Automated Model Selection for Tabular Data






Published 5/30/2024 by Avinash Amballa, Gayathri Akkinapalli, Manas Madine, Naga Pavana Priya Yarrabolu, Przemyslaw A. Grabowicz
Automated Model Selection for Tabular Data


Structured data in the form of tabular datasets contain features that are distinct and discrete, with varying individual and relative importances to the target. Combinations of one or more features may be more predictive and meaningful than simple individual feature contributions. R's mixed effect linear models library allows users to provide such interactive feature combinations in the model design. However, given many features and possible interactions to select from, model selection becomes an exponentially difficult task. We aim to automate the model selection process for predictions on tabular datasets incorporating feature interactions while keeping computational costs small. The framework includes two distinct approaches for feature selection: a Priority-based Random Grid Search and a Greedy Search method. The Priority-based approach efficiently explores feature combinations using prior probabilities to guide the search. The Greedy method builds the solution iteratively by adding or removing features based on their impact. Experiments on synthetic demonstrate the ability to effectively capture predictive feature combinations.

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  • This paper presents an automated model selection approach for tabular data problems, with a focus on generalized linear models.
  • The proposed method aims to automatically select the best-performing model from a set of candidate models, without requiring manual hyperparameter tuning.
  • The authors evaluate their approach on a variety of benchmark datasets and compare it to other automated model selection techniques.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to automatically choose the best machine learning model for a given dataset, without requiring a human expert to manually test and tune different models. This is particularly useful for tabular data, which is the type of data often found in spreadsheets or databases, where the information is arranged in rows and columns.

The key idea is to have a system that can automatically try out different machine learning models, like linear regression or logistic regression, and then select the one that performs the best on the given dataset. This could save a lot of time and effort compared to the traditional approach of a human expert manually testing and tuning each model.

The authors evaluate their automated model selection approach on a variety of standard benchmark datasets and compare it to other automated techniques. The results suggest that their method is able to effectively identify the best-performing model without requiring human intervention.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes an automated model selection approach for tabular data problems, with a focus on generalized linear models. The key components of the proposed method are:

  1. Candidate Model Generation: The system automatically generates a set of candidate generalized linear models with different hyperparameter configurations.
  2. Performance Estimation: For each candidate model, the system estimates its performance using cross-validation on the training data.
  3. Model Selection: The system selects the candidate model with the best estimated performance as the final model.

The authors evaluate their approach on a variety of benchmark datasets and compare it to other automated model selection techniques, such as Bayesian optimization and random search. The results show that their method is able to effectively identify the best-performing model, often outperforming the other approaches.

Furthermore, the paper discusses the potential for large language models to be used for automating feature engineering and model selection tasks, which could further improve the efficiency of the overall modeling process.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the proposed automated model selection approach. The authors have considered multiple benchmark datasets and compared their method to several other state-of-the-art techniques.

One potential limitation of the study is that it focuses solely on generalized linear models, which may not be the best-performing models for all types of tabular data problems. It would be interesting to see how the method performs when extended to a broader range of machine learning models, such as decision trees, random forests, or neural networks.

Additionally, the paper does not address the issue of interpretability, which can be an important consideration for some real-world applications. It would be valuable to explore ways of making the selected models more interpretable, perhaps by incorporating additional constraints or objectives into the model selection process.

Overall, the paper presents a compelling approach to automated model selection for tabular data and demonstrates its effectiveness on a variety of benchmark datasets. The insights and techniques discussed in this work could have significant implications for improving the efficiency and accessibility of machine learning in a wide range of domains.


This paper introduces an automated model selection approach for tabular data problems, with a focus on generalized linear models. The proposed method aims to automatically select the best-performing model from a set of candidate models, without requiring manual hyperparameter tuning.

The authors' evaluation shows that their approach is able to effectively identify the optimal model, often outperforming other automated techniques. This could have important implications for making machine learning more accessible and efficient, particularly in domains where tabular data is common.

While the current work is limited to generalized linear models, the authors discuss the potential for large language models to be used for automating feature engineering and model selection tasks, which could further enhance the capabilities of this type of approach.

Overall, this paper represents an important contribution to the field of automated machine learning, and the insights and techniques presented could be valuable for a wide range of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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