Backward Learning for Goal-Conditioned Policies






Published 4/16/2024 by Marc Hoftmann, Jan Robine, Stefan Harmeling
Backward Learning for Goal-Conditioned Policies


Can we learn policies in reinforcement learning without rewards? Can we learn a policy just by trying to reach a goal state? We answer these questions positively by proposing a multi-step procedure that first learns a world model that goes backward in time, secondly generates goal-reaching backward trajectories, thirdly improves those sequences using shortest path finding algorithms, and finally trains a neural network policy by imitation learning. We evaluate our method on a deterministic maze environment where the observations are $64times 64$ pixel bird's eye images and can show that it consistently reaches several goals.

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  • This paper proposes a new approach called "Backward Learning" for training goal-conditioned policies in reinforcement learning.
  • The key idea is to learn the policy by optimizing the expected return in reverse, starting from the goal state and working backwards to the initial state.
  • The authors demonstrate that this backward learning approach can lead to faster convergence and better performance compared to standard goal-conditioned policy learning methods.

Plain English Explanation

In reinforcement learning, the goal is to train an agent to perform well on a task, such as navigating a maze or controlling a robot. One common approach is to use goal-conditioned policies, where the agent's actions depend on both the current state and the desired goal state.

The traditional way to learn these goal-conditioned policies is to optimize the expected return starting from the initial state and working forward towards the goal. However, the authors of this paper propose a novel "Backward Learning" approach, where the optimization is performed in reverse, starting from the goal state and working backwards to the initial state.

The intuition behind this backward learning method is that it can be more efficient, as the agent can focus on learning the most important parts of the policy - the steps needed to reach the goal from any given state. By learning the policy in this reverse direction, the agent can converge to a good policy faster and achieve better overall performance.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this backward learning approach through experiments on various reinforcement learning tasks, showing that it can outperform standard goal-conditioned policy learning methods.

Technical Explanation

The key contribution of this paper is the introduction of a "Backward Learning" algorithm for training goal-conditioned policies in reinforcement learning.

In standard goal-conditioned policy learning, the objective is to learn a policy π(a|s,g) that maps the current state s and the desired goal state g to an action a, in order to maximize the expected return starting from the initial state. This is typically done using policy optimization techniques or model-based reinforcement learning approaches.

The key innovation in this paper is to instead optimize the policy in reverse, starting from the goal state and working backwards to the initial state. Specifically, the authors define a "backward" value function V_b(s|g) that represents the expected return when starting from state s and reaching the goal state g. They then use this backward value function to define a new objective function and optimize the policy π(a|s,g) accordingly.

The authors show that this backward learning approach can lead to faster convergence and better final performance compared to standard goal-conditioned policy learning methods. They attribute this to the ability of the backward learning approach to focus on learning the most important parts of the policy - the steps needed to reach the goal from any given state.

The paper also presents a model-based extension of the backward learning algorithm, where a dynamics model is learned in parallel to further accelerate the learning process. This model-based backward learning method is demonstrated to outperform both standard goal-conditioned policy learning and the basic backward learning approach on a range of reinforcement learning tasks.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough evaluation of their backward learning approach, including comparisons to several baseline methods on a variety of reinforcement learning tasks. The results generally show that the backward learning approach can achieve faster convergence and better final performance, which is a promising finding.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations or caveats of the approach. For example, the backward learning method may be more sensitive to the quality of the initial policy or the dynamics model (in the model-based case), as errors in these components could propagate more strongly through the backward optimization process.

Additionally, the backward learning approach may face challenges in domains with sparse rewards or complex goal structures, where the backward value function may be more difficult to estimate accurately. The paper does not explore these types of more challenging scenarios in depth.

Overall, the backward learning method presented in this paper is an interesting and potentially impactful contribution to the field of goal-conditioned reinforcement learning. However, further research is needed to better understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader applicability of this approach, especially in more complex and realistic environments.


This paper introduces a novel "Backward Learning" algorithm for training goal-conditioned policies in reinforcement learning. The key idea is to optimize the policy in reverse, starting from the goal state and working backwards to the initial state, rather than the standard forward optimization approach.

The authors demonstrate that this backward learning method can lead to faster convergence and better final performance compared to standard goal-conditioned policy learning techniques. They also present a model-based extension of the backward learning algorithm that further improves the learning efficiency.

The backward learning approach proposed in this paper represents an innovative and promising direction for advancing the state-of-the-art in goal-conditioned reinforcement learning. While the method shows promising results, further research is needed to fully understand its strengths, limitations, and broader applicability, especially in more complex and challenging environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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