BIVDiff: A Training-Free Framework for General-Purpose Video Synthesis via Bridging Image and Video Diffusion Models






Published 4/10/2024 by Fengyuan Shi, Jiaxi Gu, Hang Xu, Songcen Xu, Wei Zhang, Limin Wang



Diffusion models have made tremendous progress in text-driven image and video generation. Now text-to-image foundation models are widely applied to various downstream image synthesis tasks, such as controllable image generation and image editing, while downstream video synthesis tasks are less explored for several reasons. First, it requires huge memory and computation overhead to train a video generation foundation model. Even with video foundation models, additional costly training is still required for downstream video synthesis tasks. Second, although some works extend image diffusion models into videos in a training-free manner, temporal consistency cannot be well preserved. Finally, these adaption methods are specifically designed for one task and fail to generalize to different tasks. To mitigate these issues, we propose a training-free general-purpose video synthesis framework, coined as {bf BIVDiff}, via bridging specific image diffusion models and general text-to-video foundation diffusion models. Specifically, we first use a specific image diffusion model (e.g., ControlNet and Instruct Pix2Pix) for frame-wise video generation, then perform Mixed Inversion on the generated video, and finally input the inverted latents into the video diffusion models (e.g., VidRD and ZeroScope) for temporal smoothing. This decoupled framework enables flexible image model selection for different purposes with strong task generalization and high efficiency. To validate the effectiveness and general use of BIVDiff, we perform a wide range of video synthesis tasks, including controllable video generation, video editing, video inpainting, and outpainting.

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  • Diffusion models have made significant progress in text-driven image and video generation.
  • Text-to-image foundation models are widely used for various image synthesis tasks, while video synthesis tasks are less explored.
  • There are several challenges in developing video synthesis models, including high memory and computation requirements, difficulty in preserving temporal consistency, and lack of generalization.
  • To address these issues, the paper proposes a training-free general-purpose video synthesis framework, called BIVDiff, which bridges specific image diffusion models and general text-to-video foundation diffusion models.

Plain English Explanation

Diffusion models are a type of AI model that can generate images and videos based on text descriptions. These models have made impressive progress, allowing users to create images just by describing what they want to see.

However, while text-to-image models are widely used for various image editing and generation tasks, video synthesis tasks are less explored. This is because training a video generation model requires a lot of memory and computing power, and it can be challenging to ensure the generated videos have smooth, consistent movement over time.

To address these issues, the researchers propose a new framework called BIVDiff. This framework combines specific image diffusion models, which are good at generating individual frames, with general text-to-video diffusion models, which can smooth out the transitions between frames to create fluid, coherent videos.

The key idea is to first use a specialized image model to generate each frame of the video, and then pass those frames through a video diffusion model to refine the transitions and make the whole video look more natural. This decoupled approach allows for more flexibility in choosing the right image model for the task, while still benefiting from the video smoothing capabilities of the text-to-video model.

The researchers show that BIVDiff can be used for a variety of video synthesis tasks, such as generating controllable videos, editing existing videos, and even "inpainting" or "outpainting" videos (adding or removing content). By bridging the gap between image and video diffusion models, BIVDiff offers a general-purpose, efficient solution for a wide range of video generation and manipulation tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a training-free general-purpose video synthesis framework called BIVDiff, which bridges specific image diffusion models and general text-to-video foundation diffusion models.

Specifically, the BIVDiff framework first uses a specific image diffusion model (e.g., ControlNet or Instruct Pix2Pix) to generate individual video frames. Then, it performs a process called "Mixed Inversion" on the generated video, which aligns the latent representations of the frames. Finally, the inverted latents are input into a video diffusion model (e.g., VidRD or [ZeroScope]) for temporal smoothing.

This decoupled approach offers several advantages:

  1. Flexible Image Model Selection: The framework allows users to choose the most appropriate image diffusion model for their specific task, without being constrained by the capabilities of a single, pre-trained video generation model.
  2. Strong Task Generalization: By separating the image generation and video smoothing components, the framework can be applied to a wide range of video synthesis tasks, such as controllable video generation, video editing, inpainting, and outpainting.
  3. High Efficiency: The training-free nature of the framework means it can be applied to generate videos without the need for costly additional training, which is often required for adapting video synthesis models to specific tasks.

To validate the effectiveness and versatility of BIVDiff, the researchers evaluate it on a variety of video synthesis tasks, demonstrating its ability to generate high-quality, temporally consistent videos with flexible control and editing capabilities.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to address the challenges of video synthesis using diffusion models. The key strength of the BIVDiff framework is its flexibility and generalization, which allows it to be applied to a wide range of video synthesis tasks without the need for task-specific training.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed comparison of BIVDiff's performance against existing state-of-the-art video synthesis methods. While the framework's training-free and flexible nature are compelling, it would be valuable to understand how it performs relative to other approaches in terms of metrics like video quality, temporal consistency, and task-specific performance.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential limitations or failure cases of the BIVDiff framework. For example, it would be helpful to understand the types of videos or tasks where the framework may struggle, or the potential limitations of the image diffusion models and video diffusion models used in the decoupled approach.

Overall, the BIVDiff framework presents an interesting and promising direction for advancing video synthesis capabilities, but further research and evaluation would be needed to fully assess its strengths, weaknesses, and potential impact on the field.


The paper introduces a training-free general-purpose video synthesis framework called BIVDiff, which bridges the gap between specific image diffusion models and general text-to-video foundation diffusion models. By decoupling the image generation and video smoothing components, BIVDiff offers a flexible and efficient approach to a wide range of video synthesis tasks, including controllable video generation, video editing, inpainting, and outpainting.

The key innovation of the BIVDiff framework is its ability to leverage the strengths of both specialized image diffusion models and general text-to-video diffusion models, without the need for costly additional training. This approach allows for greater flexibility in model selection and task generalization, making it a potentially valuable tool for researchers and developers working on advancing video synthesis capabilities.

While the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of BIVDiff, further research and evaluation would be needed to fully understand its limitations and potential impact on the field of video generation and manipulation. Nonetheless, the BIVDiff framework represents an important step forward in bridging the gap between image and video diffusion models, and its training-free, general-purpose nature could have significant implications for the future of video synthesis technology.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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