The Audio-Visual Conversational Graph: From an Egocentric-Exocentric Perspective






Published 4/4/2024 by Wenqi Jia, Miao Liu, Hao Jiang, Ishwarya Ananthabhotla, James M. Rehg, Vamsi Krishna Ithapu, Ruohan Gao
The Audio-Visual Conversational Graph: From an Egocentric-Exocentric Perspective


In recent years, the thriving development of research related to egocentric videos has provided a unique perspective for the study of conversational interactions, where both visual and audio signals play a crucial role. While most prior work focus on learning about behaviors that directly involve the camera wearer, we introduce the Ego-Exocentric Conversational Graph Prediction problem, marking the first attempt to infer exocentric conversational interactions from egocentric videos. We propose a unified multi-modal framework -- Audio-Visual Conversational Attention (AV-CONV), for the joint prediction of conversation behaviors -- speaking and listening -- for both the camera wearer as well as all other social partners present in the egocentric video. Specifically, we adopt the self-attention mechanism to model the representations across-time, across-subjects, and across-modalities. To validate our method, we conduct experiments on a challenging egocentric video dataset that includes multi-speaker and multi-conversation scenarios. Our results demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared to a series of baselines. We also present detailed ablation studies to assess the contribution of each component in our model. Check our project page at

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  • This paper introduces the "Audio-Visual Conversational Graph" - a framework for analyzing multi-modal conversations from both an egocentric (participant) and exocentric (observer) perspective.
  • The approach aims to capture the complex interactions and dynamics within conversations by representing them as a graph structure with audio-visual cues.
  • The authors demonstrate how this framework can be used to gain insights into conversational behaviors and dynamics.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new way of analyzing conversations that happen in the real world. Conversations involve not just the words people say, but also things like their body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. The researchers created a system that can capture all of these different aspects of a conversation and represent them visually as a "graph."

This graph shows how the participants in a conversation are interacting with each other, both from their own perspective (egocentric) and from an outside observer's perspective (exocentric). By looking at the graph, the researchers can get a better understanding of the dynamics and flow of the conversation.

For example, the graph might show that one person is doing most of the talking, while others are mostly listening. Or it could reveal subtle cues, like one person frequently nodding or making eye contact with another. These insights can be useful for applications like improving communication skills, analyzing business meetings, or even understanding social dynamics.

Technical Explanation

The key components of the Audio-Visual Conversational Graph framework are:

  1. Audio-Visual Cues: The system captures a range of audio-visual signals from the conversation, including speech, gaze, head pose, and body posture. These cues are extracted using computer vision and audio processing techniques.

  2. Egocentric and Exocentric Perspectives: The framework represents the conversation from both the perspective of each individual participant (egocentric) and an external observer (exocentric). This allows analysis of the conversation at both the individual and group levels.

  3. Graph Representation: The audio-visual cues are used to construct a dynamic graph structure, where nodes represent the conversation participants and edges capture the interactions between them over time. The edge weights and dynamics reflect the strength and patterns of the audio-visual interactions.

  4. Graph Analysis: The researchers demonstrate how various graph-based analysis techniques can be applied to the conversational graph to gain insights, such as identifying dominant speakers, detecting engagement patterns, and characterizing the overall conversational dynamics.

The paper validates the framework through experiments on both simulated and real-world conversational datasets, showing its ability to capture meaningful patterns that align with human observations.

Critical Analysis

The audio-visual conversational graph framework proposed in this paper is a novel and promising approach for analyzing complex multi-modal interactions. By jointly considering audio and visual cues, and representing the conversation from multiple perspectives, the framework provides a more comprehensive understanding of conversational dynamics compared to approaches that focus on a single modality or perspective.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For instance, the framework currently relies on accurate extraction of audio-visual signals, which can be challenging in real-world settings with noise, occlusions, and varying environmental conditions. Exploring the robustness of the framework to these factors would be an important next step.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on demonstrating the feasibility and potential of the approach, but does not delve deeply into the practical applications and implications. Further research could investigate how the insights gained from the conversational graph analysis can be leveraged to improve communication, collaboration, and social understanding in various domains.


The Audio-Visual Conversational Graph presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of conversation analysis. By capturing the rich audio-visual cues of a conversation and representing them in a graph structure, the framework enables a more holistic and nuanced understanding of conversational dynamics.

The ability to analyze conversations from both egocentric and exocentric perspectives opens up new avenues for applications in areas such as communication skills training, meeting analysis, and social interaction understanding. As the framework is further refined and tested in real-world settings, it has the potential to become a powerful tool for enhancing human-to-human and human-to-machine interactions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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