Learning Spatial Features from Audio-Visual Correspondence in Egocentric Videos






Published 5/7/2024 by Sagnik Majumder, Ziad Al-Halah, Kristen Grauman
Learning Spatial Features from Audio-Visual Correspondence in Egocentric Videos


We propose a self-supervised method for learning representations based on spatial audio-visual correspondences in egocentric videos. Our method uses a masked auto-encoding framework to synthesize masked binaural (multi-channel) audio through the synergy of audio and vision, thereby learning useful spatial relationships between the two modalities. We use our pretrained features to tackle two downstream video tasks requiring spatial understanding in social scenarios: active speaker detection and spatial audio denoising. Through extensive experiments, we show that our features are generic enough to improve over multiple state-of-the-art baselines on both tasks on two challenging egocentric video datasets that offer binaural audio, EgoCom and EasyCom. Project: http://vision.cs.utexas.edu/projects/ego_av_corr.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to learning spatial features from the correspondence between audio and visual cues in egocentric videos.
  • The proposed method leverages the inherent synchronization between sound and visual events to learn a robust representation of the spatial layout of the environment.
  • This research builds upon previous work on audio-visual correspondence in egocentric videos and learning how actions sound.

Plain English Explanation

When we watch videos from a first-person perspective (like those captured by a camera on someone's head), the sounds and visual cues are naturally synchronized. For example, if someone is walking, the sound of their footsteps will match up with the movement of their legs in the video. The researchers in this paper found a way to use this connection between sound and vision to learn about the spatial layout of the environment.

By training a machine learning model to recognize the relationships between audio and visual features in the egocentric videos, the researchers were able to extract information about the 3D structure of the scene. This could be useful for applications like text-guided visual sound source localization or unified audio-visual perception.

The key insight is that the synchronization between sound and vision provides a natural "label" for learning about the spatial layout, without the need for additional human annotations. This allows the model to learn these spatial features in a more scalable and efficient way compared to other approaches that require more manual effort.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel self-supervised learning framework to extract spatial features from egocentric videos by exploiting the audio-visual correspondence. The core idea is to leverage the inherent synchronization between sound and visual events to learn a robust representation of the 3D spatial layout of the environment.

The proposed method consists of two main components:

  1. Audio-Visual Encoder: This module takes in the video and audio streams and learns a joint embedding that captures the correspondence between the two modalities.
  2. Spatial Prediction Head: This component uses the learned audio-visual features to predict the 3D spatial location of objects and surfaces in the scene.

The training process involves minimizing a contrastive loss that encourages the model to associate the correct audio-visual pairs while pushing apart unrelated ones. This allows the audio-visual encoder to learn meaningful correspondences between the two modalities.

The learned spatial features were evaluated on various downstream tasks, including video object segmentation and depth estimation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the approach in capturing the 3D structure of the environment.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to leveraging audio-visual correspondence for learning spatial features in egocentric videos. The key strength of the method is its ability to learn these spatial representations in a self-supervised manner, without the need for manual 3D annotations or complex sensor setups.

However, the paper does mention some limitations of the current approach. For instance, the model may struggle to generalize to scenarios with significant audio-visual asynchrony, such as videos with heavy editing or post-production. Additionally, the spatial prediction accuracy could be further improved by incorporating more advanced architectural designs or incorporating additional cues (e.g., object segmentation, motion patterns).

An interesting direction for future research would be to explore how the learned spatial features could be used to enable multimodal perception for tasks like audio-visual event localization or action recognition. Integrating the spatial understanding with other modalities could lead to more holistic and robust scene understanding capabilities.


This paper presents a novel self-supervised approach to learning spatial features from the audio-visual correspondence in egocentric videos. By exploiting the inherent synchronization between sound and vision, the proposed method can extract a robust representation of the 3D spatial layout without the need for manual annotations.

The learned spatial features have shown promising results on various downstream tasks, highlighting their potential to enable more advanced multimodal perception capabilities. While the current approach has some limitations, the research demonstrates the value of leveraging audio-visual cues for scene understanding, opening up exciting avenues for future work in this direction.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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