Base of RoPE Bounds Context Length






Published 5/24/2024 by Xin Men, Mingyu Xu, Bingning Wang, Qingyu Zhang, Hongyu Lin, Xianpei Han, Weipeng Chen



Position embedding is a core component of current Large Language Models (LLMs). Rotary position embedding (RoPE), a technique that encodes the position information with a rotation matrix, has been the de facto choice for position embedding in many LLMs, such as the Llama series. RoPE has been further utilized to extend long context capability, which is roughly based on adjusting the textit{base} parameter of RoPE to mitigate out-of-distribution (OOD) problems in position embedding. However, in this paper, we find that LLMs may obtain a superficial long-context ability based on the OOD theory. We revisit the role of RoPE in LLMs and propose a novel property of long-term decay, we derive that the textit{base of RoPE bounds context length}: there is an absolute lower bound for the base value to obtain certain context length capability. Our work reveals the relationship between context length and RoPE base both theoretically and empirically, which may shed light on future long context training.

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  • Large Language Models (LLMs) use position embedding as a core component, with Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE) being the de facto choice for many such as the Llama series.
  • RoPE has been used to extend the long context capability of LLMs by adjusting the "base" parameter, which is meant to mitigate out-of-distribution (OOD) problems in position embedding.
  • However, this paper finds that LLMs may obtain a superficial long-context ability based on the OOD theory, and revisits the role of RoPE in LLMs.
  • The paper proposes a novel property of long-term decay, and derives that the base of RoPE bounds context length: there is an absolute lower bound for the base value to obtain certain context length capability.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models, which are powerful AI systems that can generate human-like text, use a technique called position embedding to encode the position of words in a sentence. One of the most common ways to do this is with a method called Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE).

Researchers have found that adjusting a parameter in RoPE, called the "base," can help these language models handle longer contexts, or longer pieces of text. The idea is that this can mitigate issues that come up when the model encounters text that is very different from what it was trained on.

However, this new paper argues that the long-context ability gained this way may be more superficial than real. The researchers take a closer look at how RoPE works in these language models and find an interesting relationship between the base parameter and the maximum context length the model can handle.

Specifically, they show that there is a minimum value for the base that is required to achieve a certain level of long-context capability. This suggests that the way RoPE has been used to extend context length may have some fundamental limitations.

Technical Explanation

The paper first discusses how Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE) has become the de facto choice for position embedding in many large language models (LLMs), such as the Llama series. RoPE encodes position information using a rotation matrix.

Furthermore, RoPE has been utilized to extend the long context capability of LLMs, which is based on adjusting the "base" parameter of RoPE to mitigate out-of-distribution (OOD) problems in position embedding. The idea is that this can help the model handle longer pieces of text.

However, the paper finds that LLMs may actually obtain a superficial long-context ability based on this OOD theory. The researchers revisit the role of RoPE in LLMs and propose a novel property called "long-term decay." They derive that the base of RoPE actually bounds the context length: there is an absolute lower bound for the base value required to obtain a certain level of context length capability.

The paper explores this relationship between context length and the RoPE base, both theoretically and empirically. This sheds light on the limitations of the current approaches to extending long-context ability in language models.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises an important critique of the common practice of using RoPE to extend the long-context capability of LLMs. While adjusting the base parameter of RoPE has been a popular method, the authors show that this may not be as effective as previously thought.

One key limitation is the existence of an absolute lower bound for the RoPE base that is required to achieve a certain level of long-context performance. This suggests that there are fundamental constraints on how far this technique can be pushed to improve long-range dependencies in language models.

Additionally, the finding that LLMs may be obtaining a "superficial" long-context ability is concerning and warrants further investigation. It raises questions about the true underlying capabilities of these models when it comes to handling long-range context.

The paper could have delved deeper into the potential implications of these findings for the development of more robust and generalizable language models. It would also be interesting to see the authors explore alternative position encoding methods, such as CAPE or approaches without position encoding, and how they compare to the limitations of RoPE identified in this work.

Overall, this paper presents an important critique of a widely used technique in the field of large language models. The insights it provides should encourage the research community to think more critically about the underlying mechanisms and limitations of position encoding methods.


This paper challenges the common practice of using Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE) to extend the long-context capability of large language models (LLMs). The researchers find that the adjustments made to the RoPE "base" parameter may only provide a superficial improvement, and that there are fundamental constraints on how much context length can be achieved this way.

Specifically, the paper derives that the base of RoPE actually bounds the context length, with an absolute lower bound required to obtain a certain level of long-range performance. This suggests that the current approaches to extending long-context ability in LLMs may have inherent limitations.

These findings could have significant implications for the development of more robust and generalizable language models that can truly handle long-range dependencies in text. The paper encourages the research community to re-evaluate the role of position encoding methods like RoPE and explore alternative techniques that may be better suited for leveraging long-term context.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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