Analyzing Transport Policies in Developing Countries with ABM






Published 5/1/2024 by Kathleen Salazar-Serna, Lorena Cadavid, Carlos Franco
Analyzing Transport Policies in Developing Countries with ABM


Deciphering travel behavior and mode choices is a critical aspect of effective urban transportation system management, particularly in developing countries where unique socio-economic and cultural conditions complicate decision-making. Agent-based simulations offer a valuable tool for modeling transportation systems, enabling a nuanced understanding and policy impact evaluation. This work aims to shed light on the effects of transport policies and analyzes travel behavior by simulating agents making mode choices for their daily commutes. Agents gather information from the environment and their social network to assess the optimal transport option based on personal satisfaction criteria. Our findings, stemming from simulating a free-fare policy for public transit in a developing-country city, reveal a significant influence on decision-making, fostering public service use while positively influencing pollution levels, accident rates, and travel speed.

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  • This paper presents an agent-based simulation model to analyze the impact of transport policies in developing countries.
  • The model simulates the behavior of different types of agents, such as commuters, public transport operators, and policymakers, to explore how transport policies affect urban mobility patterns.
  • The researchers apply the model to a case study in a major city in a developing country to evaluate the effectiveness of various policy interventions.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a computer simulation to study how different transportation policies might affect people's travel habits in cities in developing countries. In the simulation, there are different "agents" that represent different groups, like commuters who need to get to work, public transportation providers, and policymakers who decide on transportation rules and investments.

The simulation allows the researchers to test out various transportation policies, such as building new roads or changing the cost of bus fares, and see how those policies impact things like how people choose to travel, the efficiency of the transportation system, and the accessibility of jobs and services for different groups of people.

By using this simulation approach, the researchers can experiment with different policy ideas without having to actually implement them in the real world first. This allows them to identify which transportation policies might be most effective at improving mobility and accessibility for the residents of developing cities, which often face unique transportation challenges compared to more developed cities.

Technical Explanation

The researchers developed an agent-based model (ABM) to simulate the transportation system in a developing city. The model includes several types of agents, such as:

  • Commuters who need to travel to work and other destinations
  • Public transport operators who provide bus and other transit services
  • Policymakers who make decisions about transportation infrastructure and regulations

The model simulates how these different agents interact and make decisions about travel mode, route, and departure time. It also incorporates factors like road networks, public transit schedules, and transportation costs.

The researchers applied the model to a case study city and evaluated the impacts of various transportation policies, such as:

  • Increasing the capacity and frequency of the public transit system
  • Introducing congestion pricing or other demand management strategies
  • Investing in new road infrastructure or improving existing roads

The simulation results allowed the researchers to assess how these policies would affect factors like overall travel time, accessibility of jobs and services, and equity of transportation access across different socioeconomic groups.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a useful framework for using agent-based simulation to analyze transportation policies in developing cities, which often face complex mobility challenges that are difficult to study using traditional modeling approaches.

However, the researchers acknowledge that the model relies on several simplifying assumptions and does not capture all the nuances of real-world transportation systems. For example, the model does not account for factors like travel mode choice behavior or the impact of informal transportation services.

Additionally, the case study application is limited to a single city, so the generalizability of the findings to other developing cities may be constrained. Further research is needed to validate the model's predictive capabilities and explore its applicability in diverse urban contexts.


This paper demonstrates the potential of agent-based simulation as a tool for analyzing transportation policies in developing cities. By modeling the complex interactions between different stakeholders and the transportation system, the researchers are able to provide insights into the likely impacts of various policy interventions.

While the model has some limitations, it represents a valuable step forward in using computational approaches to address the unique mobility challenges facing cities in the developing world. The findings from this research could inform policymakers and transportation planners as they work to improve urban accessibility and equity through strategic investments and regulatory changes.

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