specific types of linguistic compositions.
  • The study also suggests that FF and its surrounding components tend to cancel out each other's effects, hinting at potential redundancy in the processing of the Transformer layer.

Plain English Explanation

Transformers are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model that are used in a wide variety of tasks, such as natural language processing and computer vision. These models are made up of different components, including feed-forward (FF) blocks, which play a significant role in the model's performance.

In this research, the scientists wanted to better understand how the FF blocks in Transformers affect the way the model processes and understands the input information. They used a special visualization technique to "see" what the FF blocks are doing inside the model.

The researchers found that the FF blocks modify the way the Transformer model contextualizes, or understands, the input information. Specifically, the FF blocks seem to emphasize certain types of linguistic patterns or structures in the input data.

Additionally, the study suggests that the FF blocks and the other components in the Transformer layer tend to cancel out each other's effects. This could mean that there is some redundancy, or unnecessary duplication, in the way the Transformer layer processes the information.

Technical Explanation

The researchers analyzed the input contextualization effects of the feed-forward (FF) blocks in Transformer models by rendering them in attention maps, a visual representation that can be more easily interpreted by humans.

Their experiments were conducted on both masked-language models and causal-language models, which are two common types of Transformer-based language models. The results revealed that the FF networks modify the input contextualization, emphasizing specific linguistic compositions, such as particular grammatical structures or semantic relationships.

Moreover, the study found that the FF blocks and their surrounding components in the Transformer layer tend to cancel out each other's effects. This suggests a potential redundancy in the processing of the Transformer layer, where certain components may be duplicating or counteracting the work of others.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a novel and insightful approach to analyzing the inner workings of Transformer models, which are widely used in various AI applications. By visualizing the input contextualization effects of the FF blocks, the researchers offer a more user-friendly way to interpret the complex dynamics within these models.

However, the study is limited to the specific architectural choices and experimental setups used in the research. It would be valuable to explore the generalizability of these findings across a broader range of Transformer model architectures and tasks.

Additionally, while the paper suggests potential redundancy in the Transformer layer, further investigation is needed to fully understand the implications and practical consequences of this observation. It may be worthwhile to explore whether such redundancy can be leveraged to improve model efficiency or interpretability.


This research offers a unique perspective on understanding the internal components of Transformer models, focusing on the feed-forward (FF) blocks and their role in input contextualization. The study's findings suggest that the FF blocks play a significant part in shaping the way Transformers process and comprehend input data, emphasizing specific linguistic patterns.

The potential redundancy observed in the Transformer layer raises questions about the optimal design and utilization of these powerful models. As Transformer-based architectures continue to advance and find widespread adoption, studies like this one can contribute to a deeper understanding of these models, paving the way for more efficient and interpretable AI systems.

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